A library of helper functions for creating common JSON LD schemas. These are intended to be used in Nuxt.js projects.
yarn add @bkwld/json-ld-formatters
Here's how you would use this in a typical Cloak page component.
<!-- pages/_article.vue -->
<script lang='coffee'>
import pageMixin from '@bkwld/cloak/mixins/page'
import { makeJsonLdArticleTag } from '@bkwld/json-ld-formatters'
export default
# Add Cloak's pageMixin to the example. This isn't necessary, but I think
# it useful to show how you would use @buildHead to mash up other meta / SEO
# data with this
mixins: [ pageMixin ]
# Here's where the use the formatter
head: -> {
title: @page.marqueeTitle
script: [ makeJsonLdArticleTag
title: @page.marqueeTitle
image: @page.image
publishedAt: new Date @page.dateCreated
updatedAt: new Date @page.dateUpdated
author: 'Bukwild'
# Showing an example of fetching page data
asyncData: ({ app, route }) ->
page = await app.$service.getPageData route.params.article
return { page }
Read the source code for the available formatters and their expected properties.