Botpress SDK
Official Botpress SDK for TypeScript. Made for building bots and integrations as code.
npm install --save @botpress/sdk
yarn add @botpress/sdk
pnpm add @botpress/sdk
- First, write your bot in a TypeScript file. For example,
import { Bot, messages } from '@botpress/sdk'
const bot = new Bot({})
bot.message('', async ({ message, client, ctx }) => {'Received message', message)
await client.createMessage({
conversationId: message.conversationId,
userId: ctx.botId,
tags: {},
type: 'text',
payload: {
text: `I'm a stub bot. You said: ${message.payload.text}`,
console.log('text message sent')
export default bot
- Then, you can run it locally:
bp serve --entry-point ./src/index.ts
ts-node -e "import bot from './src'; void bot.serve()"
- Or, you can bundle it and deploy it to Botpress Cloud:
bp deploy --entry-point ./src/index.ts
esbuild --bundle --target=es2019 --platform=node --format=cjs --outfile=bundle.js ./src/index.ts
code=$(cat bundle.js)