Vue Flow 🌊

Vue Flow: A highly customizable Vue3 Flowchart component.
With Vue Flow you can build your own, customized node-based applications like static diagrams or even more complex and
interactive editors!
You can find a detailed explanation on how to get started in the documentation or check
the examples.
If you want to see how it's used with Nuxt3, check out the docs repo!
⭐️ Features
👶 Easy to use: Seamless zooming & panning behaviour and single and multi-selections of
🎨 Customizable: Different and edge types and support for custom nodes with multiple handles and custom edges
🚀 Fast rendering: Only nodes that have changed are re-rendered and only those that are in the viewport are displayed (optionally)
🧲 Utils: Snap-to-grid and graph helper functions
📦 Additional Components:
🖼 Background
🧭 Minimap
🕹 Controls
🦾 Fully written in TypeScript
🛠 Setup
$ npm i @braks/vue-flow
$ yarn add @braks/vue-flow
🎮 Quickstart
<Flow :elements="elements"></Flow>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Flow, Elements } from '@braks/vue-flow'
const elements = ref<Elements>([
id: '1',
data: {
label: 'This is a <strong>default node</strong>',
position: { x: 100, y: 100 },
▸ Vue 2
This library doesn't work with Vue2.
🧪 Development
$ yarn dev
$ yarn build
💝 Credit
Thanks to webkid for creating React Flow! Without their work this would've been impossible for me.