iBillBoard Ads loading library
Drupal 8 module for bbelements ads printing with own branding solution.
Read article about it here: Using of Asynchronous codes.
Still under development.
How it works?
You just need create blocks with markdown like this:
<div id="05500400-3893-4623-a661-46a6e32d9a24" data-bbelements-id="248828.1.2.9"></div>
- `id` of <div> must be unique, good for it is block uuid
- `data-bbelements-id` is unique identificator of advertising in bbelements system
javascript will inspect DOM of page and find all positions with these ids and will make request to adserver. Ads will be printed from system.
Google Tag Manager settings
Import this container JSON file to your GTM account, see more here.
- Download JSON
- Rename
to your GA code in this file - Admin => Import Container
- Choose container file (what you download from here)
- Choose workspace: Existing => (your workspace, probably Default)
- Choose an import options: Merge => Rename conflicting tags, triggers and variables
- View Detailed Changes
- Confirm
How can I use it without Drupal?
Sure! Easily..
yarn install @burdapraha/bbelements
or npm install @burdapraha/bbelements
<script src="//bbcdn-static.bbelements.com/scripts/ibb-async/stable/tag.js"></script>
<!-- this is example positions somewhere in page -->
<div id="ab" data-bbelements-id="248828.1.2.7"></div>
<div id="xy" data-bbelements-id="248828.1.2.8"></div>
<div id="zy" data-bbelements-id="248828.1.2.9"></div>
<!-- if you don't using branding, skip this lib -->
<script src="{{ your_assets_path }}/js/branding.js"></script>
<!-- core ads libs ->
<script src="{{ your_assets_path }}/js/ads.js"></script>
<script src="{{ your_assets_path }}/js/wrapper.js"></script>