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@cassette/core - npm Package Versions

published 2.0.0-beta.4 •



[v2.0.0-beta.4] - 2019-09-26

v2 is a huge update! And yes, there are breaking changes. If you're just trying to upgrade from v1, you can check the Changed and Removed sections.

These notes are on changes since the previous stable release (v1.5.0). For changes that have occurred between alpha/beta releases, check the release notes.

All updates are mentioned on a broad level, but it wouldn't make sense to explain all new and changed APIs in minute detail here, so be sure to read the docs.


  • The project has been renamed from react-responsive-audio-player to Cassette (#284, #291), and is now distributed in several packages (#292), so upgrading to version 2 will mean installing a new package or packages from npm. A simple upgrade will typically require only the @cassette/player package.
    • Previously the package had a default export (AudioPlayer). AudioPlayer has been renamed to MediaPlayer and is a named export from @cassette/player. So anything that previously looked like import AudioPlayer from 'react-responsive-audio-player' will become import { MediaPlayer } from '@cassette/player'.
    • MediaPlayer is the combination of two components: MediaPlayerControls from the @cassette/player package and PlayerContextProvider (#214) from the @cassette/core package. MediaPlayer doesn't accept any unique props of its own, but rather all the props accepted by MediaPlayerControls and PlayerContextProvider. Discussion of prop changes or additions since v1 in this changelog section pertain to one of those two components.
  • The audioElementRef prop to PlayerContextProvider/MediaPlayer has been renamed mediaElementRef (#284)
  • A few minor style tweaks and improvements have been made for the player UI (#69, #94), but things look overall the same when you upgrade. However HTML and CSS have been totally refactored and classes renamed for v2 so any CSS extensions you wrote for v1 will need to be recreated using the new stylesheets for v2. (#42, #81)
  • New/improved timestamp formatting in the default UI implementation from @cassette/player (#397)
  • Timestamp display always rounds down (#429).
  • When an end user begins seeking with a progress bar or similar, the default behavior (which can be configured) is now to update the currentTime immediately instead of waiting until the user releases the mouse. (#204)
  • Initiating a forward skip during playback of the last track in a playlist, when the cycle prop is false, no longer works - the action will be ignored and playback will continue. (#68)
  • Track duration is now reset to 0 when a new track is selected, then changes once metadata loads. To avoid this funny intermediate state, you should set the duration property on your tracks! (#372)
  • We no longer pause media when the stalled event fires (#166)
  • If a user tries to manually set the media src to something that isn't in the playlist, it will now be reset automatically to the previous state (#178)
  • Although things will still function without it, the isUnboundedStream property should be set on track objects that are indeed unbounded streams (e.g. radio) since one of our fixes means retrying media fetches that yield Infinity duration. Setting isUnboundedStream to true skips the refetch. (#373)
  • Now requires a peer dependency of React v16.3 or higher (#138)


  • The onMediaEvent prop is removed, since most of its use cases can be solved better now by using the PlayerContextProvider (#226)
    • mediaElementRef (previously called audioElementRef (#284)) still exists as an escape hatch
  • The cycle prop was removed. Use defaultRepeatStrategy instead, and any subsequent updates should be set via playerContext (since we would expect this setting to be changed as a result of an end user action) (#79)
  • Features deprecated in v1.x.x have now been totally removed:
    • The style prop to AudioPlayer (now MediaPlayer) is no longer accepted. Use styles on a container element, or CSS, instead.
    • Mutating and re-using playlist arrays no longer works as expected. Playlists should be shallow copied if they need to be modified. See this docs entry for more information. (#268)
    • The displayText property on a playlist track is removed in favor of the artist and title properties (also used by Media Session API) (#148).
      • If this isn't enough, you can pass the getDisplayText prop to MediaPlayer/MediaPlayerControls.
    • The hideBackSkip, hideForwardSkip and disableSeek props from AudioPlayer in v1.x.x are not available on MediaPlayer/MediaPlayerControls. Use the controls prop instead, which is more flexible.


  • Video (#206, #316) and fullscreen (#221) support!
    • New showVideo prop for MediaPlayer/MediaPlayerControls can be set true to activate a video display (#221)
    • Can pass custom video display implementation to MediaPlayer/MediaPlayerControls (#253)
    • Video display will show track album artwork for audio (#241)
  • React Context-based API exposes media state and callbacks and allows totally custom player UI implementation (#138, #208)
    • Besides what comes in the @cassette/core package, there is a @cassette/hooks package for those who prefer to work with React hooks (#361)
  • PlayerContextGroup can wrap multiple PlayerContextProvider/MediaPlayer instances to share configuration and prevent simultaneous audio playback (#219)
  • Several new control types for @cassette/player: volume (#72), mute (#257), repeat (#79), shuffle (#87), read-only progress (#60), fullscreen (#221)
  • Helper primitives for building custom UI (ProgressBar, ProgressBarDisplay, MaybeMarquee (#245), VideoDisplay) available from @cassette/components package (#292)
  • Keyboard navigation support for UI controls (#124, #396)
  • New controls prop functionality for MediaPlayerControls/MediaPlayer - previously in v1 controls supported a few control types as keywords, but in v2 several more built-in control keywords are supported, and custom controls can be implemented by passing in a function as a member of the controls array (#42)
  • New props for PlayerContextProvider, which can also be passed to MediaPlayer:
    • initialStateSnapshot and onStateSnapshot can be used to persist media player state and restore at load time later (#226)
    • loadFirstTrackOnPlaylistComplete can be set false to prevent a playlist from resetting on the first track when the playlist finishes (#42)
    • defaultVolume, defaultMuted, defaultPlaybackRate, startingTrackIndex (#61)
    • defaultRepeatStrategy (#79)
    • maintainPlaybackRate - can be set true in order to override the default browser behavior which resets the playback rate on every new track (#129)
    • seekMode - for specifying whether to pause, seek immediately, or continue playback and seek after release, when seeking with a progress bar (#204)
    • onActiveTrackUpdate callback prop (#76, #406)
    • onTrackPlaybackFailure callback prop (#356)
    • onTimeUpdate callback prop (#369)
  • Support for specifying multiple source audio files (e.g. ogg, mp3) for the same track (#178)
  • duration property supported on playlist track objects so the player can display nicely before media has finished loading (#372)
  • @cassette/player exports components for individual player controls now (#42, #231, #341)
  • SCSS and CSS stylesheets for individual control components are now shipped for @cassette/player, in case you want to include only a subset of CSS you know you'll use. (#42) (#73, #231)
  • A trackIndex can now be passed to a play/pause button in order to tie that button to a particular track in the playlist (#338)
  • A durationOverride can be set on a media progress bar if you're running a live stream or similar and have stream duration info that isn't available to the media element (#379)
  • The media title attribute is now set, and configurable, for system notifcation support on iOS (#344)
  • You can set a startingTime property on a track object if you need to restore currentTime from some previously recorded state (advanced use case) (#369)
  • You can now bring your own HTMLMediaElement implementation (#349)
  • You can now force the player to reload if something goes wrong with the network. (#426)


  • Prevent fullscreen player from opening automatically on iOS (#307)
  • Fix issue with undefined crossOrigin prop in Microsoft Edge (#368)
  • Proper time/progress display for unbounded streams e.g. radio (#377)
  • Address weird infinity duration bug on iOS (#373)
    • This fix means you should set the isUnboundedStream property on a playlist track if it is indeed an unbounded stream
published 2.0.0-beta.2 •

published 2.0.0-beta.1 •

published 2.0.0-beta.0 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.34 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.33 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.32 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.31 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.30 •

published 2.0.0-alpha.29 •