What is @chakra-ui/system?
@chakra-ui/system is a foundational package for building custom components in Chakra UI. It provides a set of utilities and hooks to create theme-aware, responsive, and accessible components with ease.
What are @chakra-ui/system's main functionalities?
The `useTheme` hook allows you to access the theme object, enabling you to create components that are consistent with your application's design system.
import { useTheme } from '@chakra-ui/system';
function ThemedComponent() {
const theme = useTheme();
return <div style={{ color: theme.colors.primary }}>Hello, Theme!</div>;
Responsive Styles
The `Box` component and responsive style props allow you to create components that adapt to different screen sizes easily.
import { Box } from '@chakra-ui/system';
function ResponsiveComponent() {
return (
width={{ base: '100%', md: '50%' }}
padding={{ base: '4', md: '8' }}
Responsive Box
Style Props
Style props enable you to apply CSS styles directly to components using a prop-based syntax, making it easier to style components without writing separate CSS files.
import { Box } from '@chakra-ui/system';
function StyledComponent() {
return <Box bg='tomato' w='100%' p={4} color='white'>Styled Box</Box>;
Custom Components
The `chakra` function allows you to create custom components with base styles and variants, making it easy to build reusable and consistent UI elements.
import { chakra } from '@chakra-ui/system';
const CustomButton = chakra('button', {
baseStyle: {
bg: 'blue.500',
color: 'white',
padding: '8px 16px',
borderRadius: '4px',
function App() {
return <CustomButton>Click Me</CustomButton>;
Other packages similar to @chakra-ui/system
Styled-components is a popular library for writing CSS-in-JS. It allows you to create styled React components with tagged template literals. Compared to @chakra-ui/system, styled-components offers more flexibility in defining styles but lacks built-in theming and responsive design utilities.
Emotion is another CSS-in-JS library that provides powerful and flexible styling capabilities. It offers both a styled API and a css function for writing styles. Emotion is similar to @chakra-ui/system in terms of flexibility but does not come with the same level of built-in theming and responsive design support.
Theme UI is a library for building themeable user interfaces based on constraint-based design principles. It provides a similar theming and styling system to @chakra-ui/system but is more focused on design constraints and scales. Theme UI is a good alternative if you prefer a more design-system-oriented approach.
Styled API for creating atomic, theme-aware component styling.
yarn add @chakra-ui/system
npm i @chakra-ui/system
In modern web development, we have lots of solutions and architectures that have
tried to unify how components are styled. We've seen CSS architectures like BEM,
SMACSS, etc, and frameworks like theme-ui, and Tailwind CSS.
While these solutions work great, we still think there is a sheer amount of work
required to create a fully customizable, theme-aware component.
Chakra Elements
Chakra provides enhanced JSX elements that can be styled directly via props, or
can accept the common sx
prop for custom styles.
We'll provide a chakra function, just like styled-components. Users can create
any component using the chakra.[element]
. The resulting component will be a
styled component and have all system props.
<chakra.button bg="green.200" _hover={{ bg: "green.300" }}>
Click me
<chakra.h1 fontSize="lg"> Heading </chakra.h1>
const Box = chakra.div
<Box as="h1">This is my box</Box>
const ChakraPowered = chakra(YourComponent)
<chakra.a as={Link} to="/home"> Click me</chakra.a>
Chakra Component API
A way to define themeable components in chakra. We believe most re-usable,
atomic components have the following modifiers:
- Size: It has different size variations (small, medium, large)
- Variant: It has different visual style (outline, solid, ghost)
- Color scheme (Optional): For a given variant, it can have several color
scheme. For example, an outline button with a red color scheme.
- Color mode (Optional): Components also change their visual styles based on the
user preferred color mode (light or dark)
Our goal with this component API is to design a common interface to style any
component given these characteristics. Here's how it works:
const theme = {
colors: {
green: {
light: "#dfdfdf",
normal: "#dfdfdf",
dark: "#d566Df",
darker: "#dfd56f"
blue: {}
components: {
Button: {
defaultProps: {
variant: "solid",
size: "md",
colorScheme: "blue"
variants: {
solid: props => ({
bg: `${props.colorScheme}.normal`,
color: "white",
outline: {
border: "2px",
borderColor: "green.normal"
sizes: {
sm: {
padding: 20,
fontSize: 12
md: {
padding: 40,
fontSize: 15
import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react"
const Button = chakra("button", { themeKey: "Button" })
<Button>Click me</Button>
<Button variant="outline" colorScheme="green">Click me</Button>