This package includes the types for the API to be used in web applications for communicating with the Concordium browser wallet. The API is injected into window.concordium
when it is ready.
The actual implementation of the wallet API can be found in the in the Concordium browser wallet repository.
See installing in repository root.
- Run
yarn build
in the package root, which will output into the folder "lib".
Using the API
The API is automatically injected into web applications if the Concordium browser wallet extension is installed in the browser. To get access to the API a helper function is provided by this package which can be used as follows:
import { detectConcordiumProvider } from '@concordium/browser-wallet-api-helpers';
.then((provider) => {
.then((accountAddress) => {
.catch(() => console.log('Connection to the Concordium browser wallet was rejected.'));
.catch(() => console.log('Connection to the Concordium browser wallet timed out.'));
Custom method for accessing the API
If you do not wish to use the provided utility function, then it is also possible to access the API directly on window.concordium
. If you do this, then it is your responsibility to make the necessary checks to determine if the API is ready to use. To get proper typing for this you need to update your global definitions for Window
import { WalletApi } from '@concordium/browser-wallet-api-helpers';
declare global {
interface Window {
concordium: WalletApi | undefined;
API instance methods
To request a connection to the wallet from the user, the connect
method has to be invoked. The method returns a Promise
resolving with information related to the most recently selected account, which has allowlisted the dApp, or rejecting if the request is rejected in the wallet. If the wallet is locked, then this call prompts the user to first unlock the wallet before accepting or rejecting the connection request.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const accountAddress = await provider.connect();
N.B. In the current version, if the dApp is already allowlisted, but not by the currently selected account, the returned account will not actually be the most recently selected account, but instead the oldest account that has allowlisted the dApp.
To get the most recently selected account, or to check whether the wallet is connected without using connect, the getMostRecentlySelectedAccount
can be invoked. The method returns a Promise
resolving with the address of the most recently selected account in the wallet, or with undefined if the wallet is locked or there are no connected accounts in the wallet.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const accountAddress = await provider.getMostRecentlySelectedAccount();
if (accountAddress) {
} else {
To request a connection to the wallet from the user, the requestAccounts
method has to be invoked. The method returns a Promise
resolving with the list of accounts
that the user has chosen to connect with. The list may be empty. Alternatively the promise will be rejecting if the request is rejected in the wallet. If the wallet is locked,
then this call prompts the user to first unlock the wallet before accepting or rejecting the request.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const accountAddresses = await provider.requestAccounts();
This can be invoked to get the genesis hash of the chain selected in the wallet. The method returns a Promise
, resolving with the genesis hash (as a hex string) of the selected chain, or undefined if the wallet is locked or has not been set up by the user.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const genesisHash = await provider.getSelectedChain();
N.B. In the current version, if the currently selected account has not allowlisted the dApp, the returned account will not actually be the most recently selected account, but instead the oldest account that has allowlisted the dApp.
To send a transaction, three arguments need to be provided: The account address for the account in the wallet that should sign the transaction, a transaction type and a corresponding payload. Invoking sendTransaction
returns a Promise
, which resolves with the transaction hash for the submitted transaction.
If the wallet is locked, or you have not connected with the wallet (or previously been allowlisted) or if the user rejects signing the transaction, the Promise
will reject.
The following exemplifies how to create a simple transfer of funds from one account to another. Please note that @concordium/web-sdk is used to provide the correct formats and types for the transaction payload.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const txHash = await provider.sendTransaction(
amount: new concordiumSDK.GtuAmount(1n),
toAddress: new concordiumSDK.AccountAddress('39bKAuC7sXCZQfo7DmVQTMbiUuBMQJ5bCfsS7sva1HvDnUXp13'),
In the case of a smart contract init/update, parameters for the specific function, a corresponding schema for serializing the parameters and the version of the schema can be defined.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const txHash = await provider.sendTransaction(
amount: new concordiumSDK.GtuAmount(1n),
contractAddress: {
index: 11n,
subindex: 0n,
receiveName: 'two-step-transfer.receive',
maxContractExecutionEnergy: 30000n,
RequestTransfer: ['1000', '1', '3Y1RLgi5pW3x96xZ7CiDiKsTL9huU92qn6mfxpebwmtkeku8ry'],
type: SchemaType.Module,
Note that the schema should specify whether it is for the parameter's specific type or for the entire module. To specify the different schema type:
const moduleSchema = {
type: SchemaType.Module,
value: ... // base64 string
const parameterSchema = {
type SchemaType.Parameter,
value: ... // base64 string
It is possible to sign arbitrary messages using the keys for an account stored in the wallet, by invoking the signMessage
method. The first parameter is the account to be used for signing the message. This method returns a Promise
resolving with a signature of the message.
If the wallet is locked, or you have not connected with the wallet (or previously been allowlisted) or if the user rejects signing the meesage, the Promise
will reject.
The message should be either a utf8 string or an object with the following fields:
- data: A hex string representing the bytes that should be signed.
- schema: A base64 string that represents a schema for the data field, and which can be used to deserialize the data into a JSON format. (For reference, the type of schema used here is the same that is used for smart contract types)
The following exemplifies requesting a signature of a message, where the message is a utf8 string:
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const signature = await provider.signMessage(
'This is a message to be signed'
The following exemplifies requesting a signature of a message, where the message is an object:
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const signature = await provider.signMessage('4MyVHYbRkAU6fqQsoSDzni6mrVz1KEvhDJoMVmDmrCgPBD8b7S', {
data: '00000b0000004120676f6f64206974656d00a4fbca84010000',
In this example the user will be shown:
"auction_state": {
"NotSoldYet": []
"end": "2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"highest_bidder": {
"None": []
"item": "A good item"
Add CIS-2 Tokens
It is possible to suggest CIS-2 tokens to be added to an account's display. This method returns a Promise
resolving with a list containing the ids of the tokens that were added.
If the wallet is locked, or you have not connected with the wallet (or previously been allowlisted) or if the user rejects signing the meesage, the Promise
will reject.
The following exemplifies requesting tokens with id AA and BB from the contract on index 1399, and subindex 0 to the account 2za2yAXbFiaB151oYqTteZfqiBzibHXizwjNbpdU8hodq9SfEk
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
await provider.addCIS2Tokens('2za2yAXbFiaB151oYqTteZfqiBzibHXizwjNbpdU8hodq9SfEk', ['AA', 'BB'], '1399', '0');
Add Web3Id Credentials
To add a Web3IdCredential, use the addWeb3IdCredential
The credential itself and the url for the metadata must be provided. In addition, the function takes a callback function that takes a DID for the credentialHolderId as input, and which should return the randomness used to create the commitments on the values/properties in the credential, and a proof (which can be a signature on the commitments and credentialHolderId) of the credential's validity. If the callback does not return a valid proof, the credential is not added to the wallet.
Note that the id fields of the credential are omitted, and added by the wallet itself, as they require the credentialHolderId.
// TODO link to help for how to create proof and randomness
provider.addWeb3IdCredential(credential, metadataUrl, async (id) => {
const randomness = createRandomness(attributes);
const proof = createCredentialProof(credential, id, randomness);
return { proof, randomness };
Request Verifiable Presentation for web3Id statements
It is possible to request a verifiable presentation for a given set of web3Id statements. The function takes 2 arguments. A challenge to ensure that the proof was not generated for a different context, and the statements to be proven. This method returns a Promise resolving with the verifiable presentation for the statements.
If the wallet is locked, or you have not connected with the wallet (or previously been allowlisted) or if the user rejects proving the statement, the Promise will reject.
The following exemplifies requesting a verifiable presentation for a statement named myIdStatement (To see how to create a statement check out our documentation) with a challenge of "12346789ABCD".
const statement = myIdStatement;
const challenge = '12346789ABCD';
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const verifiablePresentation = await provider.requestVerifiablePresentation(challenge, statement);
Account changed
An event is emitted when the selected account in the wallet is changed. An event is not emitted by the wallet when initially opening, only when the user
explicitly switches between accounts. The connect
method should be used to obtain the currently selected account when starting an interaction with the wallet.
Note that the event will not be received if the user changes to an account in the wallet that is not connected to your dApp.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
let selectedAccountAddress: string | undefined = undefined;
provider.on('accountChanged', (accountAddress) => (selectedAccountAddress = accountAddress);
Account disconnected
An event is emitted when dApp connection is disconnected by the user in the wallet. The disconnect
event is only emitted to the relevant dApp being disconnected. To either reconnect or get another
connected account a dApp should use the connect
method. This can be done either by having the user of the dApp manually press a connect button, or it can be done automatically based on the received disconnect event.
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
let selectedAccountAddress: string | undefined = undefined;
provider.on('accountDisconnected', (accountAddress) => {
selectedAccountAddress = undefined;
provider.connect().then((accountAddress) => (selectedAccountAddress = accountAddress));
Accessing the node through GRPC
The wallet API exposes a browser-wallet specific GRPC transport layer, which communicates with the concordium blockchain selected in the wallet. This can be used to construct a GRPC client, by installing the peer dependency @concordium/web-sdk
import { ConcordiumGRPCClient } from '@concordium/web-sdk/grpc';
const provider = await detectConcordiumProvider();
const client = new ConcordiumGRPCClient(provider.grpcTransport);
const accountInfo = await client.getAccountInfo(accountAddress);