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Smart contracts powering Connext's minimalist channel platform

  • 0.2.5-beta.17
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Vector Contracts

The contracts module contains the core solidity files that back Vector's security onchain.

Do not modify these contracts unless you know exactly what you are doing.


Developing and Running Tests

In ~/vector (root), run:

  • make contracts to build just the contracts & it's dependencies
  • make test-contracts to run the tests
  • make watch-contracts to test in watch-mode

Contract CLI

There are a few command line functions that allow you to easily deploy and interact with the contracts:


Powered by hardhat-deploy. Checks deployed contracts are up to date, and redeploys them if needed for a given chain. Will pull current addresses, and update information if needed, from the saved info in contracts/deployments

  • a/address-book: the address book path. Default is ./address-book.json
  • m/mnemonic: the mnemonic used to deploy the contracts (accounts[0]will be the deployer and owner of theTransferRegistry). Default is the vectordefault dev mnemonic:candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat
  • p/eth-provider: the provider url. Default is http://localhost:8545.
  • s/silent: a boolean indicating whether the command should execute with or without logs. Default is false.

From the ~/vector/modules/contracts directory:

hardhat deploy


Adds a new transfer definition to the TransferRegistry.

  • t/transfer-name: the name of the transfer to add (should be in the address-book). Default is HashlockTransfer
  • a/address-book: the address book path. Default is ./address-book.json
  • m/mnemonic: the mnemonic used to add registry (accounts[0] should be the deployer and owner of theTransferRegistry). Default is the vectordefault dev mnemonic:candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat
  • p/eth-provider: the provider url. Default is http://localhost:8545.
  • s/silent: a boolean indicating whether the command should execute with or without logs. Default is false.

From the ~/vector/modules/contracts directory:

dist/cli.js registerTransfer --address-book=/data/address-book.json --eth-provider "http://localhost:8545"


Displays the accounts used for contract testing, as well as current and recommended balance. Useful if testing contracts against a remote chain.

  • m/mnemonic: the mnemonic used to run the tests. Default is the vectordefault dev mnemonic: candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat

From the ~/vector/modules/contracts directory:

dist/cli.js display --mnemonic "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"

Contract Architecture

The contracts are structured as follows:


  • ChannelMastercopy is the primary contract used by Vector channels. It contains logic to handle depositing/withdrawing as well as to adjudicate a channel dispute. To save on the gas cost of repeatedly deploying the contract, we structure this contract as a singleton "Mastercopy" and deploy proxies per-channel.
  • ChannelFactory is a factory contract that deploys channel proxies to deterministically-generated addresses using the CREATE2 Ethereum opcode.
  • TransferDefinitions are conditional-transfer-specific logic that are used by both the offchain protocol and the onchain adjudicator to determine the outcome of a given transfer.

Principles and Assumptions

To simplify the implementation and support the required feature set, the contracts adopt the following principles/assumptions:

  1. Channels only have two participants, alice and bob. They are set and signed into the initial channel state when setting up the channel.
  2. Every channel update is accompanied by a single corresponding commitment. This commitment is a CoreChannelState that is signed by both channel participants.
  3. Depositing into a channel is asymmetric -- alice deposits by calling a depositAlice function. The responder simply sends funds to the contract. (This allows for very powerful end-user experiences).
  4. Updating the balance of the channel happens by create-ing and resolve-ing conditional transfers. Creating a transfer generates a CoreTransferState which gets hashed and added to the merkleRoot within the signed CoreChannelState for that update. Resolving a transfer removes the hash from the merkleRoot.
    • The consequence of this is that a channel can have an arbitrary number of unresolved transfers without changing anything about how the channel is disputed.
  5. Transfers can only be resolved by the receiver of that transfer.
  6. Transfers are generalized: any arbitrary conditionality can be attached to a resolve update. This happens through a transferDefinition, a pure or view contract of the following interface which outputs a final balance post-transfer:
struct RegisteredTransfer {
    string name;
    address definition;
    string stateEncoding;
    string resolverEncoding;

interface ITransferDefinition {
    // Validates the initial state of the transfer.
    // Called by validator.ts during `create` updates.
    function create(bytes calldata encodedBalance, bytes calldata)
        returns (bool);

    // Performs a state transition to resolve a transfer and returns final balances.
    // Called by validator.ts during `resolve` updates.
    function resolve(
        bytes calldata encodedBalance,
        bytes calldata,
        bytes calldata
    ) external view returns (Balance memory);

    // Returns encodings, name, and address of the transfer definition so the protocol
    // can be unopinionated about the transfers
    function getRegistryInformation()
        returns (RegisteredTransfer memory);

  1. Transfers are single-turn: they follow a strict create->resolve flow. However, because they are generalized, it is possible to construct transfers with many intermediary states so long as those states are independently resolveable (i.e. so long as at any point the receiver of the transfer can resolve to get a final balance).
  2. Withdrawing from the channel happens by constructing a mutually signed commitment to execute an arbitrary transaction from the contract. This can happen trustlessly using create and resolve.
  3. Disputing a channel/transfer happens in two phases: (1) consensus phase which sets the latest state onchain (by calling disputeChannel), (2) defund phase which allows users to withdraw disputed channel or transfer funds (by calling defundChannel() or disputeTransfer()/defundTransfer(), respectively.
  4. After the dispute ends, the onchain channel contract resumes a "happy" state. This means both parties can continue signing commitments at a higher nonce and resume normal channel operations. They also retain the ability to dispute again in case further offchain coordination cannot be reached.


The core purpose of any state channel protocol is to produce one or more commitments that represent a user's ability to remove funds from a two of two onchain multisig in the event offchain coordination breaks down. This means commitments are the primary interface between the onchain contracts (which manage rare channel failure cases i.e. disputes) and the offchain protocol (used 99% of the time).

There are two types of commitments in Vector:

  • ChannelCommitment: a signature on the CoreChannelState, which ensures the channel and every unresolved transfer in a channel is disputable
  • WithdrawCommitment: a signature on the data used in cooperative withdrawals from the multisig


A new ChannelCommitment is generated for every channel state that increments the nonce, ensuring the latest state may always be safely disputed.

struct Balance {
    uint256[2] amount; // [alice, bob] in channel, [initiator, responder] in transfer
    address payable[2] to; // [alice, bob] in channel, [initiator, responder] in transfer

struct CoreChannelState {
    address channelAddress;
    address alice; // High fidelity participant
    address bob; // Low fidelity participant
    address[] assetIds;
    Balance[] balances; // Ordered by assetId
    uint256[] processedDepositsA; // Ordered by assetId
    uint256[] processedDepositsB; // Ordered by assetId
    uint256[] defundNonces; // Ordered by assetId
    uint256 timeout;
    uint256 nonce;
    bytes32 merkleRoot; // Tree is made of hashes of unresolved transfers

Despite not being a "real" commitment, the CoreTransferState is a part of the merkle root in the channel state. Thus it's security is enforced using both peers' signatures on the above.

struct CoreTransferState {
    address channelAddress;
    bytes32 transferId;
    address transferDefinition;
    address initiator;
    address responder;
    address assetId;
    Balance balance;
    uint256 transferTimeout;
    bytes32 initialStateHash;


A new WithdrawCommitment is generated whenever a Withdraw transfer is resolved, and are the signatures of both channel participants on the WithdrawData, or the data needed to execute the cooperative withdrawal from the channel multisig:

struct WithdrawData {
    address channelAddress;
    address assetId;
    address payable recipient;
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 nonce;
    address callTo;
    bytes callData;

Once a withdrawal is resolved, the balance to be withdrawn is removed from the CoreChannelState, and the commitment may be submitted to chain at any point to remove funds from the channel multisig. See the withdraw writeup for more details on this process.

ChannelFactory and CREATE2

Vector uses a proxy pattern and the CREATE2 opcode to optimize onboarding UX for new channels. This means that participants can derive a channelAddress deterministically and independently as part of setting up a channel (and, in Bob's case, depositing to it). At some point later (decoupled from onboarding flow), either participant can then call ChannelFactory.createChannel to deploy their channel proxy.

To properly protect against replay attacks across chains or discrete networks, the channelAddress MUST be globally unique. We additionally include channelAddress as part of the channel state, and as a part of the derivation for transferId to properly domain-separate signed calldata as well.

Deriving channelAddress uses the following CREATE2 salt:

function generateSalt(address alice, address bob)
    returns (bytes32)
    return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(alice, bob, getChainId()));

where the chainId is either pulled from the opcode directly, or initialized with the deployment of the ChannelFactory. The optional setting of the chainId on construction is used to cover the edgecases where chains do not properly implement the chainId opcode (i.e. ganache).

Dispute Flow

The dispute flow works as follows:

  1. A party calls disputeChannel() passing in their latest state. This begins the consensus phase of the dispute game. The counterparty has the ability to respond with a higher-nonced state within the phase. Note that for now we just wait out the entire phase, but it would be possible to implement a shortcut where if both parties submit updates then the phase can be skipped.
    • Also note that once a dispute has been initiated, the channel should be considered halted. Neither party should make or accept offchain updates during this time.
  2. After the consensus phase is complete, the latest state of the channel is available onchain, including the latest merkleRoot of all active transfers. Then, the defund phase of the dispute game begins.
  3. During the defund phase, either party may call defundChannel() to withdraw all assets from the channel (for both parties).
  4. It is also possible for either party to dispute transfers directly during the defund phase. The process for this looks somewhat similar to disputing channels. First, parties call disputeTransfer() which starts a timeout window within which the transfer state must be finalized. disputeTransfer() checks that the hash of the passed in transfer state is a part of the merkle root checkpointed onchain during the channel consensus phase.
    • Note that the merkle root is updated to include transfer state during the create channel op (where balances are locked into the transfer), and then is updated again to remove the transfer state during the resolve channel op (where balances are reintroduced to the core channel state). This means that a disputed transfer can only ever be in it's initial state, which keeps things really simple. See the protocol writeup for more information.
  5. Once a transfer is in dispute, the transfer resolver can resolve it manually onchain using defundTransfer anytime before the transfer dispute window expires. This will call the TransferDefinition to get an updated set of balances, and then send those balances to both parties onchain. If no transfer resolver is available, or the transfer dispute window has elapsed, the defundTransfer can be called (this time by anyone) to pay out the initial balances of the transfer via exit on the VectorChannel contract.


Transfer definitions hold the logic governing the conditional transfer onchain. All transfers that are supported by the Vector protocol must be added to the TransferRegistry. The registry allows the protocol to be unopinonated about the transfer logic -- to add a new supported transfer, you must simply add it to the registry.

Instead of having turn-takers as seen in other state channel protocols (i.e. magmo, counterfactual), transfers in Vector are designed to be short-lived and immediately resolve-able. All transfer definitions implement the following functions:

  • getRegistryInformation: Returns the address, encodings, and name of the definition. This function is what allows the protocol to remain unopionated about transfer definitions, while still being able to dispute and defund transfers.
  • create: Returns a bool indiciating whether or not the transfer's created state is valid. This function is called during offchain execution, and ensures all transfers added to the channel's merkleRoot are valid.
  • resolve: Returns the final balance of the transfer to be incoporated back into the channel state based on the provided resolver. Only the transfer responder can call resolve, ensuring the transfer initiator cannot defund a transfer that is owed to the responder.

Once a transfer is resolved, it is immediately removed from the merkleRoot and can no longer be disputed.

Depositing and Withdrawing

As mentioned above, funding a channel is asymmetric. The initiator of a channel (as determined by alice), must deposit using the depositAlice function in the channel contract. The responder of a channel (bob) can deposit simply by sending funds to the channel address.

Calling depositAlice increments the totalDepositsAlice by the amount that Alice deposits for a given assetId. We can get this value offchain or in the adjudicator by calling the totalDepositsAlice getter. We can also get totalDepositsBob the same way -- the contract calculates using the following identity:

getBalance(assetId) + _totalWithdrawn[assetId] - _totalDepositedAlice[assetId];

Note that because this is an identity, we do not use SafeMath. We explicitly want these values to wrap around in the event of an over/undeflow.

Offchain, we track the processedDepositsA and processedDepositsB. Thus, we can calculate any pending deposits (that need to be reconciled with the offchain balance) as totalDepositsAlice.sub(processedDepositsA). We do the same onchain in the event of a dispute when calling defundChannel().

The above pattern has a few highly desireable UX consequences:

  1. Bob can fund the channel simply by sending funds to the channel address (works out of the box with any on/offramp, exchange, or defi system).
  2. Alice and Bob require no upfront coordination to make a deposit. i.e. the offchain process of adding funds to the channel is entirely decoupled from actually sending the tx onchain.
  3. Alice and Bob can both make many deposits onchain in parallel, reconciling part or all of their pending deposits offchain without introducing any trust assumptions.

Withdrawing works a bit differently:

A withdraw from the channel is done by locking up some funds in a transfer and "burning" them, conditionally upon a withdraw commitment being generated from the channel. Once a commitment is generated, one or both parties always have the ability to put it onchain to get their funds. Because of this, we consider offchain that the withdraw was completed even if it wasn't actually submitted to chain. Note that, in the event of a dispute, both parties MUST submit any pending withdraw commitments to chain to properly receive their remaining funds.


These contracts were audited in Dec 2020 -- a report is publicly available here.



Package last updated on 25 May 2021

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