Node Toolkit for Contentful Apps
The node-apps-toolkit
is a growing collection of helpers and utilities for building Contentful Apps with Node.js.
Requires an Node.js LTS version. Currently supported node versions:
- v18
- v20
Odd-numbered and not-yet LTS major versions are not supported.
npm install --save @contentful/node-apps-toolkit
# or
yarn add @contentful/node-apps-toolkit
Available features
- :lock: Request Verification
- :writing_hand: Request Signing
- :bust_in_silhouette: CMA Token generation for App Identities
For more details, check out the API documentation.
Example Usage
const { getManagementToken } = require('@contentful/node-apps-toolkit');
const { appInstallationId, spaceId, environmentId, privateKey } = require('./some-constants');
getManagementToken(privateKey, { appInstallationId, spaceId, environmentId })
.then((token) => {
console.log('Here is your app token:', token)
For more information, check out the full API documentation.
More coming soon
We're excited to expand this toolkit with new features. If you have any suggestions or requests for features you'd like to see, please create an issue in this repo.
Contributing and local development
Please see for more information on how to contribute to this project.