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Command-line tool (CLI) to interact with Contentstack

  • 1.34.0
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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Use Contentstack Command-line Interface to command Contentstack for executing a set of operations from the terminal. To get started with CLI, refer to the CLI’s documentation



$ npm install -g @contentstack/cli
$ csdx COMMAND
running command...
$ csdx (--version|-v)
@contentstack/cli/1.34.0 linux-x64 node-v18.20.5
$ csdx --help [COMMAND]
  $ csdx COMMAND


csdx audit

Perform audits and find possible errors in the exported Contentstack data

  $ csdx audit [--report-path <value>] [--modules
    content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles...] [--columns <value> | ] [--sort <value>]
    [--filter <value>] [--csv | --no-truncate]

  --modules=<option>...  Provide the list of modules to be audited
                         <options: content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles>
  --report-path=<value>  Path to store the audit reports

  --columns=<value>  Show only the specified columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              The output is in the CSV format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=<value>   Filter property by partial string matching. For example: name=foo
  --no-truncate      The output is not truncated to fit the screen
  --sort=<value>     Property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Perform audits and find possible errors in the exported Contentstack data

  $ csdx audit
  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit

  $ csdx audit

  $ csdx audit --report-path=<path>

  $ csdx audit --report-path=<path> --csv

  $ csdx audit --report-path=<path> --filter="name=<filter-value>"

  $ csdx audit --report-path=<path> --modules=content-types --filter="name="<filter-value>"

csdx audit:fix

Perform audits and fix possible errors in the exported Contentstack data.

  $ csdx audit:fix [--report-path <value>] [--modules
    content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles...] [--copy-path <value> --copy-dir]
    [--fix-only reference|global_field|json:rte|json:extension|blocks|group|content_types...] [--columns <value> | ]
    [--sort <value>] [--filter <value>] [--csv | --no-truncate]

  --copy-dir              Create backup from the original data.
  --copy-path=<value>     Provide the path to backup the copied data
  --fix-only=<option>...  Provide the list of fix options
                          <options: reference|global_field|json:rte|json:extension|blocks|group|content_types>
  --modules=<option>...   Provide the list of modules to be audited
                          <options: content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles>
  --report-path=<value>   Path to store the audit reports

  --columns=<value>  Show only the specified columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              The output is in the CSV format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=<value>   Filter property by partial string matching. For example: name=foo
  --no-truncate      The output is not truncated to fit the screen
  --sort=<value>     Property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Perform audits and fix possible errors in the exported Contentstack data.

  $ csdx audit:fix
  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix

  $ csdx audit:fix --copy-dir

  $ csdx audit:fix --report-path=<path> --copy-dir

  $ csdx audit:fix --report-path=<path> --copy-dir --csv

  $ csdx audit:fix --fix-only=reference,global_field --copy-dir

  $ csdx audit:fix --report-path=<path> --filter="name=<filter-value>"

  $ csdx audit:fix --report-path=<path> --modules=content-types --filter="name="<filter-value>" --copy-dir --copy-path=<path>

csdx auth:login

User sessions login

  $ csdx auth:login [-u <value> | --oauth] [-p <value> | ]

  -p, --password=<value>  Password of your Contentstack app.
  -u, --username=<value>  Email address of your Contentstack account.
      --oauth             Enables single sign-on (SSO) in Contentstack CLI.

  User sessions login

  $ csdx login

  $ csdx auth:login

  $ csdx auth:login -u <username>

  $ csdx auth:login -u <username> -p <password>

  $ csdx auth:login --username <username>

  $ csdx auth:login --username <username> --password <password>

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx auth:logout

User session logout

  $ csdx auth:logout [-y]

  -y, --yes  Force log out by skipping the confirmation.

  User session logout

  $ csdx logout

  $ csdx auth:logout

  $ csdx auth:logout -y

  $ csdx auth:logout --yes

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx auth:tokens

Lists all existing tokens added to the session

  $ csdx auth:tokens [--columns <value> | -x] [--filter <value>] [--no-header | [--csv | --no-truncate]]
    [--output csv|json|yaml |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -x, --extended         show extra columns
      --columns=<value>  only show provided columns (comma-separated)
      --csv              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
      --filter=<value>   filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
      --no-header        hide table header from output
      --no-truncate      do not truncate output to fit screen
      --output=<option>  output in a more machine friendly format
                         <options: csv|json|yaml>
      --sort=<value>     property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Lists all existing tokens added to the session

  $ csdx tokens

  $ csdx auth:tokens

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx auth:tokens:add [-a <value>] [--delivery] [--management] [-e <value>] [-k <value>] [-y] [--token <value>]

Adds management/delivery tokens to your session to use it with other CLI commands

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add [-a <value>] [--delivery] [--management] [-e <value>] [-k <value>] [-y] [--token <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias (name) you want to assign to the token
  -d, --delivery               Set this flag to save delivery token
  -e, --environment=<value>    Environment name for delivery token
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API Key
  -m, --management             Set this flag to save management token
  -t, --token=<value>          Add the token name
  -y, --yes                    Use this flag to skip confirmation

  Adds management/delivery tokens to your session to use it with other CLI commands

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add -a <alias>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add -k <stack api key>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add --delivery

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add --management

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add -e <environment>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add --token <token>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add -a <alias> -k <stack api key> --management --token <management token>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add -a <alias> -k <stack api key> --delivery -e <environment> --token <delivery token>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add --alias <alias> --stack-api-key <stack api key> --management --token <management token>

  $ csdx auth:tokens:add --alias <alias> --stack-api-key <stack api key> --delivery -e <environment> --token <delivery token>

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx auth:tokens:remove

Removes selected tokens

  $ csdx auth:tokens:remove [-a <value>] [-i]

  -a, --alias=<value>  Alias (name) of the token to delete.
  -i, --ignore         Ignores if the token is not present.

  Removes selected tokens

  $ csdx auth:tokens:remove

  $ csdx auth:tokens:remove -a <alias>

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx auth:whoami

Display current users email address

  $ csdx auth:whoami

  Display current users email address

  $ csdx whoami

  $ csdx auth:whoami

See code: @contentstack/cli-auth

csdx cm:assets:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [-e <value>] [--folder-uid <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>]

Publish assets to the specified environments

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [-e <value>] [--folder-uid <value>] [--bulk-publish
    <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>           [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                 operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the assets from the
                                 main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>            Alias (name) for the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                 --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>           (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                 for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...  The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                 environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>    API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                 --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...       Locales in which assets will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                 locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                      Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>      API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>     [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --delivery-token=<value>   The delivery token of the source environment.
      --folder-uid=<value>       (optional) The UID of the Assets’ folder from which the assets need to be published.
                                 The default value is cs_root.
      --retry-failed=<value>     Use this option to retry publishing the failed assets from the logfile. Specify the
                                 name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                 override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>       Source environment

  Publish assets to the specified environments
  The assets command is used to publish assets from the specified stack, to the specified environments

  Note: Environment(s) and Locale(s) are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retryFailed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:assets

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --source-env

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:assets:unpublish

Unpublish assets from given environment

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish [-a <value>] [-k <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>] [--branch
    <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--delivery-token <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>           Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>          (optional) Path of an optional configuration JSON file containing all the options for a
                                single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environment=<value>     The name of the environment from where entries/assets need to be unpublished.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>   API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias
  -y, --yes                     Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>     API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --branch=<value>          [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk unpublish
                                operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from the
                                main branch will be unpublished.
      --bulk-unpublish=<value>  [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --delivery-token=<value>  The delivery token of the source environment.
      --locale=<value>          Locale from which entries/assets will be unpublished, e.g., en-us.
      --retry-failed=<value>    (optional) Use this option to retry unpublishing the failed entries from the logfile.
                                Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed unpublish calls. If this option is
                                used, it will override all other flags.

  Unpublish assets from given environment
  The unpublish command is used for unpublishing assets from the given environment

  Note: Environment (Source Environment) and Locale are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure --alias [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:bootstrap

Bootstrap contentstack apps

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap [--app-name <value>] [--project-dir <value>] [-k <value> | --org <value> | -n <value>] [-y
    <value>] [-a <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Provide stack API key to seed content
  -n, --stack-name=<value>     Name of the new stack that will be created.
  -y, --yes=<value>            [Optional] Skip stack confirmation
      --app-name=<value>       App name, reactjs-starter, nextjs-starter, gatsby-starter, angular-starter, nuxt-starter,
                               vue-starter, stencil-starter
      --org=<value>            Provide organization UID to create a new stack
      --project-dir=<value>    Directory to setup the project. If directory name has a space then provide the path as a
                               string or escap the space using back slash eg: "../../test space" or ../../test\ space

  Bootstrap contentstack apps

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap --project-dir <path/to/setup/the/app>

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap --app-name "reactjs-starter" --project-dir <path/to/setup/the/app>

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap --app-name "reactjs-starter" --project-dir <path/to/setup/the/app> --stack-api-key "stack-api-key"

  $ csdx cm:bootstrap --app-name "reactjs-starter" --project-dir <path/to/setup/the/app> --org "your-org-uid" --stack-name "stack-name"

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bootstrap

csdx cm:branches

List the branches

  $ csdx cm:branches

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API key
      --verbose                Verbose, display information in detailed format.

  List the branches

  $ csdx cm:branches

  $ csdx cm:branches --verbose

  $ csdx cm:branches -k <stack api key>

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-branches

csdx cm:branches:create

Create a new branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:create
  $ csdx cm:branches:create [--source <value>] [--uid <value>] [-k <value>]
  $ csdx cm:branches:create [--source <value>] [--uid <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API key
      --source=<value>         Source branch from which a new branch is to be created.
      --uid=<value>            Branch UID (unique name) to be created.

  Create a new branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:create

  $ csdx cm:branches:create --source main -uid new_branch -k bltxxxxxxxx

  $ csdx cm:branches:create --source main --uid new_branch --stack-api-key bltxxxxxxxx

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-branches

csdx cm:branches:delete [-uid <value>] [-k <value>]

Delete a branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:delete [-uid <value>] [-k <value>]
  $ csdx cm:branches:delete [--uid <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API key
  -y, --yes                    Force the deletion of the branch by skipping the confirmation
      --uid=<value>            Branch UID to be deleted

  Delete a branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:delete

  $ csdx cm:branches:delete --uid main -k bltxxxxxxxx

  $ csdx cm:branches:delete --uid main --stack-api-key bltxxxxxxxx

  $ csdx cm:branches:delete --uid main --stack-api-key bltxxxxxxxx --yes

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-branches

csdx cm:branches:diff [--base-branch <value>] [--compare-branch <value>] [-k <value>][--module <value>]

Differences between two branches

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff [--base-branch <value>] [--compare-branch <value>] [-k <value>][--module <value>]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>   [optional] Provide the stack API key to show the difference between branches.
      --base-branch=<value>     [optional] Base branch (Target branch).
      --compare-branch=<value>  [optional] Compare branch (Source branch).
      --format=<option>         [default: compact-text] [default: compact-text] [optional] Type of flags to show the
                                difference between two branches. <options: compact-text, detailed-text>
                                <options: compact-text|detailed-text>
      --module=<option>         [optional] Module. <options: content-types, global-fields, all>
                                <options: content-types|global-fields|all>

  Differences between two branches

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --compare-branch "develop"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --compare-branch "develop" --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --compare-branch "develop" --module "content-types"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --module "content-types" --format "detailed-text"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --compare-branch "develop" --format "detailed-text"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx" --base-branch "main"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx" --base-branch "main" --compare-branch "develop"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx" --base-branch "main" --module "content-types"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx" --base-branch "main" --compare-branch "develop" --module "content-types"

  $ csdx cm:branches:diff --stack-api-key "bltxxxxxxxx" --base-branch "main" --compare-branch "develop" --module "content-types" --format "detailed-text"

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-branches

csdx cm:branches:merge [-k <value>][--compare-branch <value>] [--no-revert] [--export-summary-path <value>] [--use-merge-summary <value>] [--comment <value>] [--base-branch <value>]

Merge changes from a branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge [-k <value>][--compare-branch <value>] [--no-revert] [--export-summary-path <value>]
    [--use-merge-summary <value>] [--comment <value>] [--base-branch <value>]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>        [optional] Provide stack API key to show the difference between the branches.
      --base-branch=<value>          [optional] Base branch (Target branch).
      --comment=<value>              [optional] Pass a comment.
      --compare-branch=<value>       [optional] Compare branch (Source branch).
      --export-summary-path=<value>  [optional] Export summary file path.
      --no-revert                    [optional] If passed, will not create the new revert branch.
      --use-merge-summary=<value>    [optional] Path of merge summary file.

  Merge changes from a branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge --stack-api-key bltxxxxxxxx --compare-branch feature-branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge --stack-api-key bltxxxxxxxx --comment "merge comment"

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge -k bltxxxxxxxx --base-branch base-branch

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge --export-summary-path file/path

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge --use-merge-summary file-path

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge -k bltxxxxxxxx --no-revert

  $ csdx cm:branches:merge -k bltxxxxxxxx --compare-branch feature-branch --no-revert

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-branches

csdx cm:bulk-publish

Bulk Publish script for managing entries and assets

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish

  Bulk Publish script for managing entries and assets

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-t <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>]

Add fields from updated content types to their respective entries

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:add-fields cm:entries:update-and-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>]
    [--content-types <value>] [-t <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from the
                                  main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...        Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                  locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -t, --contentTypes=<value>...   The Contenttypes from which entries will be published.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type ID whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --force                     Update and publish all entries even if no fields have been added.
      --retry-failed=<value>      Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify the
                                  name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                  override all other flags.

  Add fields from updated content types to their respective entries
  The update-and-publish command is used to update existing entries with the updated schema of the respective content

  Note: Content types, Environments and Locales are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:add-fields

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

csdx cm:assets:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [-e <value>] [--folder-uid <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>]

Publish assets to the specified environments

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:assets cm:assets:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [-e <value>] [--folder-uid <value>]
    [--bulk-publish <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>]
    [--source-env <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>           [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                 operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the assets from the
                                 main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>            Alias (name) for the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                 --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>           (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                 for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...  The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                 environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>    API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                 --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...       Locales in which assets will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                 locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                      Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>      API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>     [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --delivery-token=<value>   The delivery token of the source environment.
      --folder-uid=<value>       (optional) The UID of the Assets’ folder from which the assets need to be published.
                                 The default value is cs_root.
      --retry-failed=<value>     Use this option to retry publishing the failed assets from the logfile. Specify the
                                 name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                 override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>       Source environment

  Publish assets to the specified environments
  The assets command is used to publish assets from the specified stack, to the specified environments

  Note: Environment(s) and Locale(s) are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retryFailed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:assets

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --source-env

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:assets:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

csdx cm:bulk-publish:clear

Clear the log folder

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:clear [--log-files-count] [-y]

  -y, --yes              Delete all files without asking for confirmation
      --log-files-count  List number of log files

  Clear the log folder

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:clear

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs --log-files-count

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs --yes

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs -y

csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure

The configure command is used to generate a configuration file for publish scripts.

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure [-a <value>] [-k <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Name (alias) of the management token you want to use. You must use either the --alias
                               flag or the --stack-api-key flag.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias

  The configure command is used to generate a configuration file for publish scripts.

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure --stack-api-key <stack_api_key>

csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--locales <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--environments <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--onlyAssets] [--onlyEntries] [--include-variants]

Publish entries and assets from one environment to other environments

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--content-type <value>]
    [--locales <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--environments <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [-c <value>] [-y]
    [--branch <value>] [--onlyAssets] [--onlyEntries] [--include-variants]

  -B, --branch=<value>           [default: main] Specify the branch to fetch the content (by default the main branch is
  -a, --alias=<value>            Alias(name) for the management token
  -c, --config=<value>           Path to the config file
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>    Stack API key to be used
  -y, --yes                      Agree to process the command with the current configuration
      --api-version=<value>      API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>     [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-type=<value>...  The Contenttypes from which entries will be published
      --delivery-token=<value>   The delivery token of the source environment.
      --environments=<value>...  Destination Environments
      --include-variants         Include Variants flag will publish all associated variant entries.
      --locales=<value>          Source locale
      --onlyAssets               Unpublish only assets
      --onlyEntries              Unpublish only entries
      --retry-failed=<value>     (optional) Retry publishing failed entries from the logfile (this flag overrides all
                                 other flags)
      --source-env=<value>       Source Env

  Publish entries and assets from one environment to other environments
  The cross-publish command is used to publish entries and assets from one environment to other environments

  Note: Content Type, Environment, Destination Environment(s) and Locale are required to execute the command
  But, if retryFailed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --environments [DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT] --locales [LOCALE] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish -r [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --environments [DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT] --locales [LOCALE] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --environments [DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT] --locales [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --include-variants flag

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:cross-publish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --environments [DESTINATION ENVIRONMENT] --locales [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] [--include-variants]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--publish-all-content-types] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--entry-uid <value>] [--include-variants]

Publish entries from multiple contenttypes to multiple environments and locales

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entries cm:entries:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>]
    [--publish-all-content-types] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch
    <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--entry-uid <value>] [--include-variants]

  -B, --branch=<value>             [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                   operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from
                                   main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>              Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                   --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>             (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the
                                   options for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration
  -e, --environments=<value>...    The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                   environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>      API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                   --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...         Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                   locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                        Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>        API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>       [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. This flag is
                                   set to true, by default.
      --content-types=<value>...   The UID of the content type(s) whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                   multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
      --delivery-token=<value>     The delivery token of the source environment.
      --entry-uid=<value>          Entry Uid for publish all associated variant entries.
      --include-variants           Include Variants flag will publish all associated variant entries with base entry.
      --publish-all-content-types  (optional) Set it to true to bulk publish entries from all content types. If the
                                   --content-types option is already used, then you cannot use this option.
      --retry-failed=<value>       (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries/ assets from the
                                   logfile. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                   option is used, it will override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>         Source environment

  Publish entries from multiple contenttypes to multiple environments and locales
  The publish command is used to publish entries from the specified content types, to the
  specified environments and locales

  Note: Content Types, Environments and Locales are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entries

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -r [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --source-env

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --include-variants

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] [--include-variants]

  Using --entry-uid and --include-variants

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --entry-uid [ENTRY UID] [--include-variants]

csdx cm:entries:publish-modified [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish edited entries from a specified content type to the given locales and environments

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entry-edits cm:entries:publish-modified [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>]
    [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don't mention the branch name, then by default the entries from main
                                  branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment(s) on which the entries will be published. In case of
                                  multiple environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...        Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                  locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type(s) whose edited entries you want to publish in bulk. In
                                  case of multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
      --retry-failed=<value>      (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries/assets from the
                                  logfile. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                  option is used, it will override all other flags
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment where the entries were initially published.

  Publish edited entries from a specified content type to the given locales and environments
  The publish-modified command is used to publish entries from the specified content types, to the
  specified environments and locales

  Note: Content type(s), Source Environment, Destination Environment(s) and Locale(s) are required to execute the
  command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entry-edits

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified -r [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish non-localized fields for the given content types, from a particular source environment to the specified environments

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:nonlocalized-field-changes cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>]
    [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from the
                                  main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --retry-failed=<value>      Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify the
                                  name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                  override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment.

  Publish non-localized fields for the given content types, from a particular source environment to the specified
  The non-localized field changes command is used to publish non-localized field changes from the given content types to
  the specified environments

  Note: Content types, Environments and Source Environment are required to execute this command successfully.
  But, if retryFailed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:nonlocalized-field-changes

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENV]

csdx cm:bulk-publish:revert

Revert publish operations by using a log file

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:revert [--retry-failed <value>] [--log-file <value>]

  --log-file=<value>      Path of the success logfile of a particular publish action.
  --retry-failed=<value>  (optional)  Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify
                          the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                          override all other flags.

  Revert publish operations by using a log file
  The revert command is used to revert all publish operations performed using bulk-publish script.
  A log file name is required to execute revert command

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:revert

  Using --log-file

  cm:bulk-publish:revert --log-file [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --retry-failed

  cm:bulk-publish:revert --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

csdx csdx cm:stacks:unpublish [-a <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>] [--branch <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--only-assets] [--only-entries]

Unpublish entries or assets of given content types from the specified environment

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublish csdx cm:stacks:unpublish [-a <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>]
    [--branch <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--delivery-token
    <value>] [--only-assets] [--only-entries]

  -B, --branch=<value>          [default: main] Specify the branch to fetch the content from (default is main branch)
  -a, --alias=<value>           Alias(name) for the management token
  -c, --config=<value>          Path to the config file
  -e, --environment=<value>     Source Environment
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>   Stack API key to be used
  -l, --locale=<value>          Locale filter
  -y, --yes                     Agree to process the command with the current configuration
      --api-version=<value>     API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-unpublish=<value>  [default: true] This flag is set to true by default. It indicates that contentstack's
                                bulkpublish API will be used to unpublish the entries and assets
      --content-type=<value>    Content type filter
      --delivery-token=<value>  The delivery token of the source environment.
      --retry-failed=<value>    Retry publishing failed entries from the logfile (optional, overrides all other flags)

  Unpublish entries or assets of given content types from the specified environment
  The unpublish command is used to unpublish entries or assets from given environment

  Environment (Source Environment) and Locale are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  A content type can be specified for unpublishing entries, but if no content-type(s) is/are specified and --only-assets
  is not used,
  then all entries from all content types will be unpublished from the source environment

  Note: --only-assets can be used to unpublish only assets and --only-entries can be used to unpublish only entries.
  (--only-assets and --only-entries cannot be used together at the same time)

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublish

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] ----delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure --alias [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  No content type

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] (Will unpublish all entries from all content types and assets from the source environment)

  Using --only-assets

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-assets (Will unpublish only assets from the source environment)

  Using --only-entries

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-entries (Will unpublish only entries, all entries, from the source environment)

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --contentType [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-entries (Will unpublish only entries, (from CONTENT TYPE) from the source environment)

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other environments and locales

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublished-entries cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish
    <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y]
    [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don't mention the branch name, then by default the entries from main
                                  branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -b, --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional)  The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the
                                  options for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2]..
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type(s) whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --locales=<value>           Locale in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us
      --retry-failed=<value>      (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. It
                                  is optional. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                  option is used, it will override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment where the entries were initially published.

  Publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other environments and locales
  The publish-only-unpublished command is used to publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other
  environments and locales

  Note: Content type(s), Source Environment, Destination Environment(s) and Source Locale are required to execute the
  command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublished-entries

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte

Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte [-c <value>] [-a <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>] [--content-type <value>]
    [--global-field] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--html-path <value> --json-path <value>] [--delay <value>] [--locale
    <value>] [--batch-limit <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Enter the alias name. You must use either the --alias flag or the --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config-path=<value>    Specify the path where your config file is located.
  -y, --yes                    Avoids reconfirmation of your configuration.
      --batch-limit=<value>    [default: 50] Provide batch limit for updating entries (default: 50).
      --branch=<value>         The name of the branch to be used.
      --content-type=<value>   Specify the UID of the content type for which you want to migrate HTML RTE content.
      --delay=<value>          [default: 1000] To set the interval time between the migration of HTML RTE to JSON RTE in
                               subsequent entries of a content type. The default value is 1,000 milliseconds.
      --global-field           Checks whether the specified UID belongs to a content type or a global field. This flag
                               is set to false by default.
      --html-path=<value>      Enter the path to the HTML RTE whose content you want to migrate.
      --json-path=<value>      Enter the path to the JSON RTE to which you want to migrate the HTML RTE content.
      --locale=<value>         The locale from which entries will be migrated.
      --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias

  Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE

  $ csdx cm:migrate-rte

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --config-path path/to/config.json

  Using Flags

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path html-path --json-path json-path

  Nested RTE

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.json_rte_uid

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path group_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path group_uid.json_rte_uid

  Global Field

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type global_field_uid --global-field --html-path html-path --json-path json-path

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-migrate-rte

csdx cm:entries:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--publish-all-content-types] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--entry-uid <value>] [--include-variants]

Publish entries from multiple contenttypes to multiple environments and locales

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--publish-all-content-types]
    [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--delivery-token
    <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--entry-uid <value>] [--include-variants]

  -B, --branch=<value>             [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                   operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from
                                   main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>              Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                   --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>             (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the
                                   options for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration
  -e, --environments=<value>...    The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                   environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>      API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                   --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...         Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                   locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                        Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>        API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>       [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. This flag is
                                   set to true, by default.
      --content-types=<value>...   The UID of the content type(s) whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                   multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
      --delivery-token=<value>     The delivery token of the source environment.
      --entry-uid=<value>          Entry Uid for publish all associated variant entries.
      --include-variants           Include Variants flag will publish all associated variant entries with base entry.
      --publish-all-content-types  (optional) Set it to true to bulk publish entries from all content types. If the
                                   --content-types option is already used, then you cannot use this option.
      --retry-failed=<value>       (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries/ assets from the
                                   logfile. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                   option is used, it will override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>         Source environment

  Publish entries from multiple contenttypes to multiple environments and locales
  The publish command is used to publish entries from the specified content types, to the
  specified environments and locales

  Note: Content Types, Environments and Locales are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entries

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -r [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --source-env

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --include-variants

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] [--include-variants]

  Using --entry-uid and --include-variants

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENVIRONMENT] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --entry-uid [ENTRY UID] [--include-variants]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:publish-modified [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish edited entries from a specified content type to the given locales and environments

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>]
    [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don't mention the branch name, then by default the entries from main
                                  branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment(s) on which the entries will be published. In case of
                                  multiple environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...        Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                  locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type(s) whose edited entries you want to publish in bulk. In
                                  case of multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
      --retry-failed=<value>      (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries/assets from the
                                  logfile. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                  option is used, it will override all other flags
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment where the entries were initially published.

  Publish edited entries from a specified content type to the given locales and environments
  The publish-modified command is used to publish entries from the specified content types, to the
  specified environments and locales

  Note: Content type(s), Source Environment, Destination Environment(s) and Locale(s) are required to execute the
  command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:entry-edits

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified -r [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-modified --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --source-env [SOURCE_ENV] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish non-localized fields for the given content types, from a particular source environment to the specified environments

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>]
    [--content-types <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from the
                                  main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --retry-failed=<value>      Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify the
                                  name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                  override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment.

  Publish non-localized fields for the given content types, from a particular source environment to the specified
  The non-localized field changes command is used to publish non-localized field changes from the given content types to
  the specified environments

  Note: Content types, Environments and Source Environment are required to execute this command successfully.
  But, if retryFailed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:nonlocalized-field-changes

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --source-env [SOURCE ENV] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-non-localized-fields --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --source-env [SOURCE ENV]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

Publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other environments and locales

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--source-env <value>]
    [--content-types <value>] [--locales <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don't mention the branch name, then by default the entries from main
                                  branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -b, --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack's Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional)  The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the
                                  options for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2]..
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type(s) whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --locales=<value>           Locale in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us
      --retry-failed=<value>      (optional) Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. It
                                  is optional. Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this
                                  option is used, it will override all other flags.
      --source-env=<value>        The name of the source environment where the entries were initially published.

  Publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other environments and locales
  The publish-only-unpublished command is used to publish unpublished entries from the source environment, to other
  environments and locales

  Note: Content type(s), Source Environment, Destination Environment(s) and Source Locale are required to execute the
  command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublished-entries

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:publish-only-unpublished -b --content-types [CONTENT TYPES] -e [ENVIRONMENTS] --locales LOCALE -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] -source-env [SOURCE ENV]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:unpublish

Unpublish entries from the given environment

  $ csdx cm:entries:unpublish [-a <value>] [-k <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>] [--branch
    <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--content-type <value>]
    [--delivery-token <value>] [--include-variants]

  -a, --alias=<value>           Alias (name) for the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>          (optional) Path to the configuration JSON file containing all options for a single run.
                                Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environment=<value>     The name of the environment from where entries/assets need to be unpublished.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>   API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias
  -y, --yes                     Set to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>     API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --branch=<value>          [default: main] Specify the branch to fetch the content. If not mentioned, the main
                                branch will be used by default.
      --bulk-unpublish=<value>  [default: true] This flag is set to true by default. It indicates that Contentstack's
                                Bulk Publish APIs will be used to unpublish the entries.
      --content-type=<value>    The UID of the content type whose entries you want to unpublish in bulk.
      --delivery-token=<value>  The delivery token of the source environment.
      --include-variants        Include Variants flag will unpublish all associated variant entries.
      --locale=<value>          Locale from which entries/assets will be unpublished, e.g., en-us.
      --retry-failed=<value>    (optional) Use this option to retry unpublishing the failed entries from the logfile.
                                Specify the name of the logfile that lists failed unpublish calls. If used, this option
                                will override all other flags.

  Unpublish entries from the given environment
  The unpublish command is used to unpublish entries from the given environment

  Note: Environment (Source Environment) and Locale are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure --alias [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --include-variants flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --include-variants

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-t <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>]

Add fields from updated content types to their respective entries

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish [-a <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-publish <value>] [--content-types <value>] [-t
    <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locales <value>] [--branch <value>]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [default: main] The name of the branch where you want to perform the bulk publish
                                  operation. If you don’t mention the branch name, then by default the content from the
                                  main branch will be published.
  -a, --alias=<value>             Alias (name) of the management token. You must use either the --alias flag or the
                                  --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config=<value>            (optional) The path of the optional configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                  for a single run. Refer to the configure command to create a configuration file.
  -e, --environments=<value>...   The name of the environment on which entries will be published. In case of multiple
                                  environments, specify their names separated by spaces.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the
                                  --alias flag.
  -l, --locales=<value>...        Locales in which entries will be published, e.g., en-us. In the case of multiple
                                  locales, specify the codes separated by spaces.
  -t, --contentTypes=<value>...   The Contenttypes from which entries will be published.
  -y, --yes                       Set it to true to process the command with the current configuration.
      --api-version=<value>       API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-publish=<value>      [default: true] Set this flag to use Contentstack’s Bulk Publish APIs. It is true, by
      --content-types=<value>...  The UID of the content type ID whose entries you want to publish in bulk. In case of
                                  multiple content types, specify their IDs separated by spaces.
      --force                     Update and publish all entries even if no fields have been added.
      --retry-failed=<value>      Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify the
                                  name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                                  override all other flags.

  Add fields from updated content types to their respective entries
  The update-and-publish command is used to update existing entries with the updated schema of the respective content

  Note: Content types, Environments and Locales are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:add-fields

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] -a [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key

  $ csdx cm:entries:update-and-publish --content-types [CONTENT TYPE 1] [CONTENT TYPE 2] -e [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE 1] [LOCALE 2] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:stacks:export [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--branch <value>] [--secured-assets]

Export content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:export cm:stacks:export [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>]
    [--content-types <value>] [--branch <value>] [--secured-assets]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [optional] The name of the branch where you want to export your content. If you don't
                                  mention the branch name, then by default the content will be exported from all the
                                  branches of your stack.
  -a, --alias=<value>             The management token alias of the source stack from which you will export content.
  -c, --config=<value>            [optional] Path of the config
  -d, --data-dir=<value>          The path or the location in your file system to store the exported content. For e.g.,
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API Key of the source stack
  -m, --module=<value>            [optional] Specific module name. If not specified, the export command will export all
                                  the modules to the stack. The available modules are assets, content-types, entries,
                                  environments, extensions, marketplace-apps, global-fields, labels, locales, webhooks,
                                  workflows, custom-roles, and taxonomies.
  -t, --content-types=<value>...  [optional]  The UID of the content type(s) whose content you want to export. In case
                                  of multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                       [optional] Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --secured-assets            [optional] Use this flag for assets that are secured.

  Export content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:export

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --config <path/to/config/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias> --data-dir <path/to/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias> --config <path/to/config/file>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --module <single module name>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --branch [optional] branch name

csdx cm:export-to-csv

Export entries, taxonomies, terms or organization users to csv using this command

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv [--action entries|users|teams|taxonomies] [-a <value>] [--org <value>] [-n <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--org-name <value>] [--locale <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--branch <value>] [--team-uid <value>]
    [--taxonomy-uid <value>] [--delimiter <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  API Key of the source stack.
  -n, --stack-name=<value>     Name of the stack that needs to be created as CSV filename.
      --action=<option>        Option to export data (entries, users, teams, taxonomies). <options:
                               <options: entries|users|teams|taxonomies>
      --branch=<value>         Branch from which entries will be exported.
      --content-type=<value>   Content type of entries that will be exported.
      --delimiter=<value>      [default: ,] [optional] Provide a delimiter to separate individual data fields within the
                               CSV file. For example: cm:export-to-csv --delimiter '|'
      --locale=<value>         Locale of entries that will be exported.
      --org=<value>            Provide organization UID to clone org users.
      --org-name=<value>       Name of the organization that needs to be created as CSV filename.
      --taxonomy-uid=<value>   Provide the taxonomy UID of the related terms you want to export.
      --team-uid=<value>       Provide the UID of a specific team in an organization.

  Export entries, taxonomies, terms or organization users to csv using this command

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv

  Exporting entries to CSV

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <entries> --locale <locale> --alias <management-token-alias> --content-type <content-type>

  Exporting entries to CSV with stack name provided and branch name provided

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <entries> --locale <locale> --alias <management-token-alias> --content-type <content-type> --stack-name <stack-name> --branch <branch-name>

  Exporting organization users to CSV

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <users> --org <org-uid>

  Exporting organization users to CSV with organization name provided

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <users> --org <org-uid> --org-name <org-name>

  Exporting organization teams to CSV

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <teams>

  Exporting organization teams to CSV with org UID

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <teams> --org <org-uid>

  Exporting organization teams to CSV with team UID

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <teams> --team-uid <team-uid>

  Exporting organization teams to CSV with org UID and team UID

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <teams> --org <org-uid> --team-uid <team-uid>

  Exporting organization teams to CSV with org UID and team UID

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <teams> --org <org-uid> --team-uid <team-uid> --org-name <org-name>

  Exporting taxonomies and related terms to a .CSV file with the provided taxonomy UID

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <taxonomies> --alias <management-token-alias> --taxonomy-uid <taxonomy-uid>

  Exporting taxonomies and respective terms to a .CSV file

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <taxonomies> --alias <management-token-alias>

  Exporting taxonomies and respective terms to a .CSV file with a delimiter

  $ csdx cm:export-to-csv --action <taxonomies> --alias <management-token-alias> --delimiter <delimiter>

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-export-to-csv

csdx cm:stacks:import [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--backup-dir <value>] [--branch <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import cm:stacks:import [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>]
    [--backup-dir <value>] [--branch <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

  -B, --branch=<value>                    The name of the branch where you want to import your content. If you don't
                                          mention the branch name, then by default the content will be imported to the
                                          main branch.
  -a, --alias=<value>                     The management token of the destination stack where you will import the
  -b, --backup-dir=<value>                [optional] Backup directory name when using specific module.
  -c, --config=<value>                    [optional] The path of the configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                          for a single run.
  -d, --data-dir=<value>                  The path or the location in your file system where the content, you intend to
                                          import, is stored. For example, -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content". If the
                                          export folder has branches involved, then the path should point till the
                                          particular branch. For example, “-d
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>             API Key of the target stack
  -m, --module=<value>                    [optional] Specify the module to import into the target stack. If not
                                          specified, the import command will import all the modules into the stack. The
                                          available modules are assets, content-types, entries, environments,
                                          extensions, marketplace-apps, global-fields, labels, locales, webhooks,
                                          workflows, custom-roles, and taxonomies.
  -y, --yes                               [optional] Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --exclude-global-modules            Excludes the branch-independent module from the import operation.
      --import-webhook-status=<option>    [default: disable] [default: disable] (optional) This webhook state keeps the
                                          same state of webhooks as the source stack. <options: disable|current>
                                          <options: disable|current>
      --personalize-project-name=<value>  (optional) Provide a unique name for the Personalize project.
      --replace-existing                  Replaces the existing module in the target stack.
      --skip-app-recreation               (optional) Skips the recreation of private apps if they already exist.
      --skip-audit                        Skips the audit fix that occurs during an import operation.
      --skip-existing                     Skips the module exists warning messages.

  Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --config <path/of/config/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --module <single module name>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --module <single module name> --backup-dir <backup dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias> --config <path/of/config/file>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --branch <branch name>  --yes --skip-audit

csdx cm:stacks:import-setup [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--modules <value,value>]

Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import-setup cm:stacks:import-setup [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--modules <value,value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          alias of the management token
  -d, --data-dir=<value>       path and location where data is stored
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the target stack
      --modules=<option>       [optional] specific module name
                               <options: content-types|entries|both>

  Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import-setup

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import-setup --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir> --modules <module_name, module_name>

csdx cm:migrate-rte

Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE

  $ csdx cm:migrate-rte [-c <value>] [-a <value>] [--stack-api-key <value>] [--content-type <value>]
    [--global-field] [-y] [--branch <value>] [--html-path <value> --json-path <value>] [--delay <value>] [--locale
    <value>] [--batch-limit <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Enter the alias name. You must use either the --alias flag or the --stack-api-key flag.
  -c, --config-path=<value>    Specify the path where your config file is located.
  -y, --yes                    Avoids reconfirmation of your configuration.
      --batch-limit=<value>    [default: 50] Provide batch limit for updating entries (default: 50).
      --branch=<value>         The name of the branch to be used.
      --content-type=<value>   Specify the UID of the content type for which you want to migrate HTML RTE content.
      --delay=<value>          [default: 1000] To set the interval time between the migration of HTML RTE to JSON RTE in
                               subsequent entries of a content type. The default value is 1,000 milliseconds.
      --global-field           Checks whether the specified UID belongs to a content type or a global field. This flag
                               is set to false by default.
      --html-path=<value>      Enter the path to the HTML RTE whose content you want to migrate.
      --json-path=<value>      Enter the path to the JSON RTE to which you want to migrate the HTML RTE content.
      --locale=<value>         The locale from which entries will be migrated.
      --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias

  Migration script to migrate content from HTML RTE to JSON RTE

  $ csdx cm:migrate-rte

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --config-path path/to/config.json

  Using Flags

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path html-path --json-path json-path

  Nested RTE

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path modular_block_uid.block_uid.json_rte_uid

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type content_type_uid --html-path group_uid.html_rte_uid --json-path group_uid.json_rte_uid

  Global Field

  $ csdx cm:entries:migrate-html-rte --alias alias --content-type global_field_uid --global-field --html-path html-path --json-path json-path

csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]

Contentstack migration script.

  $ csdx cm:migration cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>]
    [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]

  -B, --branch=<value>         Use this flag to add the branch name where you want to perform the migration. (target
                               branch name)
  -a, --alias=<value>          Use this flag to add the management token alias. You must use either the --alias flag or
                               the --stack-api-key flag.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Use this flag to add the API key of your stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key
                               flag or the --alias flag.
      --config=<value>...      [optional] Inline configuration, <key1>:<value1>. Passing an external configuration makes
                               the script re-usable.
      --config-file=<value>    [optional] Path of the JSON configuration file.
      --file-path=<value>      Use this flag to provide the path of the file of the migration script.
      --multiple               This flag helps you to migrate multiple content files in a single instance. Mention the
                               folder path where your migration script files are stored.

  Contentstack migration script.

  $ csdx cm:migration

  $ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>

  $ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key> --branch <target branch name>

  $ csdx cm:migration --config <key1>:<value1> <key2>:<value2> ... --file-path <migration/script/file/path>

  $ csdx cm:migration --config-file <path/to/json/config/file> --file-path <migration/script/file/path>

  $ csdx cm:migration --multiple --file-path <migration/scripts/dir/path> 

  $ csdx cm:migration --alias --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>

csdx cm:stacks:seed [--repo <value>] [--org <value>] [-k <value>] [-n <value>] [-y <value>] [-s <value>] [--locale <value>]

Create a stack from existing content types, entries, assets, etc

  $ csdx cm:seed cm:stacks:seed [--repo <value>] [--org <value>] [-k <value>] [-n <value>] [-y <value>] [-s
    <value>] [--locale <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Provide stack API key to seed content to
  -n, --stack-name=<value>     Name of a new stack that needs to be created.
  -o, --org=<value>            Provide Organization UID to create a new stack
  -r, --repo=<value>           GitHub organization name or GitHub user name/repository name.
  -s, --stack=<value>          Provide the stack UID to seed content.
  -y, --yes=<value>            [Optional] Skip the stack confirmation.

  Create a stack from existing content types, entries, assets, etc

  $ csdx cm:seed

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository" --stack-api-key "stack-api-key" //seed content into specific stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository" --org "your-org-uid" --stack-name "stack-name" //create a new stack in given org uid

csdx cm:stacks:clone [--source-branch <value>] [--target-branch <value>] [--source-management-token-alias <value>] [--destination-management-token-alias <value>] [-n <value>] [--type a|b] [--source-stack-api-key <value>] [--destination-stack-api-key <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

Clone data (structure/content or both) of a stack into another stack

  $ csdx cm:stack-clone cm:stacks:clone [--source-branch <value>] [--target-branch <value>]
    [--source-management-token-alias <value>] [--destination-management-token-alias <value>] [-n <value>] [--type a|b]
    [--source-stack-api-key <value>] [--destination-stack-api-key <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

  -c, --config=<value>                              Path for the external configuration
  -n, --stack-name=<value>                          Provide a name for the new stack to store the cloned content.
  -y, --yes                                         Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --destination-management-token-alias=<value>  Destination management token alias.
      --destination-stack-api-key=<value>           Destination stack API key
      --import-webhook-status=<option>              [default: disable] [default: disable] (optional) The status of the
                                                    import webhook. <options: disable|current>
                                                    <options: disable|current>
      --skip-audit                                  (optional) Skips the audit fix that occurs during an import
      --source-branch=<value>                       Branch of the source stack.
      --source-management-token-alias=<value>       Source management token alias.
      --source-stack-api-key=<value>                Source stack API key
      --target-branch=<value>                       Branch of the target stack.
      --type=<option>                               Type of data to clone. You can select option a or b.
                                                    a) Structure (all modules except entries & assets).
                                                    b) Structure with content (all modules including entries & assets).

                                                    <options: a|b>

  Clone data (structure/content or both) of a stack into another stack
  Use this plugin to automate the process of cloning a stack in few steps.

  $ csdx cm:stack-clone

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch <source-branch-name> --target-branch <target-branch-name> --yes

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-stack-api-key <apiKey> --destination-stack-api-key <apiKey>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch --target-branch --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch --target-branch --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias> --type <value a or b>

csdx cm:stacks:audit

Perform audits and find possible errors in the exported Contentstack data

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit [--report-path <value>] [--modules
    content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles...] [--columns <value> | ] [--sort <value>]
    [--filter <value>] [--csv | --no-truncate]

  --modules=<option>...  Provide the list of modules to be audited
                         <options: content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles>
  --report-path=<value>  Path to store the audit reports

  --columns=<value>  Show only the specified columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              The output is in the CSV format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=<value>   Filter property by partial string matching. For example: name=foo
  --no-truncate      The output is not truncated to fit the screen
  --sort=<value>     Property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Perform audits and find possible errors in the exported Contentstack data

  $ csdx audit
  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit --report-path=<path>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit --report-path=<path> --csv

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit --report-path=<path> --filter="name=<filter-value>"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit --report-path=<path> --modules=content-types --filter="name="<filter-value>"

See code: @contentstack/cli-audit

csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix

Perform audits and fix possible errors in the exported Contentstack data.

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix [--report-path <value>] [--modules
    content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles...] [--copy-path <value> --copy-dir]
    [--fix-only reference|global_field|json:rte|json:extension|blocks|group|content_types...] [--columns <value> | ]
    [--sort <value>] [--filter <value>] [--csv | --no-truncate]

  --copy-dir              Create backup from the original data.
  --copy-path=<value>     Provide the path to backup the copied data
  --fix-only=<option>...  Provide the list of fix options
                          <options: reference|global_field|json:rte|json:extension|blocks|group|content_types>
  --modules=<option>...   Provide the list of modules to be audited
                          <options: content-types|global-fields|entries|extensions|workflows|custom-roles>
  --report-path=<value>   Path to store the audit reports

  --columns=<value>  Show only the specified columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              The output is in the CSV format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=<value>   Filter property by partial string matching. For example: name=foo
  --no-truncate      The output is not truncated to fit the screen
  --sort=<value>     Property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Perform audits and fix possible errors in the exported Contentstack data.

  $ csdx audit:fix
  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --copy-dir

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --report-path=<path> --copy-dir

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --report-path=<path> --copy-dir --csv

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --fix-only=reference,global_field --copy-dir

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --report-path=<path> --filter="name=<filter-value>"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:audit:fix --report-path=<path> --modules=content-types --filter="name="<filter-value>" --copy-dir --copy-path=<path>

See code: @contentstack/cli-audit

csdx cm:stacks:clone [--source-branch <value>] [--target-branch <value>] [--source-management-token-alias <value>] [--destination-management-token-alias <value>] [-n <value>] [--type a|b] [--source-stack-api-key <value>] [--destination-stack-api-key <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

Clone data (structure/content or both) of a stack into another stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone [--source-branch <value>] [--target-branch <value>] [--source-management-token-alias
    <value>] [--destination-management-token-alias <value>] [-n <value>] [--type a|b] [--source-stack-api-key <value>]
    [--destination-stack-api-key <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

  -c, --config=<value>                              Path for the external configuration
  -n, --stack-name=<value>                          Provide a name for the new stack to store the cloned content.
  -y, --yes                                         Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --destination-management-token-alias=<value>  Destination management token alias.
      --destination-stack-api-key=<value>           Destination stack API key
      --import-webhook-status=<option>              [default: disable] [default: disable] (optional) The status of the
                                                    import webhook. <options: disable|current>
                                                    <options: disable|current>
      --skip-audit                                  (optional) Skips the audit fix that occurs during an import
      --source-branch=<value>                       Branch of the source stack.
      --source-management-token-alias=<value>       Source management token alias.
      --source-stack-api-key=<value>                Source stack API key
      --target-branch=<value>                       Branch of the target stack.
      --type=<option>                               Type of data to clone. You can select option a or b.
                                                    a) Structure (all modules except entries & assets).
                                                    b) Structure with content (all modules including entries & assets).

                                                    <options: a|b>

  Clone data (structure/content or both) of a stack into another stack
  Use this plugin to automate the process of cloning a stack in few steps.

  $ csdx cm:stack-clone

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch <source-branch-name> --target-branch <target-branch-name> --yes

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-stack-api-key <apiKey> --destination-stack-api-key <apiKey>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch --target-branch --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:clone --source-branch --target-branch --source-management-token-alias <management token alias> --destination-management-token-alias <management token alias> --type <value a or b>

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-clone

csdx cm:stacks:export [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--content-types <value>] [--branch <value>] [--secured-assets]

Export content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--content-types
    <value>] [--branch <value>] [--secured-assets]

  -B, --branch=<value>            [optional] The name of the branch where you want to export your content. If you don't
                                  mention the branch name, then by default the content will be exported from all the
                                  branches of your stack.
  -a, --alias=<value>             The management token alias of the source stack from which you will export content.
  -c, --config=<value>            [optional] Path of the config
  -d, --data-dir=<value>          The path or the location in your file system to store the exported content. For e.g.,
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>     API Key of the source stack
  -m, --module=<value>            [optional] Specific module name. If not specified, the export command will export all
                                  the modules to the stack. The available modules are assets, content-types, entries,
                                  environments, extensions, marketplace-apps, global-fields, labels, locales, webhooks,
                                  workflows, custom-roles, and taxonomies.
  -t, --content-types=<value>...  [optional]  The UID of the content type(s) whose content you want to export. In case
                                  of multiple content types, specify the IDs separated by spaces.
  -y, --yes                       [optional] Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --secured-assets            [optional] Use this flag for assets that are secured.

  Export content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:export

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --config <path/to/config/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias> --data-dir <path/to/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --alias <management_token_alias> --config <path/to/config/file>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --module <single module name>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:export --branch [optional] branch name

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-export

csdx cm:stacks:import [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--backup-dir <value>] [--branch <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import [-c <value>] [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--module <value>] [--backup-dir
    <value>] [--branch <value>] [--import-webhook-status disable|current]

  -B, --branch=<value>                    The name of the branch where you want to import your content. If you don't
                                          mention the branch name, then by default the content will be imported to the
                                          main branch.
  -a, --alias=<value>                     The management token of the destination stack where you will import the
  -b, --backup-dir=<value>                [optional] Backup directory name when using specific module.
  -c, --config=<value>                    [optional] The path of the configuration JSON file containing all the options
                                          for a single run.
  -d, --data-dir=<value>                  The path or the location in your file system where the content, you intend to
                                          import, is stored. For example, -d "C:\Users\Name\Desktop\cli\content". If the
                                          export folder has branches involved, then the path should point till the
                                          particular branch. For example, “-d
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>             API Key of the target stack
  -m, --module=<value>                    [optional] Specify the module to import into the target stack. If not
                                          specified, the import command will import all the modules into the stack. The
                                          available modules are assets, content-types, entries, environments,
                                          extensions, marketplace-apps, global-fields, labels, locales, webhooks,
                                          workflows, custom-roles, and taxonomies.
  -y, --yes                               [optional] Force override all Marketplace prompts.
      --exclude-global-modules            Excludes the branch-independent module from the import operation.
      --import-webhook-status=<option>    [default: disable] [default: disable] (optional) This webhook state keeps the
                                          same state of webhooks as the source stack. <options: disable|current>
                                          <options: disable|current>
      --personalize-project-name=<value>  (optional) Provide a unique name for the Personalize project.
      --replace-existing                  Replaces the existing module in the target stack.
      --skip-app-recreation               (optional) Skips the recreation of private apps if they already exist.
      --skip-audit                        Skips the audit fix that occurs during an import operation.
      --skip-existing                     Skips the module exists warning messages.

  Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --config <path/of/config/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --module <single module name>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --module <single module name> --backup-dir <backup dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --alias <management_token_alias> --config <path/of/config/file>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import --branch <branch name>  --yes --skip-audit

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-import

csdx cm:stacks:import-setup [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--modules <value,value>]

Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import-setup [-k <value>] [-d <value>] [-a <value>] [--modules <value,value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          alias of the management token
  -d, --data-dir=<value>       path and location where data is stored
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the target stack
      --modules=<option>       [optional] specific module name
                               <options: content-types|entries|both>

  Import content from a stack

  $ csdx cm:import-setup

  $ csdx cm:stacks:import-setup --stack-api-key <stack_api_key> --data-dir <path/of/export/destination/dir> --modules <module_name, module_name>

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-import-setup

csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>] [--config <value>] [--multiple]

Contentstack migration script.

  $ csdx cm:stacks:migration [-k <value>] [-a <value>] [--file-path <value>] [--branch <value>] [--config-file <value>]
    [--config <value>] [--multiple]

  -B, --branch=<value>         Use this flag to add the branch name where you want to perform the migration. (target
                               branch name)
  -a, --alias=<value>          Use this flag to add the management token alias. You must use either the --alias flag or
                               the --stack-api-key flag.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Use this flag to add the API key of your stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key
                               flag or the --alias flag.
      --config=<value>...      [optional] Inline configuration, <key1>:<value1>. Passing an external configuration makes
                               the script re-usable.
      --config-file=<value>    [optional] Path of the JSON configuration file.
      --file-path=<value>      Use this flag to provide the path of the file of the migration script.
      --multiple               This flag helps you to migrate multiple content files in a single instance. Mention the
                               folder path where your migration script files are stored.

  Contentstack migration script.

  $ csdx cm:migration

  $ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>

  $ csdx cm:migration --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key> --branch <target branch name>

  $ csdx cm:migration --config <key1>:<value1> <key2>:<value2> ... --file-path <migration/script/file/path>

  $ csdx cm:migration --config-file <path/to/json/config/file> --file-path <migration/script/file/path>

  $ csdx cm:migration --multiple --file-path <migration/scripts/dir/path> 

  $ csdx cm:migration --alias --file-path <migration/script/file/path> -k <api-key>

See code: @contentstack/cli-migration

csdx cm:stacks:publish

Publish entries and assets to multiple environments and locales

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish

  Publish entries and assets to multiple environments and locales
  The publish command is used to publish entries and assets, to the specified environments and locales.

  Note: Content types, Environments and Locales are required to execute the publish entries command successfully.
  Note: Environments and Locales are required to execute the publish assets command successfully.
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file in the current working directory using `csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --api-version flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish --environments [ENVIRONMENT 1] [ENVIRONMENT 2] --locales [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --api-version [API VERSION]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs

Clear the log folder

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs [--log-files-count] [-y]

  -y, --yes              Delete all files without asking for confirmation
      --log-files-count  List number of log files

  Clear the log folder

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:clear

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs --log-files-count

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs --yes

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-clear-logs -y

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure

The configure command is used to generate a configuration file for publish scripts.

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure [-a <value>] [-k <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Name (alias) of the management token you want to use. You must use either the --alias
                               flag or the --stack-api-key flag.
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  API key of the source stack. You must use either the --stack-api-key flag or the --alias

  The configure command is used to generate a configuration file for publish scripts.

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure -a <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure --alias <management_token_alias>

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-configure --stack-api-key <stack_api_key>

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:stacks:publish-revert

Revert publish operations by using a log file

  $ csdx cm:stacks:publish-revert [--retry-failed <value>] [--log-file <value>]

  --log-file=<value>      Path of the success logfile of a particular publish action.
  --retry-failed=<value>  (optional)  Use this option to retry publishing the failed entries from the logfile. Specify
                          the name of the logfile that lists failed publish calls. If this option is used, it will
                          override all other flags.

  Revert publish operations by using a log file
  The revert command is used to revert all publish operations performed using bulk-publish script.
  A log file name is required to execute revert command

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:revert

  Using --log-file

  cm:bulk-publish:revert --log-file [LOG FILE NAME]

  Using --retry-failed

  cm:bulk-publish:revert --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx cm:stacks:seed [--repo <value>] [--org <value>] [-k <value>] [-n <value>] [-y <value>] [-s <value>] [--locale <value>]

Create a stack from existing content types, entries, assets, etc

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed [--repo <value>] [--org <value>] [-k <value>] [-n <value>] [-y <value>] [-s <value>]
    [--locale <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>          Alias of the management token
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Provide stack API key to seed content to
  -n, --stack-name=<value>     Name of a new stack that needs to be created.
  -o, --org=<value>            Provide Organization UID to create a new stack
  -r, --repo=<value>           GitHub organization name or GitHub user name/repository name.
  -s, --stack=<value>          Provide the stack UID to seed content.
  -y, --yes=<value>            [Optional] Skip the stack confirmation.

  Create a stack from existing content types, entries, assets, etc

  $ csdx cm:seed

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository"

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository" --stack-api-key "stack-api-key" //seed content into specific stack

  $ csdx cm:stacks:seed --repo "account/repository" --org "your-org-uid" --stack-name "stack-name" //create a new stack in given org uid

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-seed

csdx csdx cm:stacks:unpublish [-a <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>] [--branch <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--delivery-token <value>] [--only-assets] [--only-entries]

Unpublish entries or assets of given content types from the specified environment

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish csdx cm:stacks:unpublish [-a <value>] [-e <value>] [-c <value>] [-y] [--locale <value>]
    [--branch <value>] [--retry-failed <value>] [--bulk-unpublish <value>] [--content-type <value>] [--delivery-token
    <value>] [--only-assets] [--only-entries]

  -B, --branch=<value>          [default: main] Specify the branch to fetch the content from (default is main branch)
  -a, --alias=<value>           Alias(name) for the management token
  -c, --config=<value>          Path to the config file
  -e, --environment=<value>     Source Environment
  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>   Stack API key to be used
  -l, --locale=<value>          Locale filter
  -y, --yes                     Agree to process the command with the current configuration
      --api-version=<value>     API version to be used. Values [Default: 3, Nested Reference Publishing: 3.2].
      --bulk-unpublish=<value>  [default: true] This flag is set to true by default. It indicates that contentstack's
                                bulkpublish API will be used to unpublish the entries and assets
      --content-type=<value>    Content type filter
      --delivery-token=<value>  The delivery token of the source environment.
      --retry-failed=<value>    Retry publishing failed entries from the logfile (optional, overrides all other flags)

  Unpublish entries or assets of given content types from the specified environment
  The unpublish command is used to unpublish entries or assets from given environment

  Environment (Source Environment) and Locale are required to execute the command successfully
  But, if retry-failed flag is set, then only a logfile is required

  A content type can be specified for unpublishing entries, but if no content-type(s) is/are specified and --only-assets
  is not used,
  then all entries from all content types will be unpublished from the source environment

  Note: --only-assets can be used to unpublish only assets and --only-entries can be used to unpublish only entries.
  (--only-assets and --only-entries cannot be used together at the same time)

  $ csdx cm:bulk-publish:unpublish

  General Usage

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] ----delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

  Using --config or -c flag

  Generate a config file at the current working directory using `csdx cm:bulk-publish:configure --alias [ALIAS]`

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --config [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish -c [PATH TO CONFIG FILE]

  Using --retry-failed flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --retry-failed [LOG FILE NAME]

  No content type

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] (Will unpublish all entries from all content types and assets from the source environment)

  Using --only-assets

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-assets (Will unpublish only assets from the source environment)

  Using --only-entries

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-entries (Will unpublish only entries, all entries, from the source environment)

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --contentType [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --only-entries (Will unpublish only entries, (from CONTENT TYPE) from the source environment)

  Using --branch flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --alias [MANAGEMENT TOKEN ALIAS] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN] --branch [BRANCH NAME]

  Using --stack-api-key flag

  $ csdx cm:stacks:unpublish --bulk-unpublish --content-type [CONTENT TYPE] --environment [SOURCE ENV] --locale [LOCALE] --stack-api-key [STACK API KEY] --delivery-token [DELIVERY TOKEN]

See code: @contentstack/cli-cm-bulk-publish

csdx config:get:base-branch

Get current branch set for CLI

  $ csdx config:get:base-branch

  Get current branch set for CLI

  $ csdx config:get:base-branch

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:get:ea-header

Display Early Access headers

  $ csdx config:get:ea-header

  Display Early Access headers

  $ csdx config:get:ea-header

  $ csdx config:get:ea-header

csdx config:get:early-access-header

Display Early Access headers

  $ csdx config:get:early-access-header

  Display Early Access headers

  $ csdx config:get:ea-header

  $ csdx config:get:early-access-header

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:get:rate-limit

Get rate-limit of organizations

  $ csdx config:get:rate-limit

  Get rate-limit of organizations

  $ csdx config:get:rate-limit

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:get:region

Get current region set for CLI

  $ csdx config:get:region

  Get current region set for CLI

  $ csdx config:get:region

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:remove:base-branch

Remove branch config for CLI

  $ csdx config:remove:base-branch [-k <value>] [-y]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API key.
  -y, --yes                    Force remove.

  Remove branch config for CLI

  $ csdx config:remove:base-branch

  $ csdx config:remove:base-branch --stack-api-key <value>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:remove:ea-header

Remove Early Access header

  $ csdx config:remove:ea-header [--header-alias <value>] [-y]

  -y, --yes                   (optional) Force the removal of Early Access header configuration by skipping the
      --header-alias=<value>  (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.

  Remove Early Access header

  $ csdx config:remove:ea-header

  $ csdx config:remove:ea-header

  $ csdx config:remove:ea-header --header-alias <value>

csdx config:remove:early-access-header

Remove Early Access header

  $ csdx config:remove:early-access-header [--header-alias <value>] [-y]

  -y, --yes                   (optional) Force the removal of Early Access header configuration by skipping the
      --header-alias=<value>  (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.

  Remove Early Access header

  $ csdx config:remove:ea-header

  $ csdx config:remove:early-access-header

  $ csdx config:remove:early-access-header --header-alias <value>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:remove:rate-limit

Remove rate-limit of the organization

  $ csdx config:remove:rate-limit [--org <value>]

  --org=<value>  Provide the organization UID

  Remove rate-limit of the organization

  $ csdx config:remove:rate-limit --org <<org_uid>>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:set:base-branch

Set branch for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:base-branch [-k <value>] [--base-branch <value>]

  -k, --stack-api-key=<value>  Stack API key
      --base-branch=<value>    Base branch (Target branch).

  Set branch for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:base-branch

  $ csdx config:set:base-branch --stack-api-key <value> --base-branch <value>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:set:ea-header

Set Early Access header

  $ csdx config:set:ea-header [--header-alias <value>] [--header <value>]

  --header=<value>        (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.
  --header-alias=<value>  (optional) Provide the Early Access header value.

  Set Early Access header

  $ csdx config:set:ea-header

  $ csdx config:set:ea-header

  $ csdx config:set:ea-header --header <value> --header-alias <value>

csdx config:set:early-access-header

Set Early Access header

  $ csdx config:set:early-access-header [--header-alias <value>] [--header <value>]

  --header=<value>        (optional) Provide the Early Access header alias name.
  --header-alias=<value>  (optional) Provide the Early Access header value.

  Set Early Access header

  $ csdx config:set:ea-header

  $ csdx config:set:early-access-header

  $ csdx config:set:early-access-header --header <value> --header-alias <value>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:set:rate-limit

Set rate-limit for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:rate-limit [--org <value>] [--utilize <value>] [--limit-name <value>...] [--default]

  --default                Reset to default rate limit
  --limit-name=<value>...  [Optional] Provide the limit names separated by commas ['limit', 'getLimit', 'bulkLimit']
  --org=<value>            Provide the organization UID
  --utilize=<value>        [default: 50] Provide the utilization percentages for rate limit, separated by commas

  Set rate-limit for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:rate-limit --org <<org_uid>>

  $ csdx config:set:rate-limit --org <<org_uid>> --utilize 70,80 --limit-name getLimit,limit

  $ csdx config:set:rate-limit --org <<org_uid>> --default

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx config:set:region [REGION]

Set region for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:region [REGION] [-d <value> -m <value> --ui-host <value> -n <value>] [--developer-hub <value>]
    [--personalize <value>] [--launch <value>]

  REGION  Name for the region

  -d, --cda=<value>            Custom host to set for content delivery API, if this flag is added then cma, ui-host and
                               name flags are required
  -m, --cma=<value>            Custom host to set for content management API, , if this flag is added then cda, ui-host
                               and name flags are required
  -n, --name=<value>           Name for the region, if this flag is added then cda, cma and ui-host flags are required
      --developer-hub=<value>  Custom host to set for Developer hub API
      --launch=<value>         Custom host to set for Launch API
      --personalize=<value>    Custom host to set for Personalize API
      --ui-host=<value>        Custom UI host to set for CLI, if this flag is added then cda, cma and name flags are

  Set region for CLI

  $ csdx config:set:region

  $ csdx config:set:region NA

  $ csdx config:set:region EU

  $ csdx config:set:region AZURE-NA

  $ csdx config:set:region AZURE-EU

  $ csdx config:set:region GCP-NA

  $ csdx config:set:region --cma <custom_cma_host_url> --cda <custom_cda_host_url> --ui-host <custom_ui_host_url> --name "India"

  $ csdx config:set:region --cma <custom_cma_host_url> --cda <custom_cda_host_url> --ui-host <custom_ui_host_url> --name "India" --developer-hub <custom_developer_hub_url>

  $ csdx config:set:region --cma <custom_cma_host_url> --cda <custom_cda_host_url> --ui-host <custom_ui_host_url> --name "India" --personalize <custom_personalize_url>

  $ csdx config:set:region --cma <custom_cma_host_url> --cda <custom_cda_host_url> --ui-host <custom_ui_host_url> --name "India" --launch <custom_launch_url>

  $ csdx config:set:region --cda <custom_cda_host_url> --cma <custom_cma_host_url> --ui-host <custom_ui_host_url> --name "India" --developer-hub <custom_developer_hub_url> --launch <custom_launch_url> --personalize <custom_personalize_url>

See code: @contentstack/cli-config

csdx help [COMMANDS]

Display help for csdx.

  $ csdx help [COMMANDS...] [-n]

  COMMANDS...  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for csdx.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

csdx launch

Launch related operations

  $ csdx launch [--type GitHub|FileUpload] [--framework Gatsby|NextJs|CRA (Create React App)|CSR
    (Client-Side Rendered)|Angular|VueJs|Other] [--org <value>] [-n <value>] [-e <value>] [--branch <value>]
    [--build-command <value>] [--out-dir <value>] [--variable-type Import variables from a stack|Manually add custom
    variables to the list|Import variables from the local env file] [-a <value>] [--env-variables <value>]

  -a, --alias=<value>           [optional] Alias (name) for the delivery token.
  -e, --environment=<value>     [optional] Environment name for the Launch project.
  -n, --name=<value>            [optional] Name of the project.
      --branch=<value>          [optional] GitHub branch name.
      --build-command=<value>   [optional] Build Command.
      --env-variables=<value>   [optional] Provide the environment variables in the key:value format, separated by
                                comma. For example: APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal.
      --framework=<option>      [optional] Type of framework. <options: Gatsby|NextJS|Other>
                                <options: Gatsby|NextJs|CRA (Create React App)|CSR (Client-Side
      --org=<value>             [optional] Provide the organization UID to create a new project or deployment.
      --out-dir=<value>         [optional] Output Directory.
      --type=<option>           [optional] Type of adapters. <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
                                <options: GitHub|FileUpload>
      --variable-type=<option>  [optional] Provide a variable type. <options: Import variables from a stack|Manually add
                                custom variables to the list|Import variables from the local env file>
                                <options: Import variables from a stack|Manually add custom variables to the list|Import
                                variables from the local env file>

  Launch related operations

  $ csdx launch

  $ csdx launch --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>

  $ csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file>

  $ csdx launch --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>

  $ csdx launch --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>

  $ csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload>

  $ csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value>

  $ csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Import variables from a stack" --alias=<value>

  $ csdx launch --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: GitHub|FileUpload> --name=<value> --environment=<value> --branch=<value> --build-command=<value> --framework=<option> --org=<value> --out-dir=<value> --variable-type="Manually add custom variables to the list" --env-variables="APP_ENV:prod, TEST_ENV:testVal"

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx launch:deployments

Show list of deployments for an environment

  $ csdx launch:deployments [--org <value>] [--project <value>] [-e <value>]

  -e, --environment=<value>  Environment name or UID
      --org=<value>          [Optional] Provide the organization UID
      --project=<value>      [Optional] Provide the project UID

  Show list of deployments for an environment

  $ csdx launch:deployments

  $ csdx launch:deployments -d "current working directory"

  $ csdx launch:deployments -c "path to the local config file"

  $ csdx launch:deployments -e "environment number or uid" --org=<org UID> --project=<Project UID>

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx launch:environments

Show list of environments for a project

  $ csdx launch:environments [--org <value>] [--project <value>]

  --org=<value>      [Optional] Provide the organization UID
  --project=<value>  [Optional] Provide the project UID

  Show list of environments for a project

  $ csdx launch:environments

  $ csdx launch:environments -d "current working directory"

  $ csdx launch:environments -c "path to the local config file"

  $ csdx launch:environments --org=<org UID> --project=<Project UID>

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx launch:functions

Serve cloud functions

  $ csdx launch:functions [-p <value>]

  -p, --port=<value>  [default: 3000] Port number

  Serve cloud functions

  $ csdx launch:functions

  $ csdx launch:functions --port=port

  $ csdx launch:functions --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>

  $ csdx launch:functions --config <path/to/launch/config/file>

  $ csdx launch:functions --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> -p "port number"

  $ csdx launch:functions --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --port=port

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx launch:logs

Show deployment or server logs

  $ csdx launch:logs [-e <value>] [--deployment <value>] [--type d|s] [--org <value>] [--project <value>]

  -e, --environment=<value>  Environment name or UID
      --deployment=<value>   Deployment number or UID
      --org=<value>          [Optional] Provide the organization UID
      --project=<value>      [Optional] Provide the project UID
      --type=<option>        [default: s] Type of flags to show logs. By default, these are server logs. Options [d -
                             deployment logs, s - server logs]
                             <options: d|s>

  Show deployment or server logs

  $ csdx launch:logs

  $ csdx launch:logs --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>

  $ csdx launch:logs --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> --type <options: d|s>

  $ csdx launch:logs --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --type <options: d|s>

  $ csdx launch:logs --deployment=deployment

  $ csdx launch:logs --environment=environment

  $ csdx launch:logs --environment=environment --deployment=deployment

  $ csdx launch:logs --environment=environment --type <options: d|s>

  $ csdx launch:logs --environment=environment --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir> --deployment=deployment

  $ csdx launch:logs --environment=environment --config <path/to/launch/config/file> --deployment=deployment

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx launch:open

Open a website for an environment

  $ csdx launch:open [--org <value>] [--project <value>] [-e <value>]

  -e, --environment=<value>  Environment name or UID
      --org=<value>          [Optional] Provide the organization UID
      --project=<value>      [Optional] Provide the project UID

  Open a website for an environment

  $ csdx launch:open

  $ csdx launch:open --config <path/to/launch/config/file>

  $ csdx launch:open --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>

  $ csdx launch:open --environment=environment

  $ csdx launch:open --environment=environment --config <path/to/launch/config/file>

  $ csdx launch:open --environment=environment --data-dir <path/of/current/working/dir>

See code: @contentstack/cli-launch

csdx login

User sessions login

  $ csdx login [-u <value> | --oauth] [-p <value> | ]

  -p, --password=<value>  Password of your Contentstack app.
  -u, --username=<value>  Email address of your Contentstack account.
      --oauth             Enables single sign-on (SSO) in Contentstack CLI.

  User sessions login

  $ csdx login

  $ csdx auth:login

  $ csdx auth:login -u <username>

  $ csdx auth:login -u <username> -p <password>

  $ csdx auth:login --username <username>

  $ csdx auth:login --username <username> --password <password>

csdx logout

User session logout

  $ csdx logout [-y]

  -y, --yes  Force log out by skipping the confirmation.

  User session logout

  $ csdx logout

  $ csdx auth:logout

  $ csdx auth:logout -y

  $ csdx auth:logout --yes

csdx plugins

List installed plugins.

  $ csdx plugins [--json] [--core]

  --core  Show core plugins.

  --json  Format output as json.

  List installed plugins.

  $ csdx plugins

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

csdx plugins:add PLUGIN

Installs a plugin into csdx.

  $ csdx plugins:add PLUGIN... [--json] [-f] [-h] [-s | -v]

  PLUGIN...  Plugin to install.

  -f, --force    Force npm to fetch remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk.
  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent   Silences npm output.
  -v, --verbose  Show verbose npm output.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Installs a plugin into csdx.

  Uses npm to install plugins.

  Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.

  Use the CSDX_NPM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to set the npm loglevel.
  Use the CSDX_NPM_REGISTRY environment variable to set the npm registry.

  $ csdx plugins:add

  Install a plugin from npm registry.

    $ csdx plugins:add myplugin

  Install a plugin from a github url.

    $ csdx plugins:add

  Install a plugin from a github slug.

    $ csdx plugins:add someuser/someplugin

csdx plugins:inspect PLUGIN...

Displays installation properties of a plugin.

  $ csdx plugins:inspect PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN...  [default: .] Plugin to inspect.

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  --json  Format output as json.

  Displays installation properties of a plugin.

  $ csdx plugins:inspect myplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

csdx plugins:install PLUGIN

Installs a plugin into csdx.

  $ csdx plugins:install PLUGIN... [--json] [-f] [-h] [-s | -v]

  PLUGIN...  Plugin to install.

  -f, --force    Force npm to fetch remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk.
  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent   Silences npm output.
  -v, --verbose  Show verbose npm output.

  --json  Format output as json.

  Installs a plugin into csdx.

  Uses npm to install plugins.

  Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.

  Use the CSDX_NPM_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to set the npm loglevel.
  Use the CSDX_NPM_REGISTRY environment variable to set the npm registry.

  $ csdx plugins:add

  Install a plugin from npm registry.

    $ csdx plugins:install myplugin

  Install a plugin from a github url.

    $ csdx plugins:install

  Install a plugin from a github slug.

    $ csdx plugins:install someuser/someplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

Links a plugin into the CLI for development.

  $ csdx plugins:link PATH [-h] [--install] [-v]

  PATH  [default: .] path to plugin

  -h, --help          Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose
      --[no-]install  Install dependencies after linking the plugin.

  Links a plugin into the CLI for development.

  Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
  command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.

  $ csdx plugins:link myplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

csdx plugins:remove [PLUGIN]

Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:remove [PLUGIN...] [-h] [-v]

  PLUGIN...  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:unlink
  $ csdx plugins:remove

  $ csdx plugins:remove myplugin

csdx plugins:reset

Remove all user-installed and linked plugins.

  $ csdx plugins:reset [--hard] [--reinstall]

  --hard       Delete node_modules and package manager related files in addition to uninstalling plugins.
  --reinstall  Reinstall all plugins after uninstalling.

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

csdx plugins:uninstall [PLUGIN]

Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:uninstall [PLUGIN...] [-h] [-v]

  PLUGIN...  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:unlink
  $ csdx plugins:remove

  $ csdx plugins:uninstall myplugin

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:unlink [PLUGIN...] [-h] [-v]

  PLUGIN...  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ csdx plugins:unlink
  $ csdx plugins:remove

  $ csdx plugins:unlink myplugin

csdx plugins:update

Update installed plugins.

  $ csdx plugins:update [-h] [-v]

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Update installed plugins.

See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins

csdx tokens

Lists all existing tokens added to the session

  $ csdx tokens [--columns <value> | -x] [--filter <value>] [--no-header | [--csv | --no-truncate]]
    [--output csv|json|yaml |  | ] [--sort <value>]

  -x, --extended         show extra columns
      --columns=<value>  only show provided columns (comma-separated)
      --csv              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
      --filter=<value>   filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
      --no-header        hide table header from output
      --no-truncate      do not truncate output to fit screen
      --output=<option>  output in a more machine friendly format
                         <options: csv|json|yaml>
      --sort=<value>     property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  Lists all existing tokens added to the session

  $ csdx tokens

  $ csdx auth:tokens

csdx tsgen

Generate TypeScript typings from a Stack

  $ csdx tsgen -a <value> -o <value> [-p <value>] [-d] [--branch <value>] [--include-system-fields]
    [--api-type rest|graphql] [--namespace <value>]

  -a, --token-alias=<value>    (required) delivery token alias
  -d, --[no-]doc               include documentation comments
  -o, --output=<value>         (required) full path to output
  -p, --prefix=<value>         interface prefix, e.g. "I"
      --api-type=<option>      [default: rest] [Optional] Please enter an API type to generate the type definitions.
                               <options: rest|graphql>
      --branch=<value>         branch
      --include-system-fields  include system fields in generated types
      --namespace=<value>      [Optional]Please enter a namespace for the GraphQL API type to organize the generated

  Generate TypeScript typings from a Stack

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts"

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" -p "I"

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" --no-doc

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" --api-type graphql

  $ csdx tsgen -a "delivery token alias" -o "contentstack/generated.d.ts" --api-type graphql --namespace "GraphQL"

See code: contentstack-cli-tsgen

csdx whoami

Display current users email address

  $ csdx whoami

  Display current users email address

  $ csdx whoami

  $ csdx auth:whoami



Package last updated on 29 Jan 2025

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