Core Teradata UI Platform for layouts, icons, custom components and themes. This should be added as a dependency for any project that wants to use layouts, icons and themes for Angular2-Material.
The core will have custom components that enforce standards and best practices through built-in design patterns.
There are five types of layouts:
- Main Layout -
- Main layout wrapper for the application.
- Creates a sidenav which is controlled by inner layouts (
). - Can display a title, username, menu-list and has logout event menu-item.
- Nav Layout -
- Has integrated menu icon to control side-nav (td-layout -> sidenav).
- Can add elements toolbar.
- Nav List Layout -
- Has integrated menu icon to control side-nav (td-layout -> sidenav).
- Can add elements to both list-toolbar (left side) and nav-toolbar (right side).
- Displays menu-list on the left.
- Content is displayed in the right side.
- Card Over Layout -
- Card over toolbar effect.
- Displays title and subtitle in card.
- Manage List Layout-
- Can add elements to toolbar-buttons (right side).
- Displays menu-list on the left.
- Content is displayed in the right side.
<md-nav-list menu-items>
is used to include items in the sidenav.
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title to be displayed. |
icon | string | Uses material icon names. |
displayName | string | Username to be displayed. |
logout | function() | Function executed when logout it pressed. |
is used to include items in the toolbar.
<md-nav-list list-items>
is used to include items in the left side list.
is used to include items in the left side toolbar.
is used to include items in the right side toolbar.
Name | Type | Description |
title | string | Title in card to be displayed. |
subtitle | string | Subtitle in card to be displayed. |
<md-nav-list list-items>
is used to include items in the left side list.
is used to include items in the toolbar.
Example Nav Layout / Main Layout combo:
<td-layout #layout>
<a *ngFor="let item of routes" md-list-item [routerLink]="[item.route]" (click)="layout.close()"><md-icon>{{item.icon}}</md-icon>{{item.title}}</a>
<td-layout-nav title="Toolbar Title">
<toolbar-content layout="row" layout-align="center center" flex>
<span flex></span>
Example Nav List Layout:
<td-layout-nav-list #list>
<list-toolbar-content layout="row" layout-align="center center" flex>
<span>App Name</span>
<span flex></span>
<button md-button (click)="search()" class="md-icon-button"><md-icon class="md-24">search</md-icon></button>
<md-nav-list list-items>
<a md-list-item>
<md-icon md-list-avatar>dashboard</md-icon>
<h3 md-line> Item Name </h3>
<p md-line> Item description </p>
<md-divider *ngIf="!last" md-inset></md-divider>
<nav-toolbar-content layout="row" layout-align="center center" flex>
<span>View Name</span>
<span flex></span>
Example for Manage List Layout / Nav Layout combo:
<td-layout-manage-list #list>
<md-nav-list list-items>
... /* content */
Example for Card Over Layout / Nav Layout / Main Layout combo:
<td-layout #layout title="App Title" displayName="username">
<td-layout-nav title="Toolbar Title">
<td-layout-card-over title="Card Title" subtitle="Card subtitle">
Styles, Icons and Theming
Core Teradata UI Platform comes with a base CSS file styles/platform.css
(includes icons), just include that in your index.html
to apply in your project.
NOTE: Must compile the package as vendor and pull everything from node_module/@covalent/core
to be able to reference it.