Kombinator is a set of build plugins that combines a Nuxt 3 base project and a customization layer into a fully functional product. It is designed to streamline the process of creating customized versions of a Nuxt 3 application.
To use the tool, developers first create or obtain the Nuxt 3 base project, which serves as the foundation for all customized versions. They then create a customization layer that includes any necessary modifications or additions to the base project. This might include changes to the user interface, business logic, or integration with other systems.
Once the base project and customization layer are created, the tool combines them into a single, fully functional product. This can be done through a process of merging the two codebases, compiling the resulting code, and generating any necessary configuration files or deployment scripts.
The resulting product is then ready for testing and deployment, either on a local machine or in a production environment. The customization layer can be easily swapped out or modified as needed, allowing for rapid iteration and customization of the underlying Nuxt 3 application.
API - functions you can use in mod files
fromTemplate(template: string)
Sets the template to be modified.
getTemplate(): string
Gets the modified template.
Finding element (tag)
Before modifying elements you need to find proper element with simplified selectors.
findByTag(tagName: string)
Finds the first element with given tag
findByAttribute(name: string)
Finds the first tag in the template with given attribute
findByAttributeValue(name: string, value: string)
Finds the first tag in the template with given attribute having given value
findFirst(): VueElementFinder
Finds first element in the template
Modification of attributes
removeAttribute(name: string)
Removes an attribute with the given name
from the HTML element found by find*()
reduceAttribute(name: string, value: string)
Reduces the value of an attribute with the given name
by removing the given value
from it.
regexpAttribute(name: string, regexp: RegExp, replace: string)
Replaces the value of an attribute with the given name
by applying the given regular expression regexp
and replacement replace
on it.
extendAttribute(name: string, value: string, glue = ' ')
Extends the value of an attribute with the given name
by appending the given value
to it with the given glue
separator. If the attribute does not exist, it will be added to the HTML element.
transformAttributeValue(name: string, callback: AttributeTransformer)
The method is used to modify the value of an attribute of an element using a callback function.
(AttributeTransformer): A function that takes the current value of the attribute as input and returns either a new value or null
if the attribute should be removed
setAttribute(name: string, value: string)
Sets the value of an attribute with the given name
to the given value
. If the attribute already exists, its value will be replaced. Otherwise, the attribute will be added to the HTML element.
getAttributeValue(name: string, value: string): string
Gets the value of an attribute with the given name
. If the attribute does not exist, its value will be "". Usefull for optimization of classes, e.g. with tailwind-merge.
Example Usage
import { VueModifyTemplate } from "@creativestyle/kombinator";
const code = `
<div class="foo" id="bar" v-if="isTrue" v-for="item in items">{{ item }}</div>
const modifier = new VueModifyTemplate(code);
.reduceAttribute('class', 'foo')
.regexpAttribute('v-if', /isTrue/g, 'show')
.extendAttribute('class', 'baz')
.setAttribute('data-foo', 'bar');
const modifiedCode = modifier.getModifiedCode();
Modification of tags
Removes the entire element (including its contents) currently selected by the class instance.
renameElement(newTagName: string)
Renames the tag name of the element currently selected by the class instance to newTagName
insertBefore(html: string)
Inserts the HTML code html
before the element currently selected by the class instance.
insertAfter(html: string)
Inserts the HTML code html
after the element currently selected by the class instance.
Removes the current element's tag but retains its contents.
getElementCode(): string
Returns the HTML code for the element currently selected by the class instance.
insertInside(html: string)
Inserts the HTML code html
inside the element currently selected by the class instance.
import { VueModifyTemplate } from "@creativestyle/kombinator";
const template = `
<div id="main">
<p>Hello world</p>
const vm = new VueModifyTemplate();
.insertAfter("<p>New element</p>")
.insertAfter('</span><some-component :foo="ok"/>');
const modifiedTemplate = vm.getTemplate();
History associated with the name
The Polish word kombinator refers to a person who is crafty, resourceful, and skilled at finding solutions to problems through creative thinking, often using unconventional or cunning methods. It can have a slightly negative connotation and may be used to describe someone who is overly scheming or manipulative.
During the Polish People's Republic (PRL) era, which lasted from 1947 to 1989, the country was under communist rule and faced many economic and social challenges. The government controlled most aspects of daily life, including education, media, and the economy.
Under such a system, being a kombinator was often necessary for survival. People had to find creative ways to obtain scarce goods and services, navigate the complex bureaucracy, and make ends meet. Many faced shortages of basic necessities, such as food, housing, and clothing, and had to resort to various strategies to acquire them.
Additionally, the government often interfered in people's personal lives, limiting their freedoms and restricting their ability to pursue their goals. Being a kombinator allowed individuals to find ways to circumvent these restrictions and pursue their interests and ambitions.
Therefore, being a kombinator was often necessary during the PRL times to navigate the challenging economic and social conditions and to find ways to improve one's quality of life.
Other things
Known limitations
There are a few challenges that were not able to solve now. Feel free to contribute!
- This file watches changes only on existing .mod.ts files, if you add .mod.ts file you need to restart your dev/watch process.
Why this plugin duplicates some features of other plugins
This plugin has some minor functions that can be achieved also by plugins like rollup-plugin-copy, but:
- that plugin seems to be not maintained - many merge requests are not merged for months.
- We need only a small subset of functionalities, and we do not want to pull a huge pile of dependencies.
- At some point if those alternative plugins will be better maintained we will kick out this functionality from here.
The main purpose of this plugin is to deliver convenient API for automated modification/patching of the base project, not copying files around.
Chapeau bas to AI
Parts of this plugin its documentation and tests are written with the support of Chat GPT3.5