CH5 Utilities CLI - Getting Started
Archiving and distribution utilities from the ch5-utilities library wrapped as CLI commands.
Table of Contents
The purpose of the library is to expose the ch5-utilities archive and distribute functionality as two commands: archive
and deploy
The cli contains two commands: archive and deploy. After following the steps from above, just write ch5-cli
in the terminal, and hit enter - it will display the default message for options and commands.
For details about how to use the commands, you can write ch5-cli archive --help
or ch5-cli deploy --help
- this will display the options and what they mean.
First you would need to run the archive command to generate the ch5z file, then you need to run the deploy command giving the archive path ( relative or absolute ).
> ch5-cli archive -p ch5-template-sample -d dist/NgCh5DemoHorizontal -o dist
> ch5-cli deploy -H tshostname -t touchscreen dist/ch5-template-sample.ch5z
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