Use this Docker image to run a Node.js Lambda function in AWS ECS.
cumulus-ecs-task is a Docker image that can run Lambda functions as ECS services.
When included in a Cumulus workflow and deployed to AWS, it will download a specified Lambda function, and act as an activity in a Step Functions workflow.
This only works with Node.js Lmabda functions, and requires that the Lambda function it is running has a dependency of at least v1.0.1 of cumulus-message-adapter-js.
Like other Cumulus libraries, cumulus-ecs-task is designed to be deployed to AWS using kes to manage Cloudformation config. This documentation assumes you're working with a Cumulus deployment and that you have files and directory stucture similar to what's found in the cumulus template repository.
Most importantly, we'll need to edit these files:
- lambdas.yml
- workflows.yml
- app/config.yml
- iam/cloudformation.template.yml
This library has two options:
- The arn of the activity in a step functions workflow. Used to receive messages for that activity and send success/failure responses.
- The arn of the lambda function you want to run in ECS.
lambdas.yml config
There's no config in lambdas.yml that is special to ecs-cumulus-task, just make sure to add the lambda that will be run in ECS. We won't use that lambda directly in workflows.yml, but we will reference the arn of the lambda in workflows.yml.
workflows.yml config
An example state of a workflow in workflows.yml:
buckets: '{$.meta.buckets}'
provider: '{$.meta.provider}'
collection: '{$.meta.collection}'
Type: Task
Resource: ${EcsTaskHelloWorldActivity}
Next: < ... next state in the workflow ... >
The important line is Resource: ${EcsTaskHelloWorldActivity}
We'll define that activity in the app/config.yml file.
ECS config
This library requires additional configuration to be added to the app/config.yml file under the ecs
block, as well as a list of activity names under activities
Here's an example:
instanceType: t2.small
desiredInstances: 1
availabilityZone: us-east-1a
imageId: ami-a7a242da
publicIp: true
username: cumulususer
image: cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task:0.0.1
cpu: 800
memory: 1500
count: 0
function: Fn::Sub
value: '${AWS::Region}'
- cumulus-ecs-task
- '--activityArn'
- function: Ref
value: EcsTaskHelloWorldActivity
- '--lambdaArn'
- function: Ref
value: EcsTaskHelloWorldLambdaFunction
- name: EcsTaskHelloWorld
Under activities
we define the activity name EcsTaskHelloWorld
, which can then be referenced to in the ecs
section and in workflows.yml as EcsTaskHelloWorldActivity
We can give our service the same name as the activity. Be sure to double-check the options like cpu
, memory
, and others to be sure they'll work with your use case.
Note that under the the commands
section we're referencing the EcsTaskHelloWorldActivity
as the activityArn
and the EcsTaskHelloWorldLambdaFunction
as the lambdaArn
IAM permissions
The EcsRole
will need to include permissions to send requests to the step functions API.
The following should be included in the Statement
of the EcsRole
- Effect: Allow
- states:SendTaskFailure
- states:SendTaskSuccess
- states:SendTaskHeartbeat
- states:GetActivityTask
Resource: arn:aws:states:*:*:*
Environment variables
– defaults to us-east-1
To run locally:
npm start -- --activityArn <your-activity-arn> --lambdaArn <your-lambda-arn>
To build the docker image:
npm run build
To run in Docker locally:
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<aws-access-key>' \
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<aws-secret-key>' \
cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task \
--activityArn <your-activity-arn> \
--lambdaArn <your-lambda-arn>
To test a workflow while developing locally
You can execute workflows on AWS that test the version of cumulus-ecs-task that you're developing on locally.
First, make sure that the ECS cluster for your deployment has zero tasks running that might respond to a workflow's requests.
That way only your local version will respond to your workflow.
Next, start ecs-cumulus-task locally.
Either with node:
npm start -- --activityArn <your-activity-arn> --lambdaArn <your-lambda-arn>
Or with docker:
# build the image
npm run build
# run the image
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<aws-access-key>' \
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<aws-secret-key>' \
cumuluss/cumulus-ecs-task \
--activityArn <your-activity-arn> \
--lambdaArn <your-lambda-arn>
Finally, trigger a workflow. You can do this from the Cumulus dashboard, the Cumulus API, or with the AWS Console by supplying a
Create a release
Bump the version
npm version <major|minor|patch|specific version>
Create the build
npm run build
Release to Docker Hub
npm run release
See the file.