CycloneDX BOM
This is a so-called meta-package, it does not ship any own functionality, but it is a collection of optional dependencies.
This package's dependencies are tools* with one purpose in common:
generate CycloneDX Software-Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) from node-based projects.
*) You should not depend on this very meta-package, instead depend on the actual tool that fits your specific (eco)system.
Out of Scope
There are systems, that are not node-targeting, but use node as a runtime/compiler environment, or use node package registry as a distribution system.
These systems are out of scope. Therefore, the following tools are not part of this very meta-package.
If you are looking for a JavaScript/TypeScript library for working with CycloneDX, its data models or serialization,
then you might want to try @cyclonedx/cyclonedx-library.
You want to have a certain node-based tool added?
Feel free to open issues, bugreports or pull requests.
See the CONTRIBUTING file for details.
Copyright & License
CycloneDX Node Module is Copyright (c) OWASP Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Permission to modify and redistribute is granted under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
See the LICENSE file for the full license.
Previous versions
This project used to be a tool-set and a library to work and generate CycloneDX Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) from npm and yarn based projects.
Since version 4.0, this was all split to individual projects, and this project changed to a bare meta-package.
Previous versions of this very package are still available
via npmjs versions
and github releases