Note: Safari is not supported with webworker. This porcess needs offscreencanvas.
init: (config: BarcodeScannerConfig | null) => Promise<void>;
predict: (src: HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLImageElement | HTMLVideoElement, params?: BarcodeScannerOperationParams) => Promise<BarcodeInfo[]>;
Configuration and Parameter
export interface BarcodeScannerConfig {
browserType: BrowserType;
processOnLocal: boolean;
modelPath: string;
workerPath: string;
enableSIMD: boolean;
export interface BarcodeScannerOperationParams {
type: BarcodeScannerType;
processWidth: number;
processHeight: number;
scale: number;
sizeThresold: number;
interpolation: number;
useSIMD: boolean;
export declare enum BarcodeScannerType {
original = 0,
zbar = 1,
zxing = 2
Step by step
Create environment and install package
$ npx create-react-app demo --template typescript
$ cd demo/
$ npm install
$ npm install @dannadori/barcode-scanner-worker-js
$ cp node_modules/\@dannadori/barcode-scanner-worker-js/dist/barcode-scanner-worker-worker.js public/
$ mkdir -p public/static/js
$ cp node_modules/\@dannadori/barcode-scanner-worker-js/resources/tflite.wasm public/static/js
$ cp node_modules/\@dannadori/barcode-scanner-worker-js/resources/tflite-simd.wasm public/static/js
Download Model
Model file is under "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0" license.
Add source image to public.
In this time, the name is "srcImage.jpg"
Edit src/App.tsx
build and start
$ npm run start