Redis interface plugin for DEK
What does this plugin do?
- Control configuration for connection to RabbitMQ in production development mode in a simplified way with dotenv
- Performs connection implementation along the lines ES6 being pre requirement to start the project
- Compressed storage functions using Snappy
- Load balance for queries on multiple connections
To install the bootstrap we recommend using the CLI
$ yarn add @dekproject/redis --save
In the .env file add the following settings
REDIS_FAMILY=4 // 4 (IPv4) or 6 (IPv6)
Load Balance
To configure loadbalance just configure a list of settings separated by commas
import { app, redis, redislb } from "@dekproject/scope";
$.wait(["redislb"]).then(async () => {
console.time("Loading Load Balance");
await redislb.getSlave().set("foo3", "bar3");
let result = await redislb.getSlave().get("foo3");
console.timeLog("Loading Load Balance");
Using in the standard DEK skeleton
import { app, redis, redislb } from "@dekproject/scope";
$.wait(["redis", "redislb"]).then(async () => {
await $.redis.set("foo", "bar");
let result = await $.redis.get("foo");
console.log({ result });
console.time("Loading Compress");
await $.redis.setCompress("foo2", "bar2");
let result2 = await $.redis.getCompress("foo2", { json: false });
console.log({ result2 });
await $.redis.setCompress("foo3", { bar: "bar3" });
let result3 = await $.redis.getCompress("foo3");
console.log({ result3 });
console.timeLog("Loading Compress");
console.time("Loading Load Balance");
await $.redislb.getSlave().set("foo4", "bar4");
let result4 = await $.redislb.getSlave().get("foo4");
console.log({ result4 });
console.timeLog("Loading Load Balance");
console.time("Writing on the master and reading the slaves");
await $.redis.set("foo5", "bar4");
let result5 = await $.redislb.getSlave().get("foo5");
console.log({ result5 });
console.timeLog("Writing on the master and reading the slaves");
console.time("Writing on the master and reading the slaves Compress");
await $.redis.setCompress("foo6", [{ bar: "bar6" }]);
let result6 = await $.redislb.getSlave().getCompress("foo6");
console.log({ result6 });
console.timeLog("Writing on the master and reading the slaves Compress");
console.time("Writing on the master and reading the slaves Compress with expiryMode");
await $.redis.setCompress("foo7", [{ bar: "bar7" }], "EX", 10);
let result7 = await $.redislb.getSlave().getCompress("foo7");
console.log({ result7 });
console.timeLog("Writing on the master and reading the slaves Compress");
console.time("getCompress null");
let result8 = await $.redis.getCompress("foo8");
console.log({ result8 });
console.timeLog("getCompress null");