DHIS2 propTypes
This package contains common prop types used across dhis2 apps and libraries.
yarn add @dhis2/prop-types
Available prop-types
- arrayWithLength([min], [max], [propType]) ⇒
| null
Ensure the prop value is an array with a length between a minimum and maximum.
If a third propType
argument is passed each item in the array needs to be of that prop-type
- instanceOfComponent(Component) ⇒
| null
Ensure the prop value is an instance of a certain component
- mutuallyExclusive(exlusivePropNames, propType) ⇒
| null
Ensure that only one property within a specified list is thruthy
This function will also check if the current property value is of the specified type
arrayWithLength([min], [max], [propType]) ⇒ Error
| null
Ensure the prop value is an array with a length between a minimum and maximum.
If a third propType
argument is passed each item in the array needs to be of that prop-type
Kind: global function
Returns: Error
| null
- Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[min] | number | 0 | The minimal array length |
[max] | number | Infinity | The maximal array length |
[propType] | function | | The prop-type that each array item needs to conform to |
import React from 'react'
import { arrayWithLength } from '@dhis2/prop-types'
const LotsOfLists = props => <div {...props}>Does nothing</div>
LotsOfLists.propTypes = {
arrayWithMaxThreeNumbers: arrayWithLength(0, 3, propTypes.number),
arrayWithAtLeastSixStrings: arrayWithLength(6, undefined, propTypes.string),
arrayWithAtLeastTenItems: arrayWithLength(10),
mandatoryArrayBetweenOneAndTen: arrayWithLength(1,10).isRequired,
instanceOfComponent(Component) ⇒ Error
| null
Ensure the prop value is an instance of a certain component
Kind: global function
Returns: Error
| null
- Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error
Param | Type | Description |
Component | function | The component that is expected |
import React from 'react'
import { instanceOfComponent } from '@dhis2/prop-types'
import { Button } from './Button'
const ButtonWrap = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>
ButtonWrap.propTypes = {
children: instanceOfComponent(Button)
ButtonWrap.propTypes = {
children: instanceOfComponent(Button).isRequired
mutuallyExclusive(exlusivePropNames, propType) ⇒ Error
| null
Ensure that only one property within a specified list is thruthy
This function will also check if the current property value is of the specified type
Kind: global function
Returns: Error
| null
- Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error
Param | Type | Description |
exlusivePropNames | array.<string> | The prop names to be checked |
propType | function | The prop-type that the current prop-value needs to conform to |
import React from 'react'
import cx from 'classnames'
import propTypes from 'prop-types'
import { mutuallyExclusive } from '@dhis2/prop-types'
const Alert = ({ danger, warning, success, children }) => (
<div className={cx({danger, warning, success})}>
const statusPropType = mutuallyExclusive(['danger', 'warning', 'success'], propTypes.bool)
Alert.propTypes = {
children: propTypes.node,
danger: statusPropType,
warning: statusPropType,
success: statusPropType,