eventLoopDelay | Event loop delay (ms) |
memory | Object containing memory usage stats |
memory.rss | RSS memory (bytes) |
memory.heapTotal | Total heap Memory (bytes) |
memory.heapUsed | Heap memory used (bytes) |
memory.external | Extarnal memory (bytes) |
cpu | Cpu usage percentage |
gc | Object containing garbage collection stats |
gc.major | average duration (ms) of perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MAJOR* |
gc.minor | average duration (ms) of perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_MINOR* |
gc.incremental | average duration (ms) of perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_INCREMENTAL* |
gc.weakCB | average duration (ms) of perf_hooks.constants.NODE_PERFORMANCE_GC_WEAKCB* |
raw | Object containing raw values |
raw.cpu | Object containing the raw values returned from process.cpuUsage() |
raw.eventLoopDelay | Raw representation of the event loop delay, on Node 10 it is the delay in nanoseconds, on Node >= 12 is a Histogram instance |