Dynatrace Dtrum Api Types
This package contains the Typescript type information for the Dtrum Api of the javascript agent.
Keep in mind that when the javascript agent is updated, this type package might not provide accurate types.
Version: 1.303.1
npm install --save-dev @dynatrace/dtrum-api-types
Make sure to add these paths to "typeRoots"
in tsconfig.json under "compilerOptions"
"typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types", "./node_modules/@dynatrace/"],
Usage examples
Type inference works out of the box for dtrum calls.
if (window.dtrum) {
} else {
// handle missing dtrum api
In case some specific types or enums are needed, you can import them from dtrum
types library.
import { ActionNameResult } from '@dynatrace/dtrum-api-types';
if (window.dtrum) {
const result = window.dtrum.actionName("exampleName");
switch(result) {
case ActionNameResult.SUCCESS:
// handle success...
case ActionNameResult.ACTION_NOT_FOUND:
// handle action not found...
} else {
// handle missing dtrum api