e2b CLI (WIP)
Command line interface for e2b.
npm install -g @e2b/cli
Then you can use the CLI with
e2b --help
You will need to authenticate to use the e2b CLI.
e2b login
Authenticate without the ability to open browser
To authenticate without the ability to open browser, you can provide E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN as an environment variable.
Obtain your E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN from at e2b.dev/docs.
E2B_ACCESS_TOKEN=sk_e2b_... e2b login
🔜 All commands can be called with a --path <path-to-dir>
flag that changes the directory where the command will be called, without the need to call cd
-V, --version Display e2b CLI version
-h, --help display help for command
help [command] display help for command
login Login to e2b
logout Logout of e2b
env|environment Manage e2b environments
create|cr [options] Create new environment and e2b.json config
list|ls List environments
shell|cn [options] [id] Connect terminal to environment