getWeek | - | Returns a week number of date |
clone | - | Returns a copy of date |
toJSDate | - | Returns Date object. |
inArray | (array, inclusivity) | Find DateTime object in passed DateTime array. |
isBetween | (date1, date2, inclusivity) | Check if a DateTime is between two other DateTime. |
isBefore | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is before another DateTime. unit are day , month , year . |
isSameOrBefore | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is before or the same as another DateTime. unit are day , month . |
isAfter | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is after another DateTime.. unit are day , month , year . |
isSameOrAfter | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is after or the same as another DateTime. unit are day , month . |
isSame | (date, unit) | Check if a DateTime is the same as another DateTime. unit are day , month . |
add | (duration, unit) | Mutates the original DateTime by adding unit. unit are day , month . |
subtract | (duration, unit) | Mutates the original DateTime by subtracting unit. unit are day , month . |
diff | (date, unit) | Returns diff between two DateTime. unit are day , month . |
format | (format, lang) | Format output. See tokens format for format argument. lang affects month names (MMM , MMMM tokens). |