React Google Tag Manager Hook
Use easily the Google Tag Manager
With this custom hook, you can easily use the Google Tag Manager with 0 config, you just have to pass the container ID!
$ yarn add @elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook
$ npm install @elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook
How to use
Pay attention
Since v2.0 I'm using the context to share globally the config of the GTM for the Hook.
If you're looking for the 1.x doc, check this
import { GTMProvider } from '@elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook'
const App = () => {
const gtmParams = { id: 'GTM-ID' }
return (
<GTMProvider state={gtmParams}>
<p>My awesome app</p>
With custom DataLayer Name
import { GTMProvider } from '@elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook'
const App = () => {
const gtmParams = {
id: 'GTM-ID',
dataLayerName: 'customDataLayerName'
return (
<GTMProvider state={gtmParams}>
<p>My awesome app</p>
With custom DataLayer name and initial values
import { GTMProvider } from '@elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook'
const App = () => {
const gtmParams = {
id: 'GTM-ID',
dataLayer: {
'my-custom-value': 'value',
'my-awesome-value': 'awesome'
dataLayerName: 'customDataLayerName'
return (
<GTMProvider state={gtmParams}>
<p>My awesome app</p>
Use a GTM custom environment
import { GTMProvider } from '@elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook'
const App = () => {
const gtmParams = {
id: 'GTM-ID',
environment: {
gtm_auth: 'my-auth-token',
gtm_preview: 'preview-id'
return (
<GTMProvider state={gtmParams}>
<p>My awesome app</p>
To find the gtm_auth
and gtm_preview
values for your custom GTM environment, go to Admin > Your Container > Environments > Your Environment > Actions > Get Snippet in your Google Tag Manager console. You will find the values you need embedded in the snippet.
Sending data to GTM
import { GTMProvider, useGTMDispatch } from '@elgorditosalsero/react-gtm-hook'
const App = () => {
const gtmParams = {
id: 'GTM-ID',
dataLayerName: 'customDataLayerName'
return (
<GTMProvider state={gtmParams}>
<p>My awesome app</p>
<MyAwesomeComp />
const MyAwesomeComp = () => {
const sendDataToGTM = useGTMDispatch()
const handleClick = () => sendDataToGTM({ event: 'awesomeButtonClicked', value: 'imAwesome' })
return (
<p>My Awesome Comp</p>
<button onClick={handleClick}>My Awesome Button</button>
provide you a clean and easy to use API to config the GTM
Name | Type | Required | Info |
id | String | YES | The container ID from the Tag Manager, it looks like: GTM-0T0TTT |
dataLayer | Object | NO | Custom values for the dataLayer, like {'my-init-prop': 'value'} |
dataLayerName | String | NO | Custom name for the dataLayer, if not passed, it will be the default: dataLayer |
environment | Object | NO | Provide the gtm_auth and gtm_preview parameters to use a custom GTM environment |
nonce | String | NO | Server generated nonce. see |
injectScript | Boolean | NO | default(true ): Decide if the GTM Script is injected, see #30. Also allows for delayed injection by toggling true later in flow |
customDomain | String | NO | default( ): Provide customDomain to use a custom GTM domain |
Name | Type | Required | Info |
data | Object | YES | The object data to send to the GTM, like {event: 'my-awesome-event', 'my-custom-var': 'value'} |
You can see this lib live on the dedicated site
is under MIT License
Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!