Defines new Passable
data types and their encoding into the Tagged
objects defined by the @endo/pass-style
package. The @endo/pass-style
package defines the lower level of abstraction on which we need broad agreement for interoperability. The higher level data types defined by this package include
, CopySet
, CopyBag
-- new container types, in addition to the CopyArray
and CopyRecord
already defined by @endo/pass-style
.- a variety of Matchers, for expression patterns that can match over Passables
-- Passables that can be keys in CopyMaps, CopySets, CopyBags, as well as MapStores and SetStores.Pattern
-- values that match some subset of Passables. Includes Matchers along with literal pass-by-copy structures that match theirselves.
The main export from the package is an M
namespace object, for making a variety of Matchers (hence "M").
can also make Guards that use Patterns to characterize dynamic behavior such as method argument/response signatures and promise awaiting. The @endo/exo
package uses InterfaceGuards (each of which maps a collection of method names to their respective method guards) as the first level of defense for Exo objects against malformed input. For example:
const asyncSerializerI = M.interface('AsyncSerializer', {
getStringOf: M.callWhen(M.await(M.any())).returns(M.string()),
const asyncSerializer = makeExo('AsyncSerializer', asyncSerializerI, {
getStringOf(val) { return String(val); },
const stringP = asyncSerializer.getStringOf(Promise.resolve(42n));
await stringP;
See types.js for the definitions of these new types and (at typedefs PatternMatchers
and GuardMakers
) the methods of the exported M
namespace object.