This package contains utility functions and types to ease the use of instruments accross Envelop,
Yoga, whatwg-node and Hive Gateway plugins.
[!NOTE] Instruments are automatically composed together. This should only be used if the default
ordering doesn't suite your need (ie. instruments and hooks should not be executed in the same
composeInstruments(instruments: Instruments[]): Instruments
This function composes all the instruments into one. The instruments will be called in the same
order than they are in the array (first is outer most call, last is inner most).
import { getInstrumentsAndPlugins } from '@envelop/instruments'
const { instruments: instruments1, ...plugin1 } = usePlugin1()
const { instruments: instruments2, ...plugin2 } = usePlugin2()
const getEnveloped = envelop({
plugins: [
{ instruments: composeInstruments([instruments1, instruments2]) }