EOX ESLint & Prettier config for JS projects
This reusable config aims to be our default way of setting up linting and formatting for JS projects. It includes:
- eslint dependency
- prettier dependency
- typescript dependency
- recommended eslint config
- recommended typescript-eslint
- typescript-eslint parser
The config also includes a minimal set of rules, defined in index.js.
npm install --save-dev @eox/eslint-config
To run prettier and format all your files in the current folder, use
npx prettier --write .
npx prettier --write "**/*"
Please refer to the Prettier CLI docs for further details.
To include ESLint in the project, create a file called eslint.config.mjs
in the app root:
import eox from "@eox/eslint-config";
export default [...eox];
Finally, to run ESLint with auto-fixing, use
npx eslint --fix .
Please refer to the ESLint configuration docs and ESLint CLI docs for further details.
To use typescript checks, create a tsconfig.json
in the project root
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": true,
and run the check with
npx tsc
Ignoring files
not any longer -> only for prettier?
You can add a .prettierignore file to ignore certain folders or files/patterns.
# adapt according to your project needs
For ESlint, use the ignores
property in the config file. Example:
{ ignores: ["dist"] },
Custom configuration & rules
Both Prettier and ESLint allow for some rule customization. Please check the Prettier configuration options and the ESLint rules for an explanation of rules that could be added/modified to this file for individual projects.
BUT: please consider if this is really necessary, or if it could be included in the centralized config rather than in an individual project. Ideally, the individual projects should not use any custom rules.
Extend with plugins
Example: Cypress & Vue
import eox from "@eox/eslint-config";
import pluginCypress from "eslint-plugin-cypress/flat";
import pluginVue from "eslint-plugin-vue";
export default [
rules: {
Checking for valid code
To check if your code is valid before committing or inside a CI pipeline, use
npx prettier --check .
npx eslint .
Automation in VS Code (extension, settings)
Although you can use prettier via command line, in a pre-commit hook or in a CI pipeline, you can also use the VS Code extension to format files (or file sections) via a handy command or even automatically (e.g. on file save) right inside your code editor.
--> Prettier - Code formatter extension
Please refer to the description about setting up and using the extension!
As a bare minimum, create a .prettierrc.json
file in the app root to let the editor know prettier is used in this project
echo {} > .prettierrc.json
As for ESLint, automatically running and fixing your code can be obtained by changing the settings in your workspace or dev container settings, e.g.:
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true