This scoped package is my personal framework. I use it on a number of small projects.
An Example
This example uses bel with nanomorph, but you should be able to use diffHTML and possibly other solutions.
const framework = require('@erickmerchant/framework')
const html = require('bel')
const diff = require('nanomorph')
const target = document.querySelector('main')
framework({target, store, component, diff})()
function store (commit) {
commit(() => 0)
return function (action) {
switch (action) {
case 'increment':
commit((state) => state + 1)
case 'decrement':
commit((state) => state - 1)
function component ({state, dispatch}) {
return html`<main>
<button onclick=${() => dispatch('decrement')}>--</button>
<button onclick=${() => dispatch('increment')}>++</button>
API Reference
Framework Code
framework({target, store, component, diff, raf})
The function exported by this module.
- target: a DOM element. The place to render your application
- store
- component
- diff
- raf: optional. A replacement for window.requestAnimationFrame. It defaults to window.requestAnimationFrame
Returns a function. See init
This is what is passed to commit. It can be anything from simply a number like in the example, but a plain object makes sense in most cases.
commit((current) => next)
It's passed a callback that receives the current state and should return the new state.
Initializes a change in state and causes a render. If the length of arguments is 0, the agent is not called, but a render is triggered.
- arguments: all get passed to the agent
next((target) => { ... })
A convenient helper to pass a callback to process.nextTick. Can be used to manipulate the page in some way after a render. For example scrolling to a specific element or focusing an input element.
init((dispatch) => { ... })
Call init to do some initial work that may require dispatch.
Application Code
It should return the agent.
Anything returned will be ignored
- arguments: all the arguments passed to dispatch
component({state, dispatch, next})
Should return the element to pass to diff
diff(target, element)
- target: the target passed to framework
- element: the new element returned from the component
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