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Filerobot explorer for the files uploaded on filerobot, handling them & upload new files.

  • 3.103.0
  • npm
  • Socket score

Version published


Plugins Website Version Scaleflex team License CodeSandbox

Filerobot Widget logo

The file Explorer and media gallery plugin of the Filerobot Media Asset Widget.



npm install --save @filerobot/explorer


yarn add @filerobot/explorer


import Explorer from '@filerobot/explorer'
filerobot.use(Explorer, propertiesObject)


If installed via a CDN link, the plugin is inside the Filerobot global object as Filerobot.Explorer

const Explorer = window.Filerobot.Explorer
filerobot.use(Explorer, propertiesObject)

Plugin styles

import "@filerobot/core/dist/style.css";
import "@filerobot/explorer/dist/style.css";

or via the minified versions

import "@filerobot/core/dist/style.min.css";
import "@filerobot/explorer/dist/style.min.css";

The plugin's css file should be imported after the Core's css file for having the styles shown correctly.


The Explorer supports multiple properties to customize the plugin according to your needs. Required attributes are marked with (Required).


Type: object Required.


  config: {
    companyName: 'scaleflex',
    foldersLimit: 200,
    filesLimit: 50,
    rootFolderPath: '/',
    defaultSort: {
      by: '',
      order: ''
    tagging: {...} // check tagging section

The config objects contains the main configuration for the plugin to interact with your Filerobot project:


Type: string.

Default: scaleflex

Your company name, used when sharing assets.


Type: number.

Default: 200

Number of folders to be retrieved with folders initial request.


Type: number.

Default: undefined

Maximum number of files that can be selected.


Type: number.

Default: 50

Number of files to be retrieved with files initial request.


Type: string.

Default: /

Overrides the root folder path when there is no list scope linked with the securityTemplateId or at least 2 folders or more in the list scope otherwise it has no effect.

Note: If the securityTemplateId has 2 folders at least, then the provided folder path must be one of these folders or one of their sub-folders.


Type: object.

Default: { by: 'name', order: 'asc' }

Customize the default selected sort option for both files & folders shown in the main view (not applicable for folders tree or objects' trees) applied for all the files shown regardless of the opened view.

The options available sorting

bystringnameDefines the default sort by param, should be one of ['name', 'created_at', 'modified_at', 'size', 'type']
orderstringascDefines the default sort order param, should be one of ['asc', 'desc']

Note: its value is considered only on plugin's install/mount.


Type: object.


  text: {
    by: 'name',
    order: 'asc'

Customize the default selected sort option for search shown in the main view, applied for all the files shown regardless of the opened view.

The options available sorting

text.bystringnameDefines the default search sort by param, should be one of ['relevance', 'name', 'created_at', 'modified_at', 'size', 'type']
text.orderstringascDefines the default search sort order param, should be one of ['asc', 'desc']

Type: object.


  tagging: {
    enabled: false,
    autoTagging: false,
    suggestedTagsOnly: false,
    language: 'en',
    confidence: 60,
    limit: 10,
    provider: 'google',
    suggestionList: []

The options available for tagging

enabledbooleanfalseEnable/disable tags
autoTaggingbooleanfalseEnable/disable auto-tagging
suggestedTagsOnlybooleanfalseEnable/disable suggested tags only. When it's TRUE, users can only select tags from a pre-defined list. Notice that when suggestedTagsOnly is TRUE, autoTagging will be disabled.
languagestringenAutoTagging config that we add in POST process/autoTag request data.meta
confidencenumber60AutoTagging config that we add in POST process/autoTag request data.meta
limitnumber10AutoTagging config that we add in POST process/autoTag request data.meta
providerstring[]AutoTagging config that we add in POST process/autoTag request data.meta
suggestionListobject[]1 Tags suggestions list that is shown under tags field. By default we show primary tags, but when user start typing we filter full suggestionList. Object format:
      sid: string, // Short id like: '#tg1885f'
      names: {
        en: string,
        fr: string
      primary: boolean // If true, tag will be shown in Suggestions list below tags field


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, the plugin will be displayed as inline element in the element referred by the target property. Otherwise, it will pop up in a modal upon trigger, see below.


Type: string.

Default: null

The selector used for triggering the display of the plugin modal, if passed to querySelectorAll function. Available options:

  • HTML tag, eg. body
  • CSS selector, eg. #filerobot-trigger-button or .filerobot-trigger-button

Multiple triggers are supported as click events.

Required if inline: false


Type: string Required.

Default: body

The selector used for displaying the plugin, if passed to querySelector function. Options:

  • HTML tag, eg. body
  • CSS selector, eg. #filerobot-container or .filerobot-container


Type: number| string.

Default: 768

Width of the plugin as a number if specified in pixels or a percentage, eg. '50%'


Type: number| string.

Default: 538

Height of the plugin as a number if specified in px or a percentage eg. '35%'


Type: number.

Default: 280

Pixel width of the asset thumbnails displayed in the gallery. Apect ratio of images is kept in case of image assets.


Type: number.

Default: 170

Pixel height of the asset thumbnails displayed in the gallery. Aspect ratio of images is kept in case of image assets.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the Explorer view displaying files/folders and only allows the user to upload a single or multiple assets. In summary, if set to true it puts the upload page as default homepage and removes the gallery.


Type: array.

Default: []

List of file UUIDs with the state "muted". These files cannot be selected or have any actions performed on them.


Type: array.


List of available views.

NOTE some views can be hidden if you don't have permission provided in securityTemplateId.

defaultView Deprecated - use view instead

Type: string.

Default: 'FOLDERS'

View which will be opened by default.


Type: string.

Default: 'FOLDERS'

View which will be currently opened.


Type: string.

Default: null

Open the provided view's item/object for ex. (folders view => folder path, labels view => label sid or uuid, collections view => collection uuid, products view => product ref...etc.)

Note: No auto redirect to the view, you have to provide the proper view from view prop.


Type: string.

Default: null

A sub item that should be opened inside the provided view & viewItem, mostly used for opening a collection virtual folder that's found inside some collection.

Note: No auto redirect to the view, you have to provide the proper view from view prop.


Type: boolean.

Default: grid

Specifies the default layout in the view:

gridshows folders/assets as cards in a grid
listshows the folders/assets as rows in a table

you can switch between layouts from the layout selector button in the right side in header bar.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, delays the start of the upload process until the asset thumbnails are generated and displayed in the plugin.


Type: boolean.

Default: true

If set to false, hides the top bar with Upload button, searchBar, create folder button and view button.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hides the Upload button at the top of the plugin.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hides the file approval thumbnail status at the top for file cell.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides Search field at the top of the plugin.


Type: string.

Default: null

A custom note displayed in the upload screen for drag&drop.


Type: string.

Default: null

A custom hint displayed in the upload screen at the bottom.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Plugin modal will be closed when clicking outside of the modal.

Only relevant if inline: false


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Plugin modal still opened when click outside of it, if there's selected files to be uploaded

Only relevant if closeModalOnClickOutside: true


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Modal will close after upload is finished.

Only relevant if inline: false


Type: function.

Default: () => {}

A callback function that would be triggered when the user clicks on upload button that is shown in the uploads panel, if returned true then the default upload functionality won't be triggered.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Disables the informer plugin used to show warnings and errors.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Disables the thumbnail-generator plugin that generates image thumbnails.


Type: boolean.

Default: true

If set to true, disables scrolling for the document while the plugin modal is open.

Only relevant if inline: false


PREVIOUSLY: disableExportButton & disableTopBarMainButton

Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the download button shown in the action bar when selecting files.


PREVIOUSLY: preventExportDefaultBehavior

Type: boolean.

Default: false

Prevent default behavior of download/export.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hide transformation in download options in context menu and action bar.


PREVIOUSLY: hideExportButtonIcon

Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the download/export button icon.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the header bar, header bar contains breadcrumbs and other action buttons.


PREVIOUSLY: disableExportCropPanel

Type: boolean.

Default: false

The crop button in the export options modal will be hidden.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Adds download=1 param to the CDN download link

defaultCollectionUuid Deprecated - use view & viewItem instead

Type: string.

Default: null

Navigate to the collection view and open the provided collection.

Only relevant if Collections view is provided in views

defaultLabelSid Deprecated - use view & viewItem instead

Type: string.

Default: null

Navigate to the labels view and open the provided label.

Only relevant if Labels view is provided in views

defaultFilters Deprecated - use filters instead

Type: object.

Default: null

Apply the provided filters on initial load.

defaultSearchQuery Deprecated - use search.query instead

Type: string.

Default: ''

Apply the provided search query on initial load.


Type: string.

Default: 'default'

Possible values: 'default' | 'cloudimage'

Set imageEditorMode for the image editor plugin.


Type: object.

Default: null

Navigate to the provided item and focus on mount


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the modal after finish download/export.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides the modal after finish editing image.


Type: () => undefined.

Default: closeModal function

Specified a custom function to be executed when trying to close the modal. Default closing modal behavior is overridden

Only relevant if inline: false


Type: boolean.

Default: true

Disable the modal's opening and closing.

Only relevant if inline: false


Type: object.

Default: locales from filerobot's backend then default locale file with all labels is under lib/defaultLocale.js.

You can override some labels by specifying a translation object here, such as:

  strings: {
    baseFolderTitle: "Root"; // overrides the default Home value to Root


Type: boolean.

Default: false

The browser Back button will close the modal, otherwise it will trigger the standard back browser behavior.

Only relevant if inline: false


Type: boolean.

Default: false

When enabled it will send extra folders/stats API request with the folders request to get folders count.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

The 'Add More' button in upload module is hidden preventing users to upload more item.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Shows/hides on initial load the folder tree as a sidebar at the left of the plugin to navigate folders. The user can shows/hides the folder tree from the tree icon in the breadcrumbs.

Only relevant if folders view is provided in views


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Shows/hides on initial load the product tree as a sidebar at the left of the plugin to navigate products. The user can shows/hides the product tree from the tree icon in the breadcrumbs.

Only relevant if products view is provided in views


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Shows/hides the collection tree as a sidebar at the left of the plugin to navigate collections. The user can shows/hides the collection tree from the tree icon in the breadcrumbs.

Only relevant if collection view is provided in views


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Shows/hides the label tree as a sidebar at the left of the plugin to navigate labels. The user can shows/hides the label tree from the tree icon in the breadcrumbs.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Shows/hides the asset details view as a sidebar at the right of the plugin to view various details about selected assets. The user can shows/hides the details view from the info icon in the right side of the breadcrumbs.


Type: object.



If you need to customize the sub tabs that are opened from the parent tabs of the context menu (the menu shown on clicking right click on the file/folder):

fileMorestrings[]['LOCATE_FILE', 'REMOVE_BACKGROUND']sub items for more Actions option inside assets's context menu
fileSharestrings[] ['PUBLISH', 'MANAGE_ACCESS', 'GET_LINK', 'VIA_SHAREBOX', 'EMBED']sub items for share option inside assets's context menu


Type: object.


  resolution: 'auto',
  protocol: 'HLS'

Video transcoding options for post-upload video transcoding:

resolutionstring requiredautotarget resolutions for video transcoding
protocolstring requiredHLSwhich protocol to use while transcoding


Type: object.

Default: {}

Defines additional crop types & presets besides the freehand one and their presets and its shape as follows

  'Social media': [
     * label: possible to be a string or string in form of i18n key provided through locale object
     * value: value follows this format (width:height:autoResize) or one of the following stringy values (original/ellipse) which defines the width & height of the crop preset autoResize which is a boolean value if `true` then resizing inputs will be disabled and auto resize will be applied automatically otherwise they're enabled, ratio of crop will be determined from width / height.
    { label: 'Facebook profile', value: '400:400:true' },
    { label: 'linkedInCover', value: '1128:191:false' }
  custom: [
    { label: 'logoSize', value: '320:100' }
  ellipse: {
    label: 'ellipse', value: 'ellipse'
  original: {
    label: 'original', value: 'original'

NOTE: The object's keys will be used the label for crop type (it is possible to be label string or i18n key string that is provided through locale object)


Type: boolean.

Default: true

Remove background option will appear in context menu.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Multiple files/folders selections will be disabled and only 1 file/folder possible to be selected.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

The url query fmaw_path won't be added/updated to the current url.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hides filerobot copyright at the bottom of the plugin.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, actions like deleting, editing, or downloading assets will not be allowed, explore and insert actions allowed.


Type: string.

Default: explorerTopSectionImportFileTitle

changing it's value changes the asset picker's model title


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, disable the possiblity to select folder(s).


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hide the folder item top options.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hide the file item top options.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hide toggle details tab button.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hides the activity tab in the file manager modal.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hides the versioning tab in the file manager modal.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hide the selection buttons in the action bar.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, disable the drag and drop actions to move assets/folders or upload


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If set to true, hides some options in asset contextual menu:

  • Download (context menu)
  • Transformation (action bar)
  • Edit image (context menu and action bar)


Type: string.

Default: fmaw_

Override the query params


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Changes the design for the addFiles panel in uploads.


Type: boolean.

Default: true

shows/hides sort button in Explorer.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Enables/disables the download of usage rights file with assets.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Enables/disables the login mode which gives the user the possibility to login by his credentials (email & password) through a form shown to the user while using the widget, respecting the provided container in the core class of the widget.

Note: Don't provide security template key nor sass key if you need to use enable this feature by providing its value to true.


Type: string.

Default: null

The property used to add a default email address in the email address field of the login mode form, if not provided the email address will be empty. In both cases, the user will be able to change/add his email address and this property is used by having useLoginMode enabled.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Removes the add comment textarea from the comments tab.


Type: boolean.

Default: true

Providing false, will hide Open asset location option in the context menu and file window.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Providing true, will disable the possibility of selecting other search contexts and always force the user to use the current opened view's context.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Enables or disables the download cart feature in the application.

When set to true, the download cart functionality is active, allowing users to add and remove files from the download cart. This feature is useful for users who need to collect multiple files for download at a later time.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Faceted search allows users to filter files using metadata filters. When this feature is enabled:

  • The filters bar will be hidden.
  • Only metadata filters with select, select-one, and boolean fields will be displayed.

Note: Faceted search is only active in the assets view.


Type: boolean.

Default: true

expands faceted search sidebar by default.

Note: if facetedSearchEnabled is false, this property will be ignored.


Type: array.

Default: []

Array of metadata fields keys to be shown on faceted search.

Note: only exist filters will be shown.


Type: object.

Default: {}

Filters to be applied to the views that accept filters, and will be locked if disableFiltersAndSearch or forceFilters is true, consists of the following:

dateobject{ key: 'created', value: undefined, operator: ':' } the date filter that combines both the option/type and range with the operator
dateOptionstring | integerCREATED === 0the date option/type to filter with
dateRangeinteger(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | string | string['yyyy-mm-dd', 'yyyy-mm-dd']undefinedThe date range used in filtering with the date option
mimeTypesstring[]undefinedFile mimetypes (in the UI called types)
fileTypesstring[]undefinedFile types (in the UI called Format)
sizeintegers[minMB, maxMB]undefinedthe date option/type to filter with
tagsstring[] undefinedThe tags that should be contain in the files, the values consist of tag sids without #
imageOrientationsstring[]undefinedThe image orientation values
imageResolutionsstring[]undefinedThe image resolution values
imageFacesstring[]undefinedThe number of faces found in an image
imageMainColorsstring[]undefinedThe main colors of the image which represents significant proportion in the image
imageDominantColorsstring[]sundefinedThe dominant colors of the image
metadata{ key: string, operator: string|undefined ,value: string|string[], condition:{ {operator:string ,value: string|string[]}| undefined }undefinedThe metadata objects used in filtering
labelsstring[]undefinedThe label sids without # used in filtering files contain that value (Only 1 label/value is supported currently) -- doesn't work in labels view
foldersstring[]undefinedThe path of the folders to be used while filtering (Only 1 folder/value is supported currently) -- doesn't work in folders view
productsstring[] | stringundefinedThe product refs used to show the files assigned to these products

Note: you could apply the filter value directly as in the following example, or you could add another customer filter operator by providing operator property. Ex. { date: { key: 'created', value: ['2022-02-04'], operator: '>' } } // means return the files created after that date.

Available filter operators are one of the following: ['>', '<', '<=', '>=', '!=', '=', ':', '', '~~', '~~~', '^', '~=']

  date: {
    key: 'created', // Either a string 'created'/'updated',
    // `value` Either a string 'LAST_DAY'/'LAST_7_DAYS'/'LAST_30_DAYS'/'LAST_90_DAYS'/'LAST_180_DAYS' or integer 1/2/3/4/5 -- constants are preferred -- or for custom range provide an array [from, to] each date in the form yyyy-mm-dd .
    value: ['2024-10-11'],
    // `operator` one of ['>', '<', '<=', '>=', '!=', '=', ':', '~', '~~', '~~~', '~^', '~=']
    operator: '>',

  // Not used if `date` is used.
  // `dateOption`: Either a string 'CREATED'/'UPDATED' or integer 0/1.
  dateOption: 0,

  // Not used if `date` is used.
  // `dateRange` Either a string 'LAST_DAY'/'LAST_7_DAYS'/'LAST_30_DAYS'/'LAST_90_DAYS'/'LAST_180_DAYS' or integer 1/2/3/4/5 -- constants are preferred -- or for custom range provide an array [from, to] each date in the form yyyy-mm-dd .
  dateRange: 'LAST_7_DAYS',

   // `mimeTypes`: An Array of strings, acceptable values any/all of the following ['IMAGE', 'VIDEO', 'AUDIO', 'DOCUMENT', 'ARCHIVE'] or ['image', 'video', 'audio', 'application', 'application/zip, application/x-zip-compressed, application/vnd.rar, application/x-rar-compressed'] -- constants are preferred --.
  mimeTypes: ['IMAGE', 'VIDEO'],

  // `fileTypes`: An Array of strings, acceptable values are provided from BE filters API value property found in file type objects, ex. ['img|x-icon', 'img|jpeg'].
  fileTypes: ['img|png', 'img|jpeg'],

  // `size`: An Array of integers (only 2), values provided are considered as MB. [minMB, maxMB].
  size: [0, 10],

  // `tags`: An Array of strings, values are tag sids coming from BE but without (#).
  tags: ['tge3c9d', 'tgdeaa9'],

  // `imageOrientations`: An Array of strings, any/all of the following values are valid ['PORTRAIT', 'PANORAMA', 'SQUARE', 'LANDSCAPE'] or ['portrait', 'panorama', 'square', 'landscape'] -- constants are preferred --.
  imageOrientations: ['PORTRAIT', 'SQUARE'],

  // `imageResolutions`: An Array of strings, any/all of the following values are possible ['SMALL', 'MEDIUM', 'LARGE'] or ['small', 'medium', 'large'] -- constants are preferred --.
  imageResolutions: ['MEDIUM', 'LARGE'],

  // `imageFaces`: An Array of strings, any/all of the following values are possible ['NO_FACES', 'ONE_FACE', 'TWO_FACES', 'ANY'] or ['0', '1', '2', '*'] -- constants(capitalized) are preferred -- (* => means group/multiple of faces).
  imageFaces: ['1', '*'],

  // `imageMainColors`: An Array of strings, represents the color stringy value it must be any/all of the following only no other colors ['PURPLE', 'RED', 'ORANGE', 'PINK', 'GRASS_GREEN', 'YELLOW', 'AZURE', 'CHARTREUSE', 'TEAL'] or ['purple', 'red', 'orange', 'pink', 'grass_green', 'yellow', 'azure', 'chartreuse', 'teal'] -- constants(capitalized) are preferred --.
  imageMainColors: ['TEAL', 'YELLOW'],

  // `imageDominantColors`: An Array of strings, represents the color stringy value it must be any/all of the following only no other colors ['PURPLE', 'RED', 'ORANGE', 'PINK', 'GRASS_GREEN', 'YELLOW', 'AZURE', 'CHARTREUSE', 'TEAL'] or ['purple', 'red', 'orange', 'pink', 'grass_green', 'yellow', 'azure', 'chartreuse', 'teal'] -- constants(capitalized) are preferred --.
  imageDominantColors: ['pink', 'red'],

  // `metadata`: An Array of objects contains { key, operator, value, condition }, key and value are required for all metadata types, operator is required for single and multiple select metadatas only, condition is required in case operator is 'HAS' to add extra condition (another operator and value) to have metadata working properly, the value either the api_key or the internal unique value, the operators are [IS, NOT, HAS], condition operators are ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT'], all operators must be upper case, also for 'IS' operator we support empty and non empty options to filter all empty/non empty metadata
  metadata: [
    { key: 'cities', value: ['@itm_v1_08bbe7e5_4@', '@itm_v1_905066ed_9@'] },
    { key: 'brand', value: 'adidas' },
    { key: 'color', operator: 'IS', value: 'yellow' },
    { key: 'file', operator: 'HAS', value: 'png', condition: {operator: 'OR', value: 'jpg'} },

  // `labels`: An Array of strings, currently accepts 1 label only and the value should be label sid **with** (#).
  labels: ['#lbbp8dnyu'],

  // `folders`: An Array of strings, currently accepts 1 folder path only.
  folders: ['/hello-world'],

  // `products`: An array of strings or part of sequenced products ref with operator ~ to be completed (means, seq1**).
  products: [{ value: 'seq1', operator: '~' }]
 // filter with operator syntax example
  [property]: {
    value: '...', // required, depends on the filter its type is provided
    operator: ':' // optional, if needed otherwise the default one is used ':'
    key: '...', // optional, if needed.

Note: Constant values are better to be used as they are less prone for changes.

Note: To lock any of the above properties by using disabledFiltersAndSearch or forceFilters then you have to provide a value for the property to be locked.

Note: Operators are allowed to be provided for all the above filters but some of them are not supported on BE.

Type: object.

Default: {}

Search object to be considered in the views have searching enabled and will be locked if disableFiltersAndSearch is true, consists of the following:

querystringundefinedThe search query string shown in the search input and used in searching, if using with disabledFiltersAndSearch then the property must contain a stringy value to lock the search or at least empty text ''
tagsstring[]undefinedThe search tags found in the search input as advanced search prefxed with symbol (#) -- different from tags of filters --
filtersstring[][]undefinedThe advanced search filters found also in search input by prefixing with the symbol (@) the value consists of array of 2 strings array the first string represents the key, second string represents the value and whole array represents an item -- different from filters --.
  // `query`: A string search query shown in the search input.
  query: '',

  // `tags`: An array of strings **contains** (#). The search input's tags used as advanced search on writing inside the input starting with (#) symbol and spaced tags are surrounded with double quote "" .
  tags: ['#Cairo', '"#Las Vegas"'],

  // `filters`: An Array of array consists of 2 strings, the 1st string refers to the filter's key and 2nd refers to the filter's value. The search input's filters used as advanced search on writing inside the input starting with (@) symbol.
  filters: [["key", "value"], ["filename", "Test file"]]

Note: To lock any of the above properties by using disabledFiltersAndSearch then you have to provide a value for the property to be locked at least empty value would be fine.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If true then the only provided filters & search objects will be used as filters & search and disable both the filters & search input in UI dis-allowing the user to change/un-select any of them at all keeping the selected/provided filters not disabled but no changes possible for them.

Note: if search query is empty it won't be disabled if you need to disable it with no text provide an empty string ''.

Note: Enabling this option will dismiss applying the filters & search from the url queries.


If true then the provided filters will always get applied with no possibility to remove from the UI, but the user still has the option to extend with more filters from the UI unless the provided filter accepts 1 value only.

Note: Enabling this option will dismiss applying the filters from the url queries.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

If true it will disable fallback request to load resolution info if not found in file details in grid/list layout.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Hide the folders tree sidebar and its toggle icon.


Type: string.

Default: 'tags' fallbacks to 'title'

Assigns the default field of the bulk edit panel to be opened on showing the bulk edit panel as the focused/default field, it should be one of the general field keys (tags/title/description) or any field key -- lowered case -- of the shown file custom metadata fields (depends on the token).


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Keeps the current selections on clicking preview button of the file's cell only, to have the possibility to check the file in the file window if true.


Type: boolean.

Default: false

Enables the generate description by AI in the description input of file window.


The explorer plugin emits different events that you could subscribe to or add your handler to be called with the provided arguments passed while emitting/firing the event, the events are listed below with examples show the parameters for handler:


Emitted when objects (folders/labels/collections/files) have been removed from the user's side.


  • removedObjectsUuids: An array of removed objects' uuids (for labels the sids will be the value).
  • removedObjectsType: folders/collections/labels/files/items (files + folders).


filerobot.on("objects-removed", (removedObjectsUuids = [], objectsType) => {
    "Objects with the following Uuids have been removed:",


Emitted when folder(s) are moved from path to another.


  • movedFoldersUuids: An array of folders uuids that are moved.
  • newPath: A string of the new path which the folders moved to.


filerobot.on('objects-removed', (movedFoldersUuids = [], newPath) => {
  console.log(`Following folders uuids ${movedFoldersUuids.join(,)} are moved to this new path (${newPath}).`)


Package last updated on 29 Jan 2025

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