Flyt Logger
A small logging library for use within flyt node integrations. Flyt Logger is a thin wraper around the
winston and sends logs over UDP.
yarn add @flytio/flyt-logger
Import and get an instance of FlytLogger. Preferably in the entry point of the application.
import { FlytLogger } from '@flytio/flyt-logger';
const logger = FlytLogger.getInstance();
Before we can start sending logs we need to initialise the logger. We can pass an optional options object when we initialise. The most important option to consider is app
. This will uniquely identify logs from your application. Again this should be done within the entry point of your application and only needs to be called once for the lifetime of your application.
const options: UDPTransportOptions = {
app: 'app-name';
Once we have initialised we can use any of the logging methods available. Each logging method accepts a message and an optional metadata object if you wish to send any other data that you think appropiate.
// Info messages should be a simple meesage describing what is happening.'sendCollectionOrder request started');
// Debug messages should have more context.
logger.debug(`pos response: ${JSON.stringify(responseFromPos)}`);
// Error messages should log out any errors that happen in your application.
logger.error(`order failed to send: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);