
The Development tools for FontoXML can support a developer when configuring a FontoXML editor.
This module contains commands for adding localization support to a FontoXML editor.
This module is part of the FontoXML development tools and is not meant to be used separately. To install the FontoXML development tools, run the following command:
npm i -g @fontoxml/fontoxml-development-tools
Usage examples
fdt localization extract [<output>] [--paths <package1> [<package2> ...]]
Extract messages from packages and save them in a message bundle template.
fdt localization merge [<output>] --bundles <bundle1> <bundle2> [<bundle3> ...]
Merge multiple message bundles into a single bundle.
fdt localization update <input> <template> [--output-to-stdout]
Update message bundle with a new template bundle.
fdt localization messages <bundle> [--search-in <search text>] [--search-out <search text>] [--search-package <search text>] [--search-file <search text>] [--with-conflicts] [--without-conflicts] [--with-out] [--without-out] [--no-table]
Output a table with information about all messages in a message (template) bundle.