Micro Animation
A light shim over the Web Animation API to swiftly create awaitable micro animations from JS.
Often times using transitions in the CSS creates constant custom code for every animation,
prone to timing problem between CSS timing and JS. By moving the transitions from CSS to JS
the result is both cleaner code, less code and perfect timing as a result.
The Web Animation API is powerfull but clunky. The microAnimation lib is all you need for your
micro animation one liners.
npm install @foundit/micro-animation
import { microAnimation } from '@foundit/micro-animation'
Executing an animation
Minimum is to pass an element and a transformEnd object containing the properties you want to animate to.
Transform start is picked up from the element's computed style.
async function closeModal() {
await microAnimation({
element: myModal,
duration: 300,
transformEnd: { opacity: 0 },
Animating with several keyframes
For a keyframe animation, pass an array of keyframe objects.
The offset property is optional, and defaults to 0. In the example below,
the background color will change to orangered at 70% of the animation.
await microAnimation({
duration: 1000,
easing: 'ease-out',
transformEnd: [{
backgroundColor: 'orangered',
opacity: 1, offset: 0.7
}, {
transform: "translateX(0)",
backgroundColor: 'blue'
Start state
microAnimation does not accept a start state, instead it takes the computed styles. In most
cases this is desired to avoid jankiness. In case you need to put a start state you'd need
to do something similar to:
async function openModal() {
Object.assign(myModalElement.style, {
translate: '0 10px',
opacity: 0,
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0))
void microAnimation({
element: myModal,
duration: 300,
easing: 'ease-in',
transformEnd: { opacity: 0 },
Use void
instead of await
if you don't need to wait for the promise to resolve. Handy if you
need to execute it directly inside a useEffect in React where you can't have await. It is also
thenable should you prefer that to await.
microAnimation arguments
- a DOM element or ref element if your using Reactduration
- duration of the total nimation in mseasing
- any of the easings available in CSS, i.e 'ease-in', 'linear', etctransformEnd
- a object or array of keyframe objects containg animatable CSS properties in camel casefill
- same function as fillMode in CSS, defaults to 'forward'