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k-language for JSON-like data transformation

  • 2.1.1
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npm install '@fraczak/k'

From javascript:

import k from "@fraczak/k";

const fn = k.compile("<.name,.nom,'?'>");
// returns: [ "x", "y", "?" ]

k - the way of building and manipulating JSON-like data

Technically, k is a notation for defining first-order partial functions.

An example of a partial function is the projection, e.g., ".toto", which maps an object to its property named toto, or it is not defined if the property doesn't exist. E.g.,

1   .toto :
2        {"toto": 5, "titi": 10}  --> 5
3        {"titi": 10}             ... undefined // it is not a value!

Note: The above 3 lines should be read as follows. A k-expression is printed in the first line (before ":"). The following lines are examples of the function defined by the k-expression applayed to JSON values (first part of each line). If the function for the value is defined, then the result is printed after "-->" (line 2 in the above example). If the function is not defined for the value, then "... undefined" is printed (line 3).

Combining "partial functions"

There are three ways of combining functions:

  1. composition: (f1 f2 ...), e.g. (.toto .titi) extracts nested field.

      (.toto .titi) :
          {"toto": {"titi": 10}}   --> 10
          {"toto": 10 }            ... undefined
          {}                       ... undefined
  2. merge: < f1, f2,... >, e.g., <.toto, .titi> extracts field toto if present; otherwise extracts titi.

      <.toto, .titi> :
          {"toto": 5, "titi": 10}  --> 5
          {"titi": 10 }            --> 10
          {}                       ... undefined
  3. product: { f1 label1, f2 label2, ...}, e.g., {.toto TOTO, .titi TITI} extracts two fields and builds a record out of them.

      {.toto TOTO, .titi TITI} :
          {"toto": 5, "titi": 10, "x": 3}  --> {"TOTO": 5, "TITI": 10}
          {"titi": 10 }                    ... undefined

QUIZ: What is:

  • empty composition: () ?
  • empty merge: <> ?
  • empty product: {} ?
  • {{{{} s} s} s} ?
  • ({{{() a} b} c} .c .b .a) ?

Syntactic sugar

  • parenthesis can be omitted, except for the empty composition (),
  • dot (.) in "projection" acts as a separator so the space around it can be omitted.

For example, [(.toto .titi (.0 .1))] can be written as [.toto.titi.0.1].

Comments can be introduced by //, --, %, or # and extends to the end of line. Multiline C-like comments, /* ... */, are also supported.

Basic extensions

Constants, i.e., literals for strings, integers, booleans, and null

A constant defines a function which ignores its argument and produces the constant value. E.g.:

{123 int, "kScript" str, true bool, null null} :
    "any"  --> {"int":123,"str":"kScript","bool":true,"null":null}

Those values, i.e., strings, integers, booleans, and null, admit the projection to the canonicat string representation of the value, e.g.:

.2 :
    2      --> {}
    "2"    --> {}
    4      ... undefined
    true   ... undefined

.true :
    true   --> {}
    "true" --> {}
    4      ... undefined
    "toto" ... undefined

.null :
    null   --> {}
    "null" --> {}
    4      ... undefined
    false  ... undefined
Vector product

Vector product can be seen as an abbreviation for product whose field names are integers starting from zero. E.g., {.toto 0, .titi 1, 123 2} can be written as [.toto, .titi, 123].

[.toto, .titi, 12] :
    {"toto": 5, "titi": 10 }  --> [5, 10, 12] 

.1 :
    ["A","B","C"]  --> "B"
    ["a"]          ... undefined

Pragmatic extensions, aka "standard library"

  • GT -- identity for lists of decreasing elements; undefined otherwise

      [4,3]     --> [4,3]
      [3,4]     ... undefined
      []        --> []
      [4,3,0]   --> [4,3,0]
  • EQ -- identity for lists of equal elements; undefined otherwise

      [4,4]     --> [4,4]
      [4,5]     ... undefined
      [4,4,4]   --> [4,4,4]
      []        --> []
  • PLUS and TIMES -- sum and product of lists of numbers

    {PLUS plus, TIMES times} :
      [1,2]     --> {"plus":3,"times":2}
      [2,2,2]   --> {"plus":6,"times":8}
      []        --> {"plus":0,"times":1}
  • CONCAT -- concatenation of lists of strings

      ["a","bc","d"] --> "abcd"
      ["a","bc","d"] --> "abcd"
  • toJSON and fromJSON -- conversion to and from JSON strings

      {"a": 12} --> "{\"a\":12}"
      "{\"a\":12}"       --> {"a":12}
      "2.12"             --> 2.12
      "[1,2.11,0.3e-32]" --> [1,2.11,3e-33]
  • other predefined parial functions are: DIV, FDIV, CONS, SNOC, toDateMsec, toDateStr, and _log!.

Function and code (i.e., type) definitions

  dec = [(),-1] PLUS;
  max = <SNOC [.0, .1 max] <GT.0, .1>, .0> ;
  factorial = < [(),0] GT .0 [dec factorial, ()] TIMES, 1 >;

Codes (prefixed by $) can be defined by taged union and product. E.g.:

  $nat = <nat 1, {} 0>;
  $pair = {nat x, nat y};

  suc = {$nat 1};
  add = $pair <{.x.1 x, .y suc y} add, .y>;
Basic extension codes

Since basic extension introduces integers, booleans, and strings, there are three predefined types: int, bool, and string. A vector product code can also be defined by [ codeExp ]. All members of the vector are the same code. E.g.,

 $intVector = [ int ];
 $boolVector = [ bool ];
 $tree = [ tree ];

 emptyList? = $intVector $[ string ]; -- as only an empty vector can be a vector
                                      -- of integers and a vector of strings

List comprehension on vectors (experimental!)

A vector can be "open" by PIPE (|) operator so the following partial function is applied to each element of the vector one by one, yielding another open value. An open value can be "closed", i.e., turn into a regular vector using CARET (^) operator. E.g.:

    | .x  ^ :
       [{x:12}, {x:8,y:10}, {y:98}]       -->  [12,8]
       [1,2,3]                            -->  []

The PIPE operator can be used, e.g., to define a Cartesian product:

    [.0 |, .1 |] ^ :
        [[1,2], [3,4]]    -->  [[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[2,4]]


    { | x, | y } ^ :
        [1,2]             --> [{"x":1,"y":1},{"x":2,"y":1},{"x":1,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":2}]

QUIZ: Write a function which will take a list of integers and an integer x, and count how many times value x appears in the list. (see Examples/list-comprehension.k for a solution)

    count_occurrences =
    $ { [int] list, int x } 
      -- ???
    $ int;        

WARNING: The CARET operator makes composition not associative, i.e., if you use nested list comprehension you cannot drop paranthesis anymore. E.g., | (| PLUS ^ .0) ^ and | | PLUS ^ .0 ^ are two different functions:

   { |(| PLUS ^ .0) ^  x,  | | PLUS ^ .0 ^  y }:
     [[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]]   --> {"x":[3,11],"y":[3,7]}


  1. projection:

     ."field name"

    The function is defined only if its argument is a structure with the field (or a vector with the index).

  2. constants, literals for Strings, Booleans, and Integers. Examples:

     "a string"
     'another "String"'
  3. "built-in" functions:

     [1, 2, 3] PLUS       -- integer constant function 6
     [4, 4] TIMES toJSON  -- string constant function "16"
     [3, 2] GT            -- vector constant function [3, 2]
     [3, 4] GT            -- ... undefined

    A more interesting example could be:

     < GT .0, .1>

    which selects the maximum element in two element vector, i.e.,

     [3,8] < GT .0, .1 >    --> 8

User defined functions

k-expression can be prefixed by function definitions. E.g.:

    dec = [(),-1] PLUS;
    zero? = [(),0] EQ 0;
    factorial = <
      zero? 1, 
      [dec factorial, ()] TIMES
    { () x, factorial "x!" }

Another example could be finding the biggest (max) value in a vector:

max = < 
  SNOC         #   [x0, x1, x2, ...] --> [x0, [x1, x2, ...]]
  [.0, .1 max] #   [x0, [x1, x2, ...]] --> [x0, max(x1,x2,...)], i.e., recursive call 
  <GT .0, .1>  #   if x0 > max(x1,x2,...) then x0 else max(x1,x2,...)
,              # when SNOC is not defined, i.e., if the input vector has one element:
  .0           #   [x0] --> x0

Value encodings (codes)

There are three predefined value encodings: int, string, and bool. The language supports code-expressions:

  • product, e.g., {int x, int y, bool flag}
  • disjoint union, e.g., <{} true, {} false>
  • vector, e.g., [ int ] (all elements of the vector use the same encoding)

One can define recursive codes. E.g.:

$tree = <string leaf, {tree left, tree right} tree>;

Each code definition starts with a $. The above example defines new code called tree.

The code can be then used in a k-expression as a filter. A code-expression within k-expression is again prefixed by $.

$ tree = <string leaf, {tree left, tree right} tree>;
inc = [(),1] PLUS;
max = <GT .0, .1>;
height = $ tree <
    .leaf 0,
    .tree [.left height, .right height] max inc
> $ int;

k (a command-line JSON processor using k syntax)

There is a wrapper, k (./node_modules/.bin/k), which makes it easy to run the language from command line.

> k
   ... errors ...
Usage: ./node_modules/.bin/k ( k-expr | -k k-file) [ -1 ] [ json-file ]
E.g., cat '{"a": 10}' | ./node_modules/.bin/k '[(),()]'

For example:

  1. One k-expression with one json-object:

     > echo '{"x": 12, "y": 13}' | k '{ <.x, "no x"> x, () input}' 
  2. By providing only k-expression, the script will compile the k-expression and apply the generated function to the stdin, line by line:

     > k '<["x=",.x," & y=",.y],["only x=",.x],["only y=",.y],["no x nor y"]>{CONCAT "x&y"}' 
      {"y": 123, "x": 432,"others": "..."}  --> {"x&y":"x=432 & y=123"} 
      {"x": 987}                            --> {"x&y":"only x=987"} 
      {"z": 123}                            --> {"x&y":"no x nor y"}
      ^D - to interrupt

    If the input is a multiline json object, we need to add -1 to the command-line options.

  3. If the k-expression is long, it can be put in a file, e.g.:

     > cat test.k
      ---------  comments start by #, --, or // ----------------------------------
      <                          -- merge of 4 partial functions...
        ["x=", .x, " & y=", .y], -- produces a vector of 4 values, if fields 'x' and 'y' are present
        ["only x=", .x],         -- produces a pair '["only x=", "value-of-x"]', for input like {"x":"value-of-x"}
                                 -- it is defined only if field 'x' is present
        ["only y=", .y],
        ["no x nor y"]           -- defined for all input, returns always the same one element vector
      -- one of the string vectors is passed to the following partial function, 
      -- which produces a record (map) with one field "x&y", whose value is the
      -- result of concatenating elements of the passed in vector
      { CONCAT "x&y" } 

    We can use it by:

     > k -k test.k

    If we want to read json objects from a file, e.g., my-objects.json, we do

     > k -k test.k my-objects.json
      {"x&y":"x=432 & y=123"} 
      {"x&y":"only x=987"} 
      {"x&y":"no x nor y"}


     > cat my-objects.json 
      # empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored
      {"y": 123, "x": 432,"others": "..."}
      {"x": 987}
      {"z": 123}

Short comparaison with jq tutorial examples:

  1.  curl '' | jq '.'
     curl '' | k  '()' -1 
  2.  curl '' | jq '.[0]'
     curl '' | k  '.0' -1 
  3.  jq '.[0] | {message: .commit.message, name:}'
     k '.0 {.commit.message message, name}' -1
  4. note: k-expression defines a partial function yielding a single json object, i.e., as far as k is concerned, examples 4 and 5 of the jq tutorial are equivalent.
  5.  jq '[.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:}]'
     k '| .commit {.message message, name} ^' -1 
  6.  jq '[.[] | {message: .commit.message, name:, parents: [.parents[].html_url]}]'
     k '| {.commit.message message, name, .parents | .html_url ^ parents} ^' -1 

k-REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop)

Also there is a REPL, k-repl (./node_modules/.bin/k-repl), which acts like a toy shell for the language. E.g.:

> ./node_modules/.bin/k-repl 
 {'a' a, 'b' b} toJSON
 => "{\"a\":\"a\",\"b\":\"b\"}"
 {"a" a} toJSON fromJSON
 => {"a": "a"}
 inc = [(),1] PLUS; 1 inc inc
 => 3
 inc inc inc inc
 => 7

Using k from javascript

 import k from "@fraczak/k";

 let k_expression = '()';,"ANYTHING...");

 k_expression = '{"ala" name, 23 age}';,"ANYTHING...");
 // RETURNS: {"name":"ala","age":23}

 k_expression = '[.year, .age]';,{"year":2002,"age":19});
 // RETURNS: [2002,19]

 k_expression = '[(), ()]';,"duplicate me");
 // RETURNS: ["duplicate me","duplicate me"]

 k_expression = '[[[()]]]';,"nesting");
 // RETURNS: [[["nesting"]]]

 k_expression = '[[()]] {() nested, .0.0 val}';,"nesting and accessing");
 // RETURNS: {"nested":[["nesting and accessing"]],"val":"nesting and accessing"}

 k_expression = '0000';,{"test":"parse integer"});
 // RETURNS: 0

 k_expression = '[.y,.x] PLUS';,{"x":3,"y":4});
 // RETURNS: 7

 var k_fn = k.compile('{.name nom, <[.age, 18] GT .0, [.age, 12] GT "ado", "enfant"> age}');

 // RETURNS: {"nom":"Emily","age":23}

 // RETURNS: {"nom":"Katrina","age":"ado"}

 // RETURNS: {"nom":"Mark","age":"enfant"}

 k_fn = k.compile('$t = < i: int, t: [ t ] > ; <$t, $int>');

 // RETURNS: 1

 // RETURNS: {"i":1}

 // RETURNS: undefined

 // RETURNS: {"t":[{"i":2},{"i":3},{"t":[]}]}

 k_fn = k.compile('$ < < [ int ] ints, [ bool ] bools > list, string None>');

 // RETURNS: {"None":"None"}

 // RETURNS: {"list":{"ints":[]}}

 // RETURNS: {"list":{"ints":[1,2,3]}}


Package last updated on 29 Oct 2023

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