🍝 Tasty little compiler util. Supports most modern JS syntax, as well as compiles
and extracts CSS (or SCSS) by default.
npm i @friendsof/spaghetti -g
spaghetti [options] <in> <outDir>
-w, --watch
Watch files for changes.
spaghetti src/index.js dist/ -w
Specify a JSX pragma (default: React.createElement
spaghetti src/index.js dist/ --jsx preact.h
Any source map value supported by webpack (default: source-map
spaghetti src/index.js dist/ --map cheap-module-source-map
Use sass instead of postcss
spaghetti src/index.js dist/ --sass
Specify a config file (default: spaghetti.config.js
spaghetti src/index.js dist/ --config config.js
Config files support the same options as above, along with a couple additions.
module.exports = {
in: 'src/index.js',
outDir: 'dist',
jsx: 'h',
sass: false,
reload: true,
alias: {
components: 'src/components/'
banner: '/** Hello there */'
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