A broccoli plugin that wraps Glimmer's optimizing compiler for producing the required pre-computed objects for Glimmer VM based applications.
Basic Usage
For most apps the plugin can be used as the following:
import { BundleCompiler } from '@glimmer/app-compiler';
let optimizedApp = BundleCompiler(app, {
projectPath: 'my-app',
mode: 'module-unification'
return optimizedApp;
Advanced Usage
If you need to do more advanced things like registering AST plugins or using custom project layout you can do something like the following:
import { BundleCompiler } from '@glimmer/app-compiler';
import { BundleCompilerDelegate } from '@glimmer/compiler-delegates'
class MyCustomCompilerDelegate implements BundleCompilerDelegate {
let optimizedApp = BundleCompiler(app, {
projectPath: 'my-app',
delegate: MyCustomCompilerDelegate,
outputFiles: {
heapFile: 'snowflake/location/template.gbx',
dataSegment: 'snowflake/data.js'
bundleCompiler: {
plugins: [MyASTPlugin]
return optimizedApp;
interface GlimmerBundleCompilerOptions {
projectPath: string;
bundleCompiler: BundleCompilerOptions;
outputFiles?: OutputFiles;
delegate?: BundleCompilerDelegateConstructor;
mode?: 'module-unification';
interface BundleCompilerDelegateConstructor {
new(): BundleCompilerDelegate;
export interface OutputFiles {
dataSegment: Option<string>;
heapFile: Option<string>;
interface BundleCompilerOptions {
plugins?: ASTPluginBuilder[];