A parser for bigwig and bigbed file formats
If using locally
import {BigWig} from '@gmod/bbi'
const ti = new BigWig({
path: ''
await ti.getHeader()
const feats = await ti.getFeatures('chr1', 0, 100, { scale: 1 })
BigWig/BigBed constructors
Accepts an object containing either
- path - path to a local file
- url - path to a url
- filehandle - a filehandle instance that you can implement as a custom class yourself. path and url are based on but by implementing a class containing the Filehandle interface specified therein, you can pass it to this module
getFeatures(refName, start, end, opts)
- refName - a name of a chromosome in the file
- start - a 0-based half open start coordinate
- end - a 0-based half open end coordinate
- opts.scale - indicates zoom level to use, specified as pixels per basepair, e.g. being zoomed out, you might have 100bp per pixel so opts.scale would be 1/100. the zoom level that is returned is the one which has reductionLevel<=2/opts.scale (reductionLevel is a property of the zoom level structure in the bigwig file data)
- opts.basesPerScale - optional, just the inverse of opts.scale. one of opts.scale or opts.basesPerScale can be specified, otherwise the most granular zoom level is used
- opts.signal - optional, an AbortSignal to halt processing
Returns a promise to an array of features.
const feats = await bigwig.getFeatures('chr1', 0, 100)
// returns array of features with start, end, score
// coordinates on returned data are are 0-based half open
// no conversion to 1-based as in wig is done)
// note refseq is not returned on the object, it is clearly chr1 from the query though
getFeatureStream(refName, start, end, opts)
Same as getFeatures but returns an RxJS observable stream, useful for very large queries
const observer = await bigwig.getFeatureStream('chr1', 0, 100)
observer.subscribe(chunk => {
/* chunk contains array of features with start, end, score */
}, error => {
/* process error */
}, () => {
/* completed */
getFeatures(refName, start, end, opts)
- refName - a name of a chromosome in the file
- start - a 0-based half open start coordinate
- end - a 0-based half open end coordinate
- opts.signal - optional, an AbortSignal to halt processing
returns a promise to an array of features. no concept of zoom levels is used with bigwig data
getFeatureStream(refName, start, end, opts)
Similar to BigWig, returns an RxJS observable for a observable stream
how to parse BigBed results
The BigBed line contents are returned as a raw text line e.g. {start: 0, end:100, rest: "ENST00000456328.2\t1000\t..."} where "rest" contains tab delimited text for the fields from 4 and on in the BED format. The rest line can be parsed by the @gmod/bed module, which is not by integrated with this module, but can be combined with it as follows
import {BigBed} from '@gmod/bbi'
import BED from '@gmod/bed'
const ti = new BigBed({
filehandle: new LocalFile(require.resolve('./data/')),
const {autoSql} = await ti.getHeader()
const feats = await ti.getFeatures('chr7', 0, 100000)
const parser = new BED({autoSql})
const lines = => {
const { start, end, rest, uniqueId } = f
return parser.parseLine(`chr7\t${start}\t${end}\t${rest}, { uniqueId })\
// @gmod/bbi returns features with {uniqueId, start, end, rest}
// we reconstitute this as a line for @gmod/bed with a template string
// note: the uniqueId is based on file offsets and helps to deduplicate exact feature copies if they exist
Features before parsing with @gmod/bed:
{ chromId: 0,
start: 64068,
end: 64107,
rest: 'uc003sil.1\t0\t-\t64068\t64068\t255,0,0\t.\tDQ584609',
uniqueId: 'bb-171' }
Features after parsing with @gmod/bed:
{ uniqueId: 'bb-0',
chrom: 'chr7',
chromStart: 54028,
chromEnd: 73584,
name: 'uc003sii.2',
score: 0,
strand: -1,
thickStart: 54028,
thickEnd: 54028,
reserved: '255,0,0',
spID: 'AL137655' }
See docs
Academic Use
This package was written with funding from the NHGRI as part of the JBrowse project. If you use it in an academic project that you publish, please cite the most recent JBrowse paper, which will be linked from
MIT © Colin Diesh