A Greenwood plugin for writing TypeScript. There is still a little more work we would like to do but this plugin should be suitable for general usage.
This package assumes you already have @greenwood/cli
You can use your favorite JavaScript package manager to install this package.
npm -i @greenwood/plugin-typescript --save-dev
yarn add @greenwood/plugin-typescript --dev
Add this plugin to your greenwood.config.js.
const pluginTypeScript = require('@greenwood/plugin-typescript');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
Then, you can write some TypeScript
import { html, css, LitElement, customElement, property } from 'lit-element';
export class GreetingComponent extends LitElement {
static styles = css`p { color: blue }`;
name = 'Somebody';
render() {
return html`<p>Hello, ${this.name}!</p>`;
And use it in your project like you would use a .js file!
<script type="module" src="/components/greeting.ts"></script>
This plugin provides the following default compilerOptions
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2020",
"module": "es2020",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true
If you would like to extend / override these options:
- Create your own tsconfig.json with your own
"compilerOptions": {
"expirementalDecorators": true
- When adding
to your greenwood.config.js, enable the extendConfig
const pluginTypeScript = require('@greenwood/plugin-typescript');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
extendConfig: true
This will then process your JavaScript with TypeScript with the additional configurated settings you provide. This also allows you to configure the rest of tsconfig.json to support your IDE and local development environment settings.