login | Request login to torus network, response shareB if succeed | {idToken, inputShare?} | LoginResponse{succeed, code, shareDevice, shareEmail} |
loginUsingRecoveryShare | Need trigger "login" once before run this method, this method does not call to torus network, it simply try to reconstruct key using shareB from previous step and an input share, this can be use to generate new device share | {idToken, inputShare, createDeviceShare} | LoginResponse{succeed, code, shareDevice, shareEmail} |
getSeedPhrases | Get seed phrases from storage | | ISeedPhraseStore[] |
generateSeedPhrase | Generate new seed phrase with type HD Key Tree | | {newSeedPhrase: ISeedPhraseStore, seedPhrases: ISeedPhraseStore[]} |
setSeedPhrase | Add seed phrase to storage | seedPhraseType: string, seedPhrase: string | {newSeedPhrase: ISeedPhraseStore, seedPhrases: ISeedPhraseStore[]} |
deleteSeedPhrase | Delete a seed phrase from storage | seedPhrase: string | ISeedPhraseStore[] |
migrateSeedPhrase | Merge list of seed phrase with existed in storage | seedPhrase: string | {newSeedPhrase: ISeedPhraseStore, seedPhrases: ISeedPhraseStore[]} |
getPrivateKeys | Get additional private keys from storage | | IPrivateKeyStorage[] |
setPrivateKey | Add additional private keys to storage | | {newPrivateKey:IPrivateKeyStorage, privateKeys:IPrivateKeyStorage[]} |
deletePrivateKey | Delete a seed phrase from storage | privateKeyType: string, privateKey: string | IPrivateKeyStorage[] |
requestShareTransfer | Request new share transfer session | | currentEncPubKeyX: string |
getShareTransferFromApproval | Get share after approval successfully | currentEncPubKeyX: string | share: string |
getPendingShareTransferRequests | Get list of pendding share transfer requests | | ShareTransferStore[] |
approveShareTransfer | Approve a share transfer request | encPubKeyX: string, userAgent: string | |