Holy State
Hook-based state management library for React applications.
Quick intro
Holy moly, you are here! You're more than welcome!
So, it is all about state management handled by hooks. Think of it as a utility for creating hooks that can store a global state across the entire application. The coolest part is that it works without context providers, observables, selectors, or HOC connectors. No boilerplate code but hooks.
🦄 Main features
- The library is tree-shakeable with no external dependency. Gzip size: ~1.6kb.
- The state hooks can be used outside of the React tree.
- Greedy rendering. Only updated values trigger component rendering.
- Computed values with caching and hook nesting.
- Asynchronous actions.
- Subscription to the state changes.
- Event-driven architecture support.
- Friendly with functional programming.
- Strongly typed with TypeScript.
🚀 Getting started
npm install @holycow/state
import {createState} from '@holycow/state'
const useUser = createState({
id: 1,
name: 'Homer Simpson',
address: {
house: 742,
street: 'Evergreen Terrace',
const UserName = () => {
const {name} = useUser()
return <div>{name}</div>
const {id, name, address} = useUser
🍃 State update
It is quite simple to modify state values with the built-in set
const {set} = useUser()
set('name', 'Ovuvuevuevue')
set('id', prevId => prevId + 1)
set('address.street', 'rue de Beggen')
set(state => ({
id: state.id + 1,
name: 'Ovuvuevuevue',
id: prevId => prevId + 1,
name: 'Ovuvuevuevue',
The set
function is not only overloaded but curried as well. We can apply parameters to it partially one by one:
const setId = set('id')
setId(prevId => prevId + 1)
.then(res => res.json())
🎬 Actions
An action is any piece of code that modifies the state and targets some specific task, unlike the set
function, which is more generic and used for a simple value update. It is a good place to move business logic like validation or network operations.
Action expects a curried function as a parameter. The first function provides the state — the second one handles the action payload.
import {createState, action} from '@holycow/state'
const useAuth = createState({
token: '',
error: '',
loading: false,
login: action(({set, loading}) => formData => {
if (loading) return
set('error', '')
set('loading', true)
fetch('/api/login', {method: 'POST', body: formData})
.then(res => res.json())
.finally(() => set('loading', false))
const handleSubmit = event => {
useAuth.login(new FormData(event.target))
const Login = () => {
const {loading, error} = useAuth()
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input name='email' type='text'/>
<input name='password' type='password'/>
<button type='submit' disabled={loading}>
{loading ? 'Submitting' : 'Login'}
🧠 Smart rendering
Unlike other state management, the holy state library does not require memoized selectors or further optimization to avoid unnecessary rerenders. Instead, it comes with a state tracking feature out of the box. Only components with altered values get rerendered.
const Street = () => {
const {address} = useUser()
return <div>{address.street}</div>
useUser.set('address.house', 10)
useUser.set('address.street', 'Evergreen Terrace')
useUser.set('address.street', 'Spooner')
🧮 Computed values
A computed value is a value returned by a specified function. The function's input can be a state value or any other hook. To avoid unnecessary computations, the computed value is cached and recomputed only when the current dependency has changed. Conceptually, computed values are similar to spreadsheets' formulas or Redux memoized selectors.
import {createState, computed} from '@holycow/state'
const useUser = createState({
name: 'Peter',
birthDate: {
day: 8,
month: 12,
year: 1979,
age: computed(state =>
new Date().getFullYear() - state.birthDate.year
const UserAge = () => {
const {name, age} = useUser()
return <div>{name} is {age} years old guy.</div>
const homerAge = userUser.age
In the example above, the computed value age will be recalculated if the year of birthDate is modified. Otherwise, it will use the cached value.
What if we want to keep our age
value updated when the year is changed? Let's assume our hard-working QA engineer opens our app on 31 December at 11:58!
We could use the useCurrentYear hook to keep the value updated, respectively. Then we should wrap the hook with the side effect function.
const useUser = createState({
name: 'Peter',
birthDate: {
day: 8,
month: 12,
year: 1979,
age: computed((state, sideEffect) =>
sideEffect(useCurrentYear) - state.birthDate.year
We should remember by using side effects, we lose the benefit of caching.
🤹 Selectors
Selectors are designed for convenient state access. The selector retrieves a value from the state at a given path. If we query more than one value, the selector will return an array with the requested values.
const useMessages = createState({
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Peter',
messages: [
{id: 10, text: 'Hello'},
{id: 20, text: 'World!'},
const authorName = useMessages('author.name')
const {author} = useMessages()
const authorName = author.name
const [authorName, firstMessage] = useMessages('author.name', 'messages.0.text')
const {author, messages} = useMessages()
const authorName = author.name
const firstMessage = messages[0].text
const AuthorName = () => <div>{useMessages('author.name')}</div>
The same trick we can do with actions or set
const setUser = useUser('set')
const setMessage = useMessages('set')
const {set: setUser} = useUser()
const {set: setMessage} = useMessages()
🗃️ Context state
Context state is a multiple-instance state with its own scope. It is designed to create reusable nested components that share one state with their child components. It is similar to the React Context, but powered by holy state features.
- Greedy rendering, meaning that only updated values trigger component rendering.
- Computed values with caching and hook nesting.
- Asynchronous actions.
However, the state hook can only be used inside React components and does not support subscription to the state changes.
The createContextState
function creates a state and returns a tuple with a context provider and a hook. The initial context state can be overridden by a parent component. This allows you to create uncontrolled, controlled, or partially controlled components.
import {action, createContextState} from '@holycow/state'
const [Context, useCounter] = createContextState({
count: 0,
name: `Untitled`,
increment: action(({set}) => () =>
set(`count`, value => value + 1)
const Label = () => {
const {name, count} = useCounter()
return <h1>{name}: {count}</h1>
const Button = () => {
const {increment} = useCounter()
return (
<button onClick={increment}>
const Counter = props => (
<Context value={props}>
const App = () => {
const [age, setAge] = useState(21)
return (
// each Counter component will have it is own state
<Counter name='🐑 counter'/>
<Counter count={age} increment={() => setAge(age + 1)}/>
// 👆 controlled component by parent component
📬 State subscriptions
We can subscribe to the state changes and get notified when the state is updated. The subscribe
function accepts a callback function as a parameter and returns another function for unsubscription.
const unsubscribe = useUser.subscribe(state => {
localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(state))
useUser.subscribe('address.street', street => {
console.log(`User street was changed to ${street}`)
📢 Signal Events
Signals provide a simple way to communicate between decoupled hooks that don't know each other directly, but some of them wait for the other to occur to do something. So, for example, we could import a user profile state in lazy mode when the user gets logged in. But before that, we fetch only the required hooks to handle the guest state. On the other hand, it avoids tight coupling of hooks and can resolve circle dependencies issues. Shortly, the signals are the implementation of event-driven architecture.
It is optional to use the signals. Subscriptions and nesting hooks can provide the same functionality.
There are three steps to use the signals:
- Creation of the emitter function:
const ringDoorbell = createSignal()
. - Creation of the signal listener:
on(ringDoorbell, useDoor.open)
. - Call
function to trigger the action.
import {createSignal, on} from '@holycow/state'
const logout = createSignal()
on(logout, () => {
console.log('Bye bye!')
on(logout, () => {
To disable the listener, we should call the function returned by the on
const off = on(login, useAuth.login)
login('homer@simpson.com', 'pa$$word')
Signals can be executed once and then removed from the listeners.
import {createSignal, once} from '@holycow/state'
const init = createSignal()
once(init, () => {
📎 TypeScript
The state typing is designed to be seamless. Once it is typed, it should provide the correct types everywhere.
import type {Action, Computed, Computed} from '@holycow/state'
import {createState} from '@holycow/state'
type Todo = {
id: number
checked: boolean
description: string
type TodosState = {
filter: 'all' | 'completed' | 'uncompleted'
todos: Todo[]
filteredTodos: Computed<TodosState, Todo[]>
addTodo: Action<TodosState, [string, boolean | undefined]>
clearTodos: Action<TodosState>
const useTodos = createState<TodosState>({
filter: 'all',
todos: [
{id: 1, checked: true, description: 'Buy milk'},
{id: 2, checked: false, description: 'Clean room'},
filteredTodos: computed(state => {
const {filter, todos} = state
const isAll = filter === 'all'
const isCompleted = filter === 'completed'
return isAll ? todos : todos.filter(
({checked}) => checked === isCompleted
addTodo: action(state => (description, checked = false) => {
const {set, todos} = state
const id = todos.reduce((acc, {id}) => Math.max(id + 1, acc), 0)
const newTodo = {id, description, checked}
set('todos', [...todos, newTodo])
clearTodos: action(({set}) => () => {
set('todos', [])
const [addTodo, set, todo] = useTodos('addTodo', 'set', 'todos.0')
const [addTodo, set, todo] = useTodos('addtodo', 'set', 'todos.0')
addTodo('Buy milk')
set('filter', 'completed')
set('filter', 'new')
const setFilter = set('filter')