Core components and services used everywhere in IDEA's apps.
Package on NPM.
To install
npm i --save @idea-ionic/common
Be sure to install all the requested peer dependencies.
Then, add this imports into the global.scss
file, after the import on the top of the page:
@import '~@idea-ionic/common/css/global.scss';
To make sure the translations are loaded into the project:
- add a reference to this module in the environment variable
(see environment.ts
); - copy the
folder (you can filter the languages you need) of the module in the project's assets/i18n
Make sure that there is a path (tsconfig file) pointing to @env
which contains the environment files (Angular standard).
Finally, add in the environments desired the variables you find in the environment.ts
file of this module.
- Action Sheet
- Address
- Announcements
- Checker
- Colors picker
- Contacts
- Custom fields (block, sections, fields)
- DateTime picker
- Duration
- Echo
- Email (configure & send)
- Icons (Ionicons)
- Labeler
- List
- Markdown Editor (MDE)
- Offline (delta)
- PDF Template
- Select
- Sentiment analysis
- Show hint button
- Signature
- Time interval
- Translations
- User avatar
- AWSAPI service
- AWSAPI socket service
- (browser's) Cached resources service
- Error reporting service
- Loading service
- Message service
- Push notifications service
- Storage service
- Tin can service
- Translation service
- Variables highlight (pipe)