Get details of a specific project by its Entity DID.
Example return value:
statusCode: 200,
headers: { ... },
body: {
data: {
claimStats: { currentSuccessful: 0, currentRejected: 0 },
agentStats: {
evaluators: 0,
evaluatorsPending: 0,
serviceProviders: 0,
serviceProvidersPending: 0,
investors: 0,
investorsPending: 0
socialMedia: {
facebookLink: '',
instagramLink: '',
twitterLink: '',
webLink: ''
ixo: { totalStaked: 0, totalUsed: 0 },
sdgs: [ 10 ],
'@type': 'Project',
description: 'WEDO GLOBAL specializes in designing and ...',
image: '',
imageDescription: 'WEDO GLOBAL, a social enterprise ...',
brand: 'WEDO GLOBAL',
logo: '',
location: 'HK',
'@context': '',
entitySchemaVersion: '1.0.0',
relayerNode: 'did:sov:Rmb6Rd1CU6k74FM2xzy6Do',
startDate: 'Invalid date',
endDate: 'Invalid date',
status: 'Live',
stage: 'Delivery',
version: { versionNumber: '1', effectiveDate: '2021-01-05T00:00:00.000Z' },
terms: { '@type': 'OnceOffFee', paymentTemplateId: '1' },
privacy: { pageView: 'Public', entityView: 'Visible', credentials: [] },
creator: {
id: 'did:sov:Pxyq1FuSJ3QK4FqJ8WzsNb',
displayName: 'Tom Chan',
logo: '',
location: 'HK',
email: '',
website: '',
mission: 'service',
credentialId: 'did:sov:LRGVKuk1Lmi16SUBWyXPAC'
owner: {
id: 'did:sov:BnVm8NhqSoZfmseZoHNTNi',
displayName: 'Eva Wong',
logo: '',
location: 'HK',
email: '',
website: '',
mission: '提倡多元文化教育'
ddoTags: [
{ category: 'Project Type', tags: [ 'Index' ] },
{ category: 'SDG', tags: [ 'SDG10 – Reduced Inequalities' ] },
{ category: 'Stage', tags: [ 'Delivery' ] },
{ category: 'Sector', tags: [ 'IDCC' ] }
displayCredentials: {
'@context': '',
items: []
page: { cid: 'wj0whzpzqdrkk5f9ujb', version: '1.0.0' },
entityClaims: {
'@context': '',
items: [
'@id': 'did:ixo:LjBRtnchDzEKyAU2v7LiDv',
visibility: 'Public',
title: 'ToC',
description: 'Theory of Change Description',
targetMin: 1,
targetMax: 100,
startDate: '2021-01-20T00:00:00.000Z',
endDate: '2021-02-19T00:00:00.000Z',
goal: 'test 20201223',
agents: [],
claimEvaluation: [],
claimApproval: [],
claimEnrichment: []
linkedEntities: [],
fees: {
'@context': '',
items: []
stake: {
'@context': '',
items: []
nodes: {
'@context': '',
items: [
'@type': 'CellNode',
id: '1',
serviceEndpoint: ''
funding: {
'@context': '',
items: []
keys: { '@context': '', items: [] },
service: [],
data: [],
createdOn: '2021-01-20T12:48:35.000Z',
createdBy: 'did:sov:Pxyq1FuSJ3QK4FqJ8WzsNb',
nodeDid: 'did:ixo:Sdjhti1ywgWgQJqtgYrGzJ',
claims: [],
agents: []
_id: '600826ab6f0909001aad49ac',
txHash: '96a55adb2d58ab9c2ece81298dd6cc1831797e5f392739ed2424cb9378849e55',
senderDid: 'did:sov:Pxyq1FuSJ3QK4FqJ8WzsNb',
projectDid: 'did:ixo:LqmfEB75Dnqzz7AiYfRFXA',
pubKey: 'BpD7FhAKnt6NfDaidEg8kWzuqRAgbrVAo6QZB4NZgyVr',
__v: 0