1.0.3 (2021-01-11)
<details><summary>Packages in this release</summary>
| Package | Download |
| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @jbrowse/core | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/core |
| @jbrowse/development-tools | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/development-tools |
| @jbrowse/plugin-alignments | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-alignments |
| @jbrowse/plugin-bed | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-bed |
| @jbrowse/plugin-breakpoint-split-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-circular-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-circular-view |
| @jbrowse/plugin-config | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-config |
| @jbrowse/plugin-data-management | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-data-management |
| @jbrowse/plugin-dotplot-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-gff3 | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-gff3 |
| @jbrowse/plugin-hic | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-linear-comparative-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-linear-genome-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-linear-genome-view |
| @jbrowse/plugin-menus | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-spreadsheet-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-trackhub-registry | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-variants | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-variants |
| @jbrowse/plugin-wiggle | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-wiggle |
| @jbrowse/cli | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/cli |
| @jbrowse/desktop | |
| @jbrowse/protein-widget | |
| @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view |
| @jbrowse/web | |
:rocket: Enhancement
- Other
- #1531 Add track menu
options for autoscale, log scale, histogram fill, setting min/max score, and
zoom level/resolution for wiggle/snpcoverage tracks
- #1473 Color, filter,
and sort options for the alignments
- #1576 Add location
string to tooltip for wiggle and SNPCoverage tracks
- #1529 Display
subfeatures in feature details widget
, development-tools
:bug: Bug Fix
- Other
- #1608 Take into
account offsetX of the rubberband on scalebar zooming
- #1597 Fix crash when
there are undefined references in the state tree e.g. when a track is
deleted but still referred to by a session
- #1598 Disable 'copy
to clipboard' while share url being generated
- #1589 Fix the
display of trackhub registry results
- #1573 Update
hic-straw to fix error for hic files with many scaffolds
- #1563 Remove
softclip and hardclip from being counted as SNPs in the SNPCoverage
- #1559 Avoid errors
from breakpoint split view related to getBoundingClientRect on null track
- #1540 Fix memory
leak when side scrolling LGV blocks
- #1534 Fix breakpoint
split view showing too many connections for paired end ends
- #1524 Move loading
flag for spreadsheet import wizard to volatile to avoid it persisting across
refresh (@cmdcolin)
- #1521 Add missing
dep to react-linear-genome-view
- #1587 Fix
positioning of scalebar tooltips, overview scalebar plotting, and refName
label positioning when displaying many regions
- #1547 Fix analytics
crashing when using plugins (@cmdcolin)
:memo: Documentation
- #1594 Add GFF3 example
to quickstart (@cmdcolin)
- #1581 Add some
features that are missing from jbrowse 2 to the feature comparison table
- #1558 Add docs for
sequence track, variant track, launching synteny from dotplot, and add UCSC
plugin to demo (@cmdcolin)
- #1537 Add
CONTRIBUTING.md with tips for getting started with codebase
:house: Internal
Committers: 6