1.0.4 (2021-03-08)
<details><summary>Packages in this release</summary>
| Package | Download |
| --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| @jbrowse/core | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/core |
| @jbrowse/plugin-alignments | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-alignments |
| @jbrowse/plugin-bed | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-bed |
| @jbrowse/plugin-breakpoint-split-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-circular-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-circular-view |
| @jbrowse/plugin-config | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-config |
| @jbrowse/plugin-data-management | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-data-management |
| @jbrowse/plugin-dotplot-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-filtering | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-gff3 | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-gff3 |
| @jbrowse/plugin-legacy-jbrowse | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-linear-comparative-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-linear-genome-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-linear-genome-view |
| @jbrowse/plugin-lollipop | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-menus | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-sequence | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-sequence |
| @jbrowse/plugin-spreadsheet-view | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-sv-inspector | |
| @jbrowse/plugin-svg | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-svg |
| @jbrowse/plugin-variants | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-variants |
| @jbrowse/plugin-wiggle | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/plugin-wiggle |
| @jbrowse/cli | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/cli |
| @jbrowse/desktop | |
| @jbrowse/protein-widget | |
| @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view | https://www.npmjs.com/package/@jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view |
| @jbrowse/web | |
:rocket: Enhancement
- #1758 Add ability to
get stitched together CDS, protein, and cDNA sequences in feature details
- #1721 Manually
adjust feature height and spacing on alignments track
- #1728 Add list of
loaded plugins to the "About widget" (@rbuels)
- #1711 Add plugin
top-level configuration (@teresam856)
- #1699 Add sequence
track for both read and reference genome in the "Linear read vs ref"
comparison (@cmdcolin)
- #1701 Add clickable
navigation links to supplementary alignments/paired ends locations and
BND/TRA endpoints in detail widgets
- #1601 Add ability to
color by per-base quality in alignment tracks
- #1640 Move stats
calculation to BaseFeatureAdapter (@cmdcolin)
- #1588 Add "Get
sequence" action to LGV rubber-band
- Other
- #1743 Add color
picker and choice of summary score style for wiggle track
- #1763 Add a "CSS
reset" to jbrowse-react-linear-genome-view to prevent parent styles from
outside the component leaking in (@cmdcolin)
- #1756 Split
alignments track menu items into "Pileup" and "SNPCoverage" submenus
- #1742 Add ability to
display crosshatches on the wiggle line/xyplot renderer
- #1736 Fix CLI
add-track --load inPlace to put exact contents into the config, add better
CLI example docs (@cmdcolin)
- #1394 Add new menu
items for show/hide feature labels, set max height, and set compact display
mode (@cmdcolin)
- #1720 Standardize
phred qual scaling between BAM and CRAM and add option to make mismatches
render in a lighter color when quality is low
- #1704 Add "Show all
regions in assembly" to import form and make import form show entire region
when refName selected (@cmdcolin)
- #1687 Threshold for
indicators on SNPCoverage + inverted bargraph of interbase counts for
sub-threshold events (@cmdcolin)
- #1695 Improve
zoomed-out display of quantitative displays tracks when bicolor pivot is
active (@cmdcolin)
- #1680 Add on click
functionality to quantitative track features
- #1630 Get column
names from BED tabix files and other utils for external jbrowse-plugin-gwas
support (@cmdcolin)
- #1709 Improve
sorting and filtering in variant detail widget
- #1688 Bold insertion
indicator for large insertions on pileup track
- #1669 Allow plain
json encoding of the session in the URL
- #1642 Enable
locstring navigation from LGV import form
- #1655 Add GFF3Tabix
and BEDTabix inference to JB1 connection
- #1643 Add an offset
that allows all wiggle y-scalebar labels to be visible
- #1632 Displays
warnings when receiving a session with custom callbacks
- #1615 Increase
pileup maxHeight (@cmdcolin)
- #1624 GCContent
adapter (@cmdcolin)
- #1614 Add insertion
and clip indicators to SNPCoverage views (part of Alignments tracks)
- #1610 Display error
message from dynamodb session sharing error
:bug: Bug Fix
- Other
- #1777 Quick fix for
block error (@cmdcolin)
- #1748 External
plugins load after confirming config warning
- #1750 Fix pileup
sorting when using string tag (@cmdcolin)
- #1747 Fix the
position of the popup menu after rubberband select when there is a margin on
the component e.g. in embedded (@cmdcolin)
- #1736 Fix CLI
add-track --load inPlace to put exact contents into the config, add better
CLI example docs (@cmdcolin)
- #1731 Fix alignment
track ability to remember the height of the SNPCoverage subtrack on refresh
- #1719 Fix for
navigation past end of chromosome (@cmdcolin)
- #1698 Fix rendering
read vs ref comparisons with CIGAR strings that use = sign matches
- #1697 Fix
softclipping configuration setting causing bases to be missed
- #1689 Disable
copy/delete menu items for reference sequence track
- #1682 Fix parsing of
BED and BEDPE files with comment header for spreadsheet view
- #1679 Fix issue with
using launching the add track widget on views that are not displaying any
regions (@teresam856)
- #1642 Enable
locstring navigation from LGV import form
- #1626 Bug Fix:
specify assembly in locstring (@teresam856)
- #1619 Fix overview
scale polygon not appearing properly in some cases
:memo: Documentation
:house: Internal
Committers: 7