JSPM Generator
Package Import Map Generation Tool
Manages version resolutions of modules against modules CDNs or even local node_modules via supported providers.
For an interactive UI for this tool running on JSPM.IO, see https://generator.jspm.io.
Getting Started
npm install @jspm/generator
only ships as an ES module, so to use it in Node.js add "type": "module"
to your package.json file or write an .mjs
to load it.
<script type="importmap">
imports: {
'@jspm/generator': 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/generator@1.0.0-beta.13/dist/generator.js'
scopes: {
'https://ga.jspm.io/': {
'#fetch': 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/generator@1.0.0-beta.12/dist/fetch-native.js',
'@jspm/import-map': 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/import-map@0.1.5/dist/map.js',
buffer: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/core@2.0.0-beta.8/nodelibs/browser/buffer.js',
'es-module-lexer': 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:es-module-lexer@0.4.1/dist/lexer.cjs',
fs: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/core@2.0.0-beta.8/nodelibs/browser/fs.js',
process: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/core@2.0.0-beta.8/nodelibs/browser/process.js',
semver: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:semver@6.3.0/semver.js',
sver: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:sver@1.8.3/sver.js',
'sver/convert-range.js': 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:sver@1.8.3/convert-range.js',
url: 'https://ga.jspm.io/npm:@jspm/core@2.0.0-beta.8/nodelibs/browser/url.js'
<script type="module" src="generate.mjs"></script>
import { Generator } from '@jspm/generator';
const generator = new Generator({
mapUrl: import.meta.url,
inputMap: {
"imports": {
"react": "https://cdn.skypack.dev/react"
defaultProvider: 'jspm',
customProviders: {},
env: ['production', 'browser'],
cache: false,
await generator.install('react-dom');
await generator.install('lit@2/decorators.js');
await generator.install({ alias: 'react16', target: 'react@16' });
await generator.install({ target: 'lit@2', subpath: './html.js' });
await generator.install({ alias: 'mypkg', target: './packages/local-pkg', subpath: './feature' });
console.log(JSON.stringify(generator.getMap(), null, 2));
await generator.traceInstall('./app.js');
const map = generator.importMap.resolve('lit/html.js);
// -> https://ga.jspm.io/npm:lit@2.0.0-rc.1/html.js
// Once packages are installed, the resolve function provides direct import map resolutions:
// https://ga.jspm.io/npm:lit@2.0.0-rc.1/decorators.js
console.log(generator.resolve('lib/decorators.js'/*, optionalScopeUrl */));
The "scopes"
field is populated with all necessary deep dependencies with versions deduped and shared as
possible within version ranges. Just like a file-system-based package manager, JSPM will handle dependency
version constraints in the import map to enable maximum code sharing with minimal duplication.
Multiple installs are supported via array inputs to install:
await generator.install([{ target: 'react' }, { target: 'lit' }]);
Multiple subpaths can be supported via the subpaths
install option:
await generator.install({ target: '@material-ui/core@4.11.4', subpaths: ['./AccordionDetails', './Accordion'] });
Module Preloading
The return value of the the install
command contains the full dependency graph list via staticDeps
and dynamicDeps
const { staticDeps, dynamicDeps } = await generator.install('lit');
These are arrays of full URLs to the loaded module, which can be used to construct module preloading tags:
let preloadHtml = '';
for (const dep of staticDeps) {
preloadHtml += `<link rel="modulepreload" href="${dep}"/>\n`;
For batch install jobs, the dependencies include all installs. When using separate .install
commands the lists are per-install.
Supported providers include "jspm"
, "jspm.system"
, "nodemodules"
, "skypack"
, "jsdelivr"
, "unpkg"
, with all except
corresponding to their respective CDNs as the package source.
The "nodemodules"
provider does a traditional node_modules
path search from the current module URL (eg for a
URL when generating maps for local code). When running over other URL protocols such as from the browser, the
only requirement is that the protocol in use does not return an error code for directory listing requests to node_modules, as
many local dev servers support. The dependency package can then be located and the import map is constructed against these
node_modules lookups.
The "jspm.system"
provider can be used to generate import maps for SystemJS, which behave identically to modules on "jspm"
but fully supporting older browsers due to the semantic equivalence with ES modules of the SystemJS module format.
Working with Import Maps
Import maps are supported in Chrome 89+ and related Chromium browsers. In these environments, the import map
can be included with an inline "importmap"
script tag (using an external "src"
is not yet supported):
<script type="importmap">
"imports": { ... },
"scopes": { ... }
With the import map embedded in the page, all import
statements will have access to the defined mappings
allowing direct import 'lit/html.js'
style JS code in the browser.
For browsers without import maps, there are two recommended options:
Use the ES Module Shims import maps polyfill.
This involves adding a script tag to load the polyfill before the import map to enable.
Use SystemJS to load System modules in older browsers.
To generate a SystemJS import map, use the 'jspm.system'
option. Then include
the SystemJS import map via a <script type="systemjs-importmap">
tag with the System modules loaded via
<script type="systemjs-module>
or System.import
. See the SystemJS documentation
for further information on these workflows.
Dynamically injecting <script type="importmap">
from JavaScript is supported as well but only if no
modules have yet executed on the page. For dynamic import map injection workflows, creating an IFrame
for each import map and injecting it into this frame can be used to get around this constraint for
in-page refreshing application workflows.
Package Configuration
Package exports configurations are taken from the package.json. When attempting to install or resolve a subpath of a package
that does not exist in its exports, an error will be thrown.
To recover from errors like this, JSPM and Skypack have mechanisms for overriding package configurations:
Creating a PR to add custom exports overrides allows for fixing any package issues on the CDNs.
For more information on the package exports field see the Node.js documentation.
A logger is provided via generator.logStream
const generator = new Generator();
(async () => {
for await (const { type, message } of generator.logStream()) {
console.log(`${type}: ${message}`);
Log events recorded include trace
, resolve
and install
Note that the log messages are for debugging and not currently part of the semver contract of the project.
Type: URL | String Absolute URL | String URL relative to CWD
Default: pathTofileURL(process.cwd() + '/')
The URL of the import map itself, used to construct relative import map URLs.
The mapUrl
is used in order to output relative URLs for modules located on the same
host as the import map.
E.g. for mapUrl: 'file:///path/to/project/map.importmap'
, installing local file packages
will be output as relative URLs to their file locations from the map location, since all URLs in an import
map are relative to the URL of the import map.
Type: URL | String Absolute URL | String URL relative to CWD
Default: Empty
The URL to treat as the root of the serving protocol of the import map, used to construct absolute import map URLs.
When set, rootUrl
takes precendence over mapUrl
and is used to normalize all import map URLs
as absolute paths against this URL.
E.g. for rootUrl: 'file:///path/to/project/public'
, any local module public/local/mod.js
within the public
will be normalized to /local/mod.js
in the output map.
Type: Object | undefined
Default: {}
The import map to extend.
An initial import map to start with - can be from a previous install or provide custom mappings.
Type: 'jspm' | 'jspm.system' | 'nodemodules' | 'skypack' | 'jsdelivr' | 'unpkg'
Default: 'jspm'
The default provider to use for a new install. Providers are responsible for resolution from abstract package names and version ranges to exact URL locations.
Providers resolve package names and semver ranges to exact CDN package URL paths using provider hooks.
These hooks include version resolution and converting package versions into URLs and back again.
See src/providers/[name].ts
for how to define a custom provider.
New providers can be provided via the customProviders
option. PRs to merge in providers are welcome as well.
Type: Object | undefined
Default: undefined
Custom provider definitions.
When installing from a custom CDN it can be advisable to define a custom provider in order to be able to get version deduping against that CDN.
Custom provider definitions define a provider name, and the provider instance consisting of three main hooks:
pkgToUrl({ registry: string, name: string, version: string }, layer: string) -> String URL
: Returns the URL for a given exact package registry, name and version to use for this provider. If the provider is using layers, the layer
string can be used to determine the URL layer (where the defaultProvider: '[name].[layer]'
form is used to determine the layer, eg minified v unminified etc). It is important that package URLs always end in /
, because packages must be treated as folders not files. An error will be thrown for package URLs returned not ending in /
.parsePkgUrl(url: string) -> { { registry: string, name: string, version: string }, layer: string } | undefined
: Defines the converse operation to pkgToUrl
, converting back from a string URL
into the exact package registry, name and version, as well as the layer. Should always return undefined
for unknown URLs as the first matching provider is treated as authoritative when dealing with
multi-provider installations.resolveLatestTarget(target: { registry: string, name: string, range: SemverRange }, unstable: boolean, layer: string, parentUrl: string) -> Promise<{ registry: string, name: string, version: string } | null>: Resolve the latest version to use for a given package target.
unstableindicates that prerelease versions can be matched. The definition of
SemverRangeis as per the [sver package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sver#semverrange). Returning
null` corresponds to a package not found error.
The use of pkgToUrl
and parsePkgUrl
is what allows the JSPM Generator to dedupe package versions internally based on their unique internal identifier [registry]:[name]@[version]
regardless of what CDN location is used. URLs that do not support parsePkgUrl
can still be installed and used fine, they just do not participate in version deduping operations.
For example, a custom unpkg provider can be defined as:
const unpkgUrl = 'https://unpkg.com/';
const exactPkgRegEx = /^((?:@[^/\\%@]+\/)?[^./\\%@][^/\\%@]*)@([^\/]+)(\/.*)?$/;
const generator = new Generator({
defaultProvider: 'custom',
customProviders: {
custom: {
pkgToUrl ({ registry, name, version }) {
return `${unpkgUrl}${name}@${version}/`;
parseUrlPkg (url) {
if (url.startsWith(unpkgUrl)) {
const [, name, version] = url.slice(unpkgUrl.length).match(exactPkgRegEx) || [];
return { registry: 'npm', name, version };
resolveLatestTarget ({ registry, name, range }, unstable, layer, parentUrl) {
return { registry, name, version: '3.6.0' };
await generator.install('custom:jquery');
Type: String[]
Default: ['browser', 'development', 'module']
The conditional environment resolutions to apply.
The conditions passed to the env
option are environment conditions, as supported by Node.js in the package exports field.
By default the "default"
, "require"
and "import"
conditions are always supported regardless of what env
conditions are provided.
In addition the default conditions applied if no env
option is set are "browser"
, "development"
and "module"
Webpack and RollupJS support a custom "module"
condition as a bundler-specific solution to the dual package hazard, which is by default included in the JSPM resolution as well although
can be turned off if needed.
Note when providing custom conditions like setting env: ["production"]
that the "browser"
and "module"
conditions still need to be
applied as well via env: ["production", "browser", "module"]
. Ordering does not matter though.
Any other custom condition strings can also be provided.
Type: Boolean | String
Default: true
Whether to use a local FS cache for fetched modules. Set to 'offline' to use the offline cache.
By default a global fetch cache is maintained between runs on the file system.
This caching can be disabled by setting cache: false
When running offline, setting cache: 'offline'
will only use the local cache and not touch the network at all,
making fully offline workflows possible provided the modules have been seen before.
Utility Functions
The following utility functions are exported as additional exports of the generator:
Supports clearing the global fetch cache in Node.js.
import { clearCache } from '@jspm/generator';
Use the internal fetch implementation, useful for hooking into the same shared local fetch cache.
import { fetch } from '@jspm/generator';
const res = await fetch(url);
console.log(await res.text());
Use the { cache: 'no-store' }
option to disable the cache, and the { cache: 'force-cache' }
option to enforce the offline cache.
Get the package.json configuration for a specific URL or package.
import { getPackageConfig } from '@jspm/generator';
const packageJson = await getPackageConfig({ registry: 'npm', name: 'lit-element', version: '2.5.1' });
const packageJson = await getPackageConfig('https://ga.jspm.io/npm:lit-element@2.5.1/lit-element.js');
Get the lookup resolution information for a specific install.
import { lookup } from '@jspm/generator';
await lookup('lit-element');
All pull requests welcome!