Shared Icon Components for Vue.js.

Add the module to your project
yarn add @justeat/f-vue-icons
import { AlertIcon, PaymentAmexIcon, ... } from '@justeat/f-vue-icons'
Within the context of a Vue app, that will look like:
<alert-icon />
<payment-amex-icon />
import { AlertIcon, PaymentAmexIcon, ... } from '@justeat/f-vue-icons';
export default {
components: {
TODO – setup a page with an example of all the icons somewhere – See all icons and usage here: https://f-vue-icons.netlify.com
Tree shaking
By using ES imports like import { AlertIcon } from '@justeat/f-vue-icons'
with Webpack v4 or Rollup, unused exports in this module will be automatically eliminated.
If you can't use a tree-shaking compatible build tool, then you can use the per-file icons from icons
directory, e.g. import AlertIcon from '@justeat/f-vue-icons/icons/AlertIcon'
Browser Support
The component extends @justeat/browserslist-config-fozzie package for the list of browsers to support.
Building the Module
Run yarn build
to compile the module.
Running the Tests
Run yarn test
to run the tests.
This package was heavily inspired by the excellent vue-feather-icons