Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Importing the component
- Peer Dependencies
- Props
- Events
- Forms usage
- Contributing
is a Web Component built using the Lit library. It offers a simple and accessible button component for web applications.
This component can be easily integrated into various frontend frameworks and customized through a set of properties.
To install pie-button
in your application, run the following on your command line:
$ npm i @justeattakeaway/pie-button
$ yarn add @justeattakeaway/pie-button
For full information on using PIE components as part of an application, check out the Getting Started Guide.
Importing the component
import { PieButton } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-button';
import '@justeattakeaway/pie-button';
import { PieButton } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-button/dist/react';
When using the React version of the component, please make sure to also
include React as a peer dependency in your project.
Peer Dependencies
When using pie-button
, you will also need to include a couple of dependencies to ensure the component renders as expected. See the PIE Wiki for more information and how to include these in your application.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
size | String | medium | Size of the button, one of sizes – xsmall , small-expressive , small-productive , medium , large |
type | String | submit | Type of the button, one of types – submit , button , reset . Read further on MDN |
variant | String | primary | Variant of the button, one of variants – primary , secondary , outline , ghost , destructive , destructive-ghost , inverse , ghost-inverse , outline-inverse |
disabled | Boolean | false | If true , disables the button. |
isFullWidth | Boolean | false | If true , sets the button width to 100% of its container. |
isLoading | Boolean | false | If true , displays a loading indicator inside the button. |
iconPlacement | String | leading | Icon placements of the icon slot, if provided, one of iconPlacements - leading , trailing |
name | String | undefined | The name of the button, to be submitted with form data. Read further on MDN |
value | String | undefined | The value of the button, to be submitted with form data. Read further on MDN |
formaction | String | undefined | Designates an alternative URL for form data submission. Read further on MDN |
formenctype | String | undefined | Specifies the form data encoding type. Read further on MDN |
formmethod | String | undefined | Sets the HTTP method for form data. Read further on MDN |
formnovalidate | Boolean | undefined | Ensures the form is submitted without native HTML validation. Read further on MDN |
formtarget | String | undefined | Dictates where to display the response after form submission. Read further on MDN |
In your markup or JSX, you can then use these to set the properties for the pie-button
<pie-button size='medium' type='button' variant='primary'>Click me!</pie-button>
<PieButton size='medium' type='button' variant='primary'>Click me!</PieButton>
Slot | Description |
Default slot | The default slot is used to pass text into the button component. |
icon | Used to pass in an icon to the button component. The icon placement can be controlled via the iconPlacement prop and we recommend using pie-icons-webc for defining this icon, but this can also accept an SVG icon. |
Using pie-icons-webc
with pie-button
icon slot
We recommend using pie-icons-webc
when using the icon
slot. Here is an example of how you would do this:
<icon-plus-circle slot="icon"></icon-plus-circle>
This component does not use any custom event handlers. In order to add event listening to this component, you can treat it like a native HTML element in your application.
For example, to add a click handler in various templates:
<pie-button onclick="e => console.log(e)">Click me!</pie-button>
Vue templates (using Nuxt 3)
<pie-button @click="handleClick">Click me!</pie-button>
React templates (using Next 13)
<PieButton onClick={handleClick}>increment</PieButton>
Forms usage
The pie-button
web component is designed to integrate with standard HTML forms just like a native HTML button. When positioned inside a form, the component will automatically associate itself, enabling it to directly interact with the form context.
Button Attributes
The pie-button
provides a set of attributes to customize its behavior within forms:
: Determines the button's function. Set to submit
for form submissions or reset
to clear form fields.formaction
: Designates an alternative URL for form data submission when this specific button is clicked.formenctype
: Specifies the form data encoding type during submission via this button.formmethod
: Sets the HTTP method (e.g., GET or POST) for form data when initiated by this button.formnovalidate
: If present, ensures the form is submitted without validation checks.formtarget
: Dictates where to display the response after form submission.
Please see the MDN docs for more information on these attributes.
Integration Example
<form action="/default-endpoint" method="post">
<input type="text" name="username" required>
In this example:
- The pie-button, when clicked, will send the form data to /alternate-endpoint instead of the form's default /default-endpoint.
- It uses the multipart/form-data encoding type for form submission.
- The form will submit using the POST method.
- No validation will be performed during submission, thanks to formnovalidate.
- The form's submission response will be opened in a new browser tab/window because of the formtarget="_blank" attribute.
Check out our contributing guide for more information on local development and how to run specific component tests.