Kava JavaScript SDK
The Kava JavaScript SDK allows browsers and node.js clients to interact with Kava.
- client - client that implements Kava transactions and messages.
- tx - Kava transaction types.
- msg - Kava message types.
- crypto - core cryptographic functions.
- utils - utility functions such as client-side secret generation
Install dependencies via npm.
npm install
The following examples demonstrate client initialization and usage.
Client setup
const KavaClient = require("./client").KavaClient;
var main = async () => {
const mnemonic = "secret words that unlock a kava address";
const testnetURL = "";
const localURL = "http://localhost:1317";
client = new KavaClient(testnetURL);
await client.initChain();
Transfer coins
const utils = require("./utils").utils;
const coins = utils.loadCoins("kava", 1);
const recipient = "kava1c84ezutjcgrsxarjq5mzsxxz2k9znn94zxmqjz";
const txHash = await client.transfer(recipient, coins);
console.log("Tx hash:", txHash);
Create swap
Kava's testnet-5000 supports secure transfers of BNB from bnbchain to kava and back via swaps. The bep3-deputy process sits between the two blockchains and services swaps by relaying information back and forth. Swaps use a simple secret sharing scheme. A secret random number is generated on the client and hashed with a timestamp in order to create a random number hash that's stored with the swap.
Once created, a swap can be securely claimed on the opposite chain using the secret random number. Swaps expire after n blocks, a duration that can be modified via the height span parameter. Once expired, a swap can only be refunded.
const utils = require("./utils").utils;
const recipient = "kava1vry5lhegzlulehuutcr7nmdlmktw88awp0a39p";
const recipientOtherChain = "tbnb17vwyu8npjj5pywh3keq2lm7d4v76n434pwd8av";
const senderOtherChain = "tbnb10uypsspvl6jlxcx5xse02pag39l8xpe7a3468h";
const asset = "bnb";
const amount = 1.75;
const coins = utils.loadCoins(asset, amount);
const expectedIncome = String(coins[0].amount).concat(coins[0].denom);
const heightSpan = "500";
const crossChain = true;
const randomNumber =
const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
const randomNumberHash = utils.calculateRandomNumberHash(
console.log("Random number:", randomNumber);
console.log("Timestamp:", timestamp);
console.log("Random number hash:", randomNumberHash, "\n");
const swapID = utils.calculateSwapID(
console.log("Expected swap ID:", swapID, "\n");
const txHash = await client.createSwap(
Claim swap
Only active swaps can be claimed. Anyone can send the claim request, but funds will only be released to the intended recipient if the secret random number matches the random number hash. A successful claim sends funds exclusively to the intended recipient's address.
const randomNumber =
const swapID =
const txHash = await client.claimSwap(randomNumber, swapID);
Refund swap
Only expired swaps can be refunded. Anyone can send the refund request, but funds are always returned to the swap's original creator.
const swapID =
const txHash = await client.refundSwap(swapID);
Kava is an open source project and contributions to the Kava JavaScript SDK are welcome. If you'd like contribute, please open an issue or pull request.