Keptn Execution Plane Add-On for the Amazon Shared Services Platform

The Keptn Execution Plane Add-On for the Amazon Shared Services Platform enables platform administrators to install a keptn Execution Plane during the bootstrapping process of an EKS cluster.
Therefore, this Add-On installs the an Execution Plane Helm Chart and configures it to connect to your Keptn to your Keptn Control Plane
AWS Secret Manager Secrets
If you plan to use Secret Manager Secrets, you need to create a secret first.
- Open your AWS Console
- Search for "Secrets Manager"
- Create a new secret ("Store a new secret")
- Secret Type: "Other type of secret"
- Key/value pairs
- Remember the name you assigned to the secret
The Add-On can be used by either specifying the name of a Secrets Manager secret or the API Token and Bridge password.
You can find informations how to get started with SSP Projects here.
Example Configuration (secrets in Secrets Manager):
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'
import * as keptnep from '@keptn/keptn-ep-ssp-addon'
import * as ssp from '@aws-quickstart/ssp-amazon-eks'
const app = new cdk.App();
const KeptnExecutionPlane = new keptnep.KeptnExecutionPlaneAddOn({
ssmSecretName: 'keptn-secrets',
controlPlaneHost: '',
const addOns: Array<ssp.ClusterAddOn> = [
const account = '<aws-account-id>';
const region = '<aws-region>';
const props = { env: { account, region } };
new ssp.EksBlueprint(app, { id: '<aws-eks-cluster-name>', addOns}, props);
Example Configuration (secrets in code and jmeter-service):
import 'source-map-support/register';
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'
import * as keptnep from '@keptn/keptn-ep-ssp-addon'
import * as ssp from '@aws-quickstart/ssp-amazon-eks'
const app = new cdk.App();
const KeptnExecutionPlane = new keptnep.KeptnControlPlaneAddOn({
apiToken: '<your-api-token>',
chartName: 'jmeter-service',
controlPlaneHost: '',
const addOns: Array<ssp.ClusterAddOn> = [
const account = '<aws-account-id>';
const region = '<aws-region>';
const props = { env: { account, region } };
new ssp.EksBlueprint(app, { id: '<aws-eks-cluster-name>', addOns}, props);
Add-On Options
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ssmSecretName | string | | The AWS Secrets Manager Secret which is containing the Keptn API Token (key: API_TOKEN) |
apiToken | string | | Keptn API Token is used to connect to the Keptn API, not needed if a ssmSecretName is specified |
namespace | string | keptn | Namespace where the keptn Control Plane will be deployed |
helmrepo | string | | Helm Repository which will be used for installing Keptn |
version | string | 0.11.4 | The Version of Keptn which should get installed |
controlPlaneHost | string | | Hostname of your Keptn Control Plane |
chartName | string | helm-service | Name of the Execution Plane helm-chart |
Enhancements / Bugs
You are welcome to use issues to report bugs or request enhancements.