Koop Memory Cache
This is a LRU cache with ttl (time to live) expiry. It expects cache items to be GeoJSON feature collections. It is based on quick-lru.
Cache eviction occurs in two ways:
- if the cache grows to a number of items greater than the cache's defined size, the least recently inserted or accessed item is evicted
- if a item is accessed and it has gone past its ttl period, it is evicted
Stand-alone instantiation:
const Cache = require('@koopjs/cache-memory');
const cache = new Cache({ size: 1000 });
As a Koop cache plugin
This is the default cache for Koop so you won't need to instantiate it yourself. If you really wanted to, it would look like this:
const Koop = require('koop')
const koop = new Koop()
const cache = require('@koopjs/cache-memory')
koop.register(cache, { size: 1000 })
: the maximum number of items to store in the queue before evicting the least recently used item.
Cache API
The cache is a JavaScript object that lives in-memory. It is used to store geojson features.
Insert geojson into the cache.
const geojson = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [],
metadata: {
name: 'Example GeoJSON',
description: 'This is geojson that will be stored in the cache'
const options = {
ttl: 1000
cache.insert('key', geojson, options, err => {
Retrieve a cached feature collection.
const options = {
pick: []
cache.retrieve('key', options, (err, geojson) => {
Remove a feature collection from the cache
cache.delete('key', err => {