directive @auth(rules: [AuthRule], silent: Boolean = true) on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
input AuthRule {
args: String
source: String
authorizer: String
match: [String]
truthy: Boolean
Usage Samples
Some usage samples
Authorizer must have property roles matching any
type SecureObject @auth(rules: [{ authorizer: "roles", match: ["secure.read"] }]) { secureField: String }
Authorizer must be the owner of the object
type SecureObject @auth(rules: [{ authorizer: "sub", source: "owner" }]) { secureField: String }
Authorizer groups allowed in the source object
type SecureObject @auth(rules: [{ authorizer: "groups", source: "editors" }]) { secureField: String, editors: [String] }
Source object marked as public
type SecureObject @auth(rules: [{ source: "isPublic", truthy: true }]) { secureField: String, isPublic: Boolean }
User is creating an object setting as the owner (match with args)
Single value
type SecureObject { owner: String }
input CreateSecureObject { owner: String }
type Mutation { createSecureObject(input: CreateSecureObject): SecureObject @auth(rules: [
{ authorizer: "sub", args: "input.owner" }
Multiple values
type SecureObject { owners: [String] }
input CreateSecureObject { owners: [String] }
type Mutation { createSecureObject(input: CreateSecureObject): SecureObject @auth(rules: [
{ authorizer: "sub", args: "input.owners" }
Multiple rules
When configuring multiple rules if any of them evaluates as true the operation will authorize
type SecureObject @auth(rules: [
{ authorizer: "roles", match: ["secure.read"] },
{ source: "isPublic", truthy: true },
{ authorizer: "sub", source: "owner" },
{ authorizer: "sub", source: "readers" },
{ authorizer: "groups", source: "readers" }
]) { secureField: String }