Alert banners communicate a state that affects the entire system, not just a feature or page. It persists over a session and appears without the user initiating the action. LUI Alert
contains four type: 'error', 'info', 'success' and 'warn'.
yarn add @lendi-ui/alert
import Alert from '@lendi-ui/alert';
## Properties
<PropTable.Entry name='children' type='string' description='Alert content'/>
<PropTable.Entry name='heading' type='string' description='Alert with heading'/>
<PropTable.Entry name='variant' required type="{ 'error' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warn' }" description='Alert type'/>
### Notes
<b>Support for native props like Aria attributes, Standard HTML Attributes like title, classname, id, role, itemProp, itemID, itemRef</b>